Monday, March 16, 2009


One week has past, praise the Lord! For some it may be a truly challenging time to be refrained from the temptation of food or any other wordly things or activities if he/she choose to fast something other than a meal. For some it may be a waiting period as fervent prayers are made to God and it's the time to test our faith in seeing God's will be done over our lives as we commit to our loving and never-changing God. For some it may be a rewarding time as he/she begins to count the blessings that are sought during this period as they come earnestly before God in faith and perseverence. No matter what stage you are in at the moment, be joyful as the Lord sees your heart and surely He will bring about the victory and breakthrough that you so hunger about! You are encouraged to record a journal to keep track of God's blessings upon you through your obedience during this fast & prayer time. Don't let the miracles or blessings from God pass you by without your praise Him and share

Our brother Ronald shared about the special meaning of the start of our Fast & Pray Fortnight. May you be blessed by it!

Brothers and Sisters

Let us continue to pray and fast until the breakthrough, as Jojo has espressed in her message.

I thought I should share something that might be relevant to us. Today the 10th of March marks the celebration of "Purim" in the Hebrew Calendar (see Esther 9:18-29 for details of this event).
This is the celebration of breakthrough.
Someone may ask: Breakthrough from what?
The Jews were oppressed by someone called Haman who wanted to annihilate them and had already made the plans and set the date to do it...But Queen Esther called for a three day fasting so She can approach the king and turn the events...and turn them She did by His might.
Today Jews in Israel celebrate this day (it is like Christmass). It is the day Haman was hanged, and the jews vindicated.
Now this is our LORD. He is our vindicator. Let us today as we start our fast, trust that what the LORD has done through prayer and fasting in the time of Esther, He shall continue to do in every generations. We shall all see our oppresive Hamans vanquished.
Praise the LORD.
by Ronald

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