Monday, March 2, 2009


Last Thursday (26/2/09), a group of girls attended a women event organised by BCC at their Bowen Hills campus. The special guest speaker was Ps Donna Crouch. She used to serve as the Youth Leader in the early days in Hillsong church and she was also one of the speakers in the Colour Conference.

The venue was beautifully decorated with candles on mirrors, vases with white roses and green leaves, which left us an impression of purity and gentleness. The night started with a coffee time at the foyer for mingling. You can imagine how it looked and sounded like in a room full of women. All the faces are covered with joy and excitement to see what God is going to bring aboout that night.

We had a very enjoyable time of worshipping God with about a hundred of women in the theatre. The special guest speaker, Ps Donna Crouch, preached from Hebrew 12:1-2, with her sermon titled 'She Is Free'. The stage has a double bed and the 3-D letters 'F R E E' as stage decoration which enhanced the illustration of the theme for the night and her sermon. She encouraged the women of God to throw away the baggages/junk that we have been carrying due to past hurts, wrong beliefs, insecurity, emotions, bitter experiences, etc. We can be true to our imperfections and should be real to God as He is our refuge. God has not designed us to bear the unnecessary baggagges in life and as we do that, we undo what God is working on us. Women are to think in the biblical patterns and imitate Mary Magdalene who was demonised and badly hurt in the past yet was totally set free by Jesus as she put her trust in Him. Women in marriage are also urged to have heart communication with our husband to help in the process of gaining full confidence.

That night many women is re-assured of God's wonderful plan for us and that Jesus has come for the imperfect humanity & brokenness. About 6 women recommitted their faith in God. That night marks a new phase of faith in me as I can be confident and active in seeking for transformation as I run with endurance in my walk with God and look to Jesus as my need.
For more photos, click here.

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