Monday, March 2, 2009


Praise God for a fun trivia night last friday evening. We had fine weather, good food, new friends and a warm atmosphere - everything that the guys from NG3.2 had been praying for.

We would like to thank our chefs, our game masters and all of you who came along. Thank you also to the guys group for taking up this event with such enthusiasm and diligence. Thank God indeed for the 5 new visitors in our midst.
Once again, big thanks to the 3.2 Guys team who did a great job in organising the event to such details. Photos for the Trivia Night are in NewGen3 album:
Now we wait with anticipation for our next event - The Amazing Race!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm loving each and everyone of our i-weeks more and more.
Thank you NG3.2 for keeping up the good work and doing such a great job! Jojo