Monday, March 9, 2009


...Let's contribute to the society with the least that we can...
Blood Donor Spots available = 6 people

Date: 11 Apr 2009 (Saturday)

Time Schedule: 2 ppl @ 09.15am
2 ppl @ 09.30am
1 ppl @ 10.00am
1 ppl @ 10.15am

Giving blood is a simple and rewarding experience. Most people are able to give blood if they:

Ø are fit, healthy and not suffering from a cold, flu or other illness at the time of donation
Ø are aged between 16-70 years (in some states 16 & 17 year olds require parental/guardian consent)
Ø weigh more than 45kg (16 & 17 year olds need to weigh more than 50kg)
Ø have eaten and drunk 3-4 glasses of water/juice prior to giving blood.

Where: Brisbane City Blood Donor Centre
Upper Ground Floor
288 Edwards Street
Brisbane Qld4000
Phone: (07) 3309 4900

Contact: Allister 04 1230 3092


Anonymous said...

Count Peter and Jojo in.

Anonymous said...

Ok, so far, including myself, there are only 3 willing participants. Anyone else?

Matthew 5:42(NCV),"42.If a person asks you for something, give it to him. Don't refuse to give to someone who wants to borrow from you."