Monday, March 30, 2009


Good morning everyone, my name is Julie and I come from a beautiful and awesome group, NG3. This morning I would like to share to you about the journey of how I accepted God into my life. I come from a family where I need to be independent in every single thing that I do. I don’t have any brothers or sisters, so I could not share anything to anyone and my life was pretty much between me, myself and Julie. I felt quite comfortable by living alone and by not having much interaction with other people.

My life started to change when I met friends from Diploma. They are all such lovely and caring people. Since we spent most of our time at college, our friendship became stronger each day. But it didn’t last long as each individual has their own dreams and things to pursue in their life. So one by one had to go and leave my friendship circle. I couldn’t accept the fact that they had to leave even though it was for their own good. I felt sad and depressed and I couldn’t overcome it for months. I almost packed up my bag to go back to my home country for good in order to start a brand new life and find new friends. But God’s plan was different to my plan.

I had been attending a Christian church since the first time I arrived in Brisbane. I was so overwhelmed by everything. I had never heard people praying in a heavenly language, loud music during the service and people crying and seeking so badly, just to find someone whom they call God. I was quite discouraged because I had never seen these before. I found I couldn’t accept Jesus personally into my life for many years while attending church as I was still keeping to myself and gave no one a chance to help me.

But during this lowest point of my life, God sent brothers and sisters from church to fill my life back. At first, I rejected quite a few of their invitations to join their events. But one day I decided to give it a try since they’ve been inviting me to so many different events. Through these brothers and sisters, I learned about who God is and how merciful He is to give me His only Son, Jesus to die on the cross, just to save all of us. I felt so shameful of myself that I’ve been doing so many wrong things in the past, so many sins and didn’t even give a respect The One who created all of us. So I decided to accepted Jesus and give my life to Him.

Since then, I treat Jesus as my friend. I talk about everything to Him. And the good thing about Jesus is He’s always available 24/7. I feel so fulfilled because I know He hears all of my prayers even though sometimes I need to wait for His answer. Through my walk with Jesus, He has delivered me; He’s been restoring my life, maturing me in many ways and showing me His real plan for me while living on this earth. I am no longer living alone, relying everything based on my limitations. I’ve got Jesus who’s going to support me and be with me on every single step I take. I can submit all of my worries to Him.

One of the areas I can fully submit to Him is my studies. I struggled with my studies previously as there were many challenges everyday. I thought I could get through them myself pretty quickly, without God’s help. But He taught me to rely on Him and He showed me that He did not agree with the path I chose. It was no wonder I met a dead end every semester. I realized that once I submitted my worries to Him, God lifted my fear and provided me with a new institute. This institute provided me with greater flexibility and brought back my joy.
God also blessed me with lovely people of NG3 who’s so caring, full of joy and passionate for Him. So it’s a double blessing for me. This is the decision that I will never ever regret and I’m looking forward for more exciting journey to come with my best friend, Jesus.

John 15:13-15 says:
13 Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends. 14 You are my friends if you do what I command. 15 I no longer call you servants, because servants do not know their master's business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you.

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