Monday, March 30, 2009



Giving blood is a simple and rewarding experience.

...Let's contribute to the society with the least that we can...

Blood Donor Spots available = 6 people
Date: 11 Apr 2009 (Saturday)
Time Schedule: 2 ppl @ 09.15am2 ppl @ 09.30am1 ppl @ 10.00am1 ppl @ 10.15am

Please contact Allister for more details.


Baby Shower for RUTH & SAMUEL
Date : 15th April - Wednesday
Time : 7.00 PM
Venue : Allister's house - 36 Longford Crescent, Acacia Ridge

We are putting together a “Parent Survival Kit” for Samuel and Ruth, so below are a few ideas of what you can get…..

'New Parent' Apron to hold all necessary items!
Pair of Ear Plugs
Pair of Rubber Gloves
Paracetamol (12 tablets)
Peg for Nose
Disposable Nappy Change Sheet
Disposable Newborn Size Nappy
Nappy Disposal Bag
Container of Nappy Rash Cream
Packet of 15 Wipes
Baby Powder
Wash Cloth
Warm Blanklet

... please feel free to add other suitable items to your shopping list.


Good morning everyone, my name is Julie and I come from a beautiful and awesome group, NG3. This morning I would like to share to you about the journey of how I accepted God into my life. I come from a family where I need to be independent in every single thing that I do. I don’t have any brothers or sisters, so I could not share anything to anyone and my life was pretty much between me, myself and Julie. I felt quite comfortable by living alone and by not having much interaction with other people.

My life started to change when I met friends from Diploma. They are all such lovely and caring people. Since we spent most of our time at college, our friendship became stronger each day. But it didn’t last long as each individual has their own dreams and things to pursue in their life. So one by one had to go and leave my friendship circle. I couldn’t accept the fact that they had to leave even though it was for their own good. I felt sad and depressed and I couldn’t overcome it for months. I almost packed up my bag to go back to my home country for good in order to start a brand new life and find new friends. But God’s plan was different to my plan.

I had been attending a Christian church since the first time I arrived in Brisbane. I was so overwhelmed by everything. I had never heard people praying in a heavenly language, loud music during the service and people crying and seeking so badly, just to find someone whom they call God. I was quite discouraged because I had never seen these before. I found I couldn’t accept Jesus personally into my life for many years while attending church as I was still keeping to myself and gave no one a chance to help me.

But during this lowest point of my life, God sent brothers and sisters from church to fill my life back. At first, I rejected quite a few of their invitations to join their events. But one day I decided to give it a try since they’ve been inviting me to so many different events. Through these brothers and sisters, I learned about who God is and how merciful He is to give me His only Son, Jesus to die on the cross, just to save all of us. I felt so shameful of myself that I’ve been doing so many wrong things in the past, so many sins and didn’t even give a respect The One who created all of us. So I decided to accepted Jesus and give my life to Him.

Since then, I treat Jesus as my friend. I talk about everything to Him. And the good thing about Jesus is He’s always available 24/7. I feel so fulfilled because I know He hears all of my prayers even though sometimes I need to wait for His answer. Through my walk with Jesus, He has delivered me; He’s been restoring my life, maturing me in many ways and showing me His real plan for me while living on this earth. I am no longer living alone, relying everything based on my limitations. I’ve got Jesus who’s going to support me and be with me on every single step I take. I can submit all of my worries to Him.

One of the areas I can fully submit to Him is my studies. I struggled with my studies previously as there were many challenges everyday. I thought I could get through them myself pretty quickly, without God’s help. But He taught me to rely on Him and He showed me that He did not agree with the path I chose. It was no wonder I met a dead end every semester. I realized that once I submitted my worries to Him, God lifted my fear and provided me with a new institute. This institute provided me with greater flexibility and brought back my joy.
God also blessed me with lovely people of NG3 who’s so caring, full of joy and passionate for Him. So it’s a double blessing for me. This is the decision that I will never ever regret and I’m looking forward for more exciting journey to come with my best friend, Jesus.

John 15:13-15 says:
13 Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends. 14 You are my friends if you do what I command. 15 I no longer call you servants, because servants do not know their master's business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Fast and Prayer Forthnight

Helloooooooo.. everyone,

Praise God for 2 weeks of Fast and Pray! We're almost there!
Anyone have praise points and breakthroughs to share? I do!
As we reach the end of fast and pray tomorrow, let's come together to pray at Touching Heaven. For Jesus said in Matthew 18:19-20

19"Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven.
20For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them."

If you have not been to prayer meeting for a long time or have never been at all, come along and join us this time!!
This is so we can celebrate the 2 weeks of humbling and setting aside for God as a family of NG3.
I believe the prayers we've committed to God, are already set in motion and we just have to continue to have faith.

OK, looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow.




Our dear sister Julie is giving testimony this Sunday - please keep her in your prayer for courage and anointing and give her your full support on the day.


When : 8.00am – 11.30 am, 4th April (Sat)

Where : Brisbane City – opposite Parliament House (exact location to be confirmed via e-invite coming out soon)

How much : $5 per person (covers administration cost and BBQ brunch)

What : Registration team will allocate the groups into 3-person team

We’re calling this amazing i-race due to possible copyright infringements but nonetheless, it will quite similar to the format of the popular reality TV series. Race boundary will only be Brisbane City and on foot only.

A 3 people team will run around the city frantically looking for clues and accomplishing task. We will try to incorporate interesting elements like “Detour”, “Road Block” or “Fast Forward”…

Actual race time will be from 8.15am to 10.30am followed by BBQ brunch and prize presentation. It will be exciting so invite your friends, colleagues and neighbours for this interactive and fun-filled race around the city.

We may be marketing this event as Amazing i(nteractive)-Race but my prayer is that we will be making an i(mpact) and hopefully lasting i(mpression) of what a relationship with Christ is and how rewarding it can be.

Look out for the e-invite that will appear in your inbox in the next day or so….


We believe that life is not only about working, enjoying and serving in the church - it gotta be more than that - which is to give back to the community! If we hope to influence the community for God, we should take part in community activities or charity work.
If you have any idea or suggestions, Joel would love to hear from you! Let's get out of our comfort zone and seek to impact the community!

Allister Birthday Dinner

where : HANABI
when : 30th MARCH @ 6.30PM
dress code : BLACK & WHITE

RSVP with PETER or JOEL by 28th MARCH


This is what we are all about!

a family. an avenue to worship God. a group of professionals seeking to build each other up. a safe harbour for growth in God & friendships with one another. a place for encouragement and prayers.

If you find it hard to explain to others what we as a family of NG 3 is all about, why don't shoot them a link to our NG 3 Family video clip? Feel free to insert the link on any email invitation to your colleagues or friends for any of our NG 3 event. You play a part in saving a soul!

Monday, March 16, 2009


NG ONE HEART Event...... are invited to join us for a night where we can experience God in a more intimate way and an avenue to be united together as a NGs family in faith and prayers.................

***For those who are interested for a dinner together before the event, please meet at Sunnybank Plaza Times Square McDonald at 6pm. Any inquiry please speak to Jojo***


· Vision casting for 2009
· Opportunity to appreciate NG members
· Enlarge the heart and vision beyond own unit/life group
· People experience God, especially those who need breakthrough
· People to start embracing God’s heart for others
· Move of the Holy Spirit


· 7.15pm : Arrival time
o NG picture presentation

· 7.25-7.30pm : Official Start
o Multimedia

· 7.35pm : Announcements

· 7.45pm : P&W

· 8.15-8.20pm : Prayer Session 1

o Heart, relationship with God
o Events for first half of 2009
o Church focus

· 8.45pm : Unit sharing & appreciation
o Multimedia 2 – Power of One
o NG2-5 – testimonies from each unit
o Leaders to share appreciation and direction
o Pray for individual units

· 9.15pm : Close

· 9.30pm : A Treat for all


One week has past, praise the Lord! For some it may be a truly challenging time to be refrained from the temptation of food or any other wordly things or activities if he/she choose to fast something other than a meal. For some it may be a waiting period as fervent prayers are made to God and it's the time to test our faith in seeing God's will be done over our lives as we commit to our loving and never-changing God. For some it may be a rewarding time as he/she begins to count the blessings that are sought during this period as they come earnestly before God in faith and perseverence. No matter what stage you are in at the moment, be joyful as the Lord sees your heart and surely He will bring about the victory and breakthrough that you so hunger about! You are encouraged to record a journal to keep track of God's blessings upon you through your obedience during this fast & prayer time. Don't let the miracles or blessings from God pass you by without your praise Him and share

Our brother Ronald shared about the special meaning of the start of our Fast & Pray Fortnight. May you be blessed by it!

Brothers and Sisters

Let us continue to pray and fast until the breakthrough, as Jojo has espressed in her message.

I thought I should share something that might be relevant to us. Today the 10th of March marks the celebration of "Purim" in the Hebrew Calendar (see Esther 9:18-29 for details of this event).
This is the celebration of breakthrough.
Someone may ask: Breakthrough from what?
The Jews were oppressed by someone called Haman who wanted to annihilate them and had already made the plans and set the date to do it...But Queen Esther called for a three day fasting so She can approach the king and turn the events...and turn them She did by His might.
Today Jews in Israel celebrate this day (it is like Christmass). It is the day Haman was hanged, and the jews vindicated.
Now this is our LORD. He is our vindicator. Let us today as we start our fast, trust that what the LORD has done through prayer and fasting in the time of Esther, He shall continue to do in every generations. We shall all see our oppresive Hamans vanquished.
Praise the LORD.
by Ronald


Thank God for our brother Allister who is always sacrificially helping others in every way that he can. On his 30th BIG day, let us shower him with blessings in actions and speech as we celebrate his glorious day with the following gathering:
Venue_Hanabi Restaurant
Date_30th March 2009 (Monday)
Time_6.00 pm


Praise God for a salvation in our midst last Sunday - Carina. God is indeed merciful to the lost souls and do not want to see anyone perished! Please encourage her and make her feel welcomed as she joins us again this week.


May this song reminds us of the faithfulness of God and His purposes in bringing us through the challenging period. Emmanuel. He is with us.


I've had many tears and sorrows,
I've had questions for tomorrow,
There've been times I didn't know right from wrong.
But in every situation,
God gave blessed consolation,
That my trials only come to make me strong.

I've been a lot of places,
And seen so many faces,
There've been times I've felt so all alone.
But in that lonely hour,
In that precious lonely hour,
Jesus let me know I was His own.

Through it all,
Through it all,
I've learned to trust in Jesus,
I've learned to trust in God.
Through it all,
Through it all,
I've learned to depend upon His Word.

So I thank God for the mountains,
And I thank Him for the valleys,
Thank Him for the storms He's brought me through.
If I never had a problem.
Wouldn't know that He could solve them,
Wouldn't know what faith in His Word could do.

Through it all,
Through it all,
I've learned to trust in Jesus,
I've learned to trust in God.
Through it all,
Through it all,
I've learned to depend upon His Word.
Yes, I've learned to depend upon His Word.
I've learned to depend upon His Word.

Monday, March 9, 2009


You are invited for a corporate prayer meeting this Tuesday, 10/3/09, from 7 pm - 9 pm @ Princess Theatre, 8 Annerley Road, Wolloongabba.

The success of a church's prayer meeting does not lie in its number of attendees, but in the number of people who are praying in unity. Prayer is the generator of the church. When people gather to pray in unity, we can usher in God's presence and the Holy Spirit will rain down.

Ask the Lord to light the fire of prayer in our mist during our prayer meetings, the praise & worship sessions and life group! Ask the Lord for revival, so that every prayer meeting is filled with His presence and our hearts may be revived. Without fire, how would we arise and shine to ignite our city? When more people come to the prayer meeting, more will be encouraged and inspired. When we unite in prayer, we can unite in our ministry for the Lord.

As we go in a praying and believing frame of mind, seeking the name and the presence of the Lord, we can expect surely to see glorious answers to prayer!


Stay tuned.........
............for a Combined NG Night............!
....on 20th March (Friday)
Be filled with expectancy to see God move in our midst!


Dearest beloved NG3 ,

Greetings, ladies and gentlemen!
Are you feeling tired? Are you feeling down and out?
Feel like you need a breakthrough really bad? If you are, why don't you join us for a fortnight of fasting and praying?
If you're not, why not join us too if you eagerly desire to see more of God in your life? Join us anyway…grin
Draw near to our Lord and He'll draw near to you, for has He not promised us that? (James 4:8)

Please read on…..

Prayer is often connected with fasting in Scripture. Being a true disciple is knowing how to fast and pray, as Jesus often models it to us in the Scriptures. This is so that we may grow in our desire for more of God in our lives.
There are many reasons why we should fast but I'll just highlight a few here.
Do you know what they are???

Fasting is great as it increases our sense of humility and dependence on the Lord for hunger and physical weakness continually remind us how we're not really strong in ourselves but need the Lord. Fasting also allows us to have more time to focus on praying as we're not eating J . Fasting too expresses our earnestness and urgency in our prayers to God. It is a symbolic way to express to God we're willing to lay down our lives if the situation don't change, as we'll die if we continue not to eat (Ezra 8:23, Joel 2:12). Lastly fasting is good exercise in self discipline, to practise refraining from sin.
(Paraphrased from Systematic Theology by Wayne Grudem)

There are many references to fasting in both the Old and New Testament.
So feel free to come and ask me or your LG leaders if you want to know more about this topic.

I encourage you all to fast a meal a day or do a Daniel fast (abstaining from all meat).
It would be great if you can also set for yourselves a few goals you'll like to see happen at the end of the 2 weeks of fasting and prayer. It can be any goals concerning your career, family, relationship. I'll share my goals with you all:

1) To see God moving powerfully daily in lives of all in NG3
2) To trust God to speak to my family when we go home for the wedding
3) To see God help Peter and I grow together as a team to build His church more

Don't make God too small in your eyes.
Desire to have the faith of the centurion Jesus praised.
Come let us seek our Lord together and together we shall see Him move on our behalf!

Are you ready to fast and pray NG3??

With all my love,


...Let's contribute to the society with the least that we can...
Blood Donor Spots available = 6 people

Date: 11 Apr 2009 (Saturday)

Time Schedule: 2 ppl @ 09.15am
2 ppl @ 09.30am
1 ppl @ 10.00am
1 ppl @ 10.15am

Giving blood is a simple and rewarding experience. Most people are able to give blood if they:

Ø are fit, healthy and not suffering from a cold, flu or other illness at the time of donation
Ø are aged between 16-70 years (in some states 16 & 17 year olds require parental/guardian consent)
Ø weigh more than 45kg (16 & 17 year olds need to weigh more than 50kg)
Ø have eaten and drunk 3-4 glasses of water/juice prior to giving blood.

Where: Brisbane City Blood Donor Centre
Upper Ground Floor
288 Edwards Street
Brisbane Qld4000
Phone: (07) 3309 4900

Contact: Allister 04 1230 3092

Monday, March 2, 2009


Praise God for a fun trivia night last friday evening. We had fine weather, good food, new friends and a warm atmosphere - everything that the guys from NG3.2 had been praying for.

We would like to thank our chefs, our game masters and all of you who came along. Thank you also to the guys group for taking up this event with such enthusiasm and diligence. Thank God indeed for the 5 new visitors in our midst.
Once again, big thanks to the 3.2 Guys team who did a great job in organising the event to such details. Photos for the Trivia Night are in NewGen3 album:
Now we wait with anticipation for our next event - The Amazing Race!


Last Thursday (26/2/09), a group of girls attended a women event organised by BCC at their Bowen Hills campus. The special guest speaker was Ps Donna Crouch. She used to serve as the Youth Leader in the early days in Hillsong church and she was also one of the speakers in the Colour Conference.

The venue was beautifully decorated with candles on mirrors, vases with white roses and green leaves, which left us an impression of purity and gentleness. The night started with a coffee time at the foyer for mingling. You can imagine how it looked and sounded like in a room full of women. All the faces are covered with joy and excitement to see what God is going to bring aboout that night.

We had a very enjoyable time of worshipping God with about a hundred of women in the theatre. The special guest speaker, Ps Donna Crouch, preached from Hebrew 12:1-2, with her sermon titled 'She Is Free'. The stage has a double bed and the 3-D letters 'F R E E' as stage decoration which enhanced the illustration of the theme for the night and her sermon. She encouraged the women of God to throw away the baggages/junk that we have been carrying due to past hurts, wrong beliefs, insecurity, emotions, bitter experiences, etc. We can be true to our imperfections and should be real to God as He is our refuge. God has not designed us to bear the unnecessary baggagges in life and as we do that, we undo what God is working on us. Women are to think in the biblical patterns and imitate Mary Magdalene who was demonised and badly hurt in the past yet was totally set free by Jesus as she put her trust in Him. Women in marriage are also urged to have heart communication with our husband to help in the process of gaining full confidence.

That night many women is re-assured of God's wonderful plan for us and that Jesus has come for the imperfect humanity & brokenness. About 6 women recommitted their faith in God. That night marks a new phase of faith in me as I can be confident and active in seeking for transformation as I run with endurance in my walk with God and look to Jesus as my need.
For more photos, click here.


...pathways to God....balancing work, life, ministry....Synergy Quest....sweet Valentines' Day...romantic poetry presentation...yummy buffet....
If you can't remember exactly what they are about, it's time to refresh your memory for the WAG 2009 with the wonderfully-captured photos at the following link:


Luke 10:1919 ~ Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you.

Years ago, while travelling on a domestic flight in the United States, I sat next to a woman whose whole body was tense with fear. Concerned, I asked if I could help her in any way. In between sobs, she told me about her fear of flying. I told her, “Don’t worry. I am on board. Nothing will happen to the plane.” I did not say it with pride. I said it knowing that the Lord was on board the plane with me and that I would have a safe journey because He has promised that “nothing shall by any means hurt you”.

Once, when Jesus was in the boat with his disciples, He told them, “Let us cross over to the other side.” (Mark 4:35) Believing that they would cross over to the other side, He then fell asleep in the stern. Not even a great storm could arouse Him from His sleep, only the cries of His terrified disciples. They had forgotten what Jesus had said about them crossing over to the other side. They had also forgotten that with Jesus in the boat with them, there was no possibility of their going down. Nothing could by any means hurt them because Jesus was with them.

Even being thrown into a fiery furnace could not hurt three young Hebrew men because they believed that God would deliver them. They had proclaimed to the heathen King Nebuchadnezzar, “... our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and He will deliver us from your hand, O king.” (Daniel 3:17) And in the midst of their fiery trial, their deliverer not only walked with them in the fire, He also delivered them from all harm. King Nebuchadnezzar even said, “Look! I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire; and they are not hurt, and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God.” (Daniel 3:25).

Beloved, in the midst of your storm or fiery trial, because Jesus is with you, nothing shall by any means hurt you!

Recited from The One Thing Daily Devotional © Copyright Joseph Prince, 2006. All rights reserved.