Monday, March 23, 2009


When : 8.00am – 11.30 am, 4th April (Sat)

Where : Brisbane City – opposite Parliament House (exact location to be confirmed via e-invite coming out soon)

How much : $5 per person (covers administration cost and BBQ brunch)

What : Registration team will allocate the groups into 3-person team

We’re calling this amazing i-race due to possible copyright infringements but nonetheless, it will quite similar to the format of the popular reality TV series. Race boundary will only be Brisbane City and on foot only.

A 3 people team will run around the city frantically looking for clues and accomplishing task. We will try to incorporate interesting elements like “Detour”, “Road Block” or “Fast Forward”…

Actual race time will be from 8.15am to 10.30am followed by BBQ brunch and prize presentation. It will be exciting so invite your friends, colleagues and neighbours for this interactive and fun-filled race around the city.

We may be marketing this event as Amazing i(nteractive)-Race but my prayer is that we will be making an i(mpact) and hopefully lasting i(mpression) of what a relationship with Christ is and how rewarding it can be.

Look out for the e-invite that will appear in your inbox in the next day or so….

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