Monday, March 16, 2009


NG ONE HEART Event...... are invited to join us for a night where we can experience God in a more intimate way and an avenue to be united together as a NGs family in faith and prayers.................

***For those who are interested for a dinner together before the event, please meet at Sunnybank Plaza Times Square McDonald at 6pm. Any inquiry please speak to Jojo***


· Vision casting for 2009
· Opportunity to appreciate NG members
· Enlarge the heart and vision beyond own unit/life group
· People experience God, especially those who need breakthrough
· People to start embracing God’s heart for others
· Move of the Holy Spirit


· 7.15pm : Arrival time
o NG picture presentation

· 7.25-7.30pm : Official Start
o Multimedia

· 7.35pm : Announcements

· 7.45pm : P&W

· 8.15-8.20pm : Prayer Session 1

o Heart, relationship with God
o Events for first half of 2009
o Church focus

· 8.45pm : Unit sharing & appreciation
o Multimedia 2 – Power of One
o NG2-5 – testimonies from each unit
o Leaders to share appreciation and direction
o Pray for individual units

· 9.15pm : Close

· 9.30pm : A Treat for all