Monday, March 9, 2009


Dearest beloved NG3 ,

Greetings, ladies and gentlemen!
Are you feeling tired? Are you feeling down and out?
Feel like you need a breakthrough really bad? If you are, why don't you join us for a fortnight of fasting and praying?
If you're not, why not join us too if you eagerly desire to see more of God in your life? Join us anyway…grin
Draw near to our Lord and He'll draw near to you, for has He not promised us that? (James 4:8)

Please read on…..

Prayer is often connected with fasting in Scripture. Being a true disciple is knowing how to fast and pray, as Jesus often models it to us in the Scriptures. This is so that we may grow in our desire for more of God in our lives.
There are many reasons why we should fast but I'll just highlight a few here.
Do you know what they are???

Fasting is great as it increases our sense of humility and dependence on the Lord for hunger and physical weakness continually remind us how we're not really strong in ourselves but need the Lord. Fasting also allows us to have more time to focus on praying as we're not eating J . Fasting too expresses our earnestness and urgency in our prayers to God. It is a symbolic way to express to God we're willing to lay down our lives if the situation don't change, as we'll die if we continue not to eat (Ezra 8:23, Joel 2:12). Lastly fasting is good exercise in self discipline, to practise refraining from sin.
(Paraphrased from Systematic Theology by Wayne Grudem)

There are many references to fasting in both the Old and New Testament.
So feel free to come and ask me or your LG leaders if you want to know more about this topic.

I encourage you all to fast a meal a day or do a Daniel fast (abstaining from all meat).
It would be great if you can also set for yourselves a few goals you'll like to see happen at the end of the 2 weeks of fasting and prayer. It can be any goals concerning your career, family, relationship. I'll share my goals with you all:

1) To see God moving powerfully daily in lives of all in NG3
2) To trust God to speak to my family when we go home for the wedding
3) To see God help Peter and I grow together as a team to build His church more

Don't make God too small in your eyes.
Desire to have the faith of the centurion Jesus praised.
Come let us seek our Lord together and together we shall see Him move on our behalf!

Are you ready to fast and pray NG3??

With all my love,

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