Monday, May 10, 2010


Our Unidus Pledge weekend is on the 14th-16th of May.
Our church will be welcoming the new Arise & Build Unidus 2010 “Now It’s Happening” phase! Do pray and seek God for an amount to give which will please Him.
For those who are new to the church, please click here for more information.
As we march into a new phase, we need more faith and perseverence in us to give to God and His people!
Let this movie clip reminds you the reason for being a part of God's plan in Hope Church Brisbane.
Below is an article written by Andrew Ong from City Harvest Church as he arouse and built his church in Singapore. May it enlightens or reminds you the reasons to arise and build God's church in this very moment!
Reasons WHY I Am Arising and Building
It is not uncommon to hear churches rally their congregations to “build God a house” during any church building fund campaign.
However, this reason or thrust is flawed. Because God does not need a house.
Being new-covenanted Christians with the gift of the Holy Spirit , we’re the house or temple where the presence of God dwells.
Hence, it is clear that God does not need a physical structure to dwell among His people like how He did during the old testament era.
So why do I choose to support the church building project-”Arise & Build” of City Harvest Church (CHC)?
My reasons for supporting the “Arise & Build”
Though I’m a member of CHC, I’m aware that as a Christ-follower I am not obliged to give to the “Arise & Build” church building fund.

Nonetheless, it is with the same conviction as a Christ-follower in which I’m equally aware that I’m obliged to appropriately invest my finances in where it matters to Him as His steward to fulfill His kingdom purposes.

That said, here are my personal reasons that convinced me in supporting CHC and this campaign:

Good stewardship - I read that CHC pays about S$4-6 million every month for rent at the Expo to hold its services. Hence, it is only appropriate CHC ought to own a place for a more sustainable way of operation. Imagine what could be done with that money saved?
Mere practicality - This is an obvious reason. There is hardly any free space in Singapore where you can gather a massive numbers of people. So a building is necessity and not a luxury.

Trustworthy leadership - I might not have being a member with CHC for a long time, but I’ve personally observed and discovered that key leaders in CHC have demonstrated credibility and competence with their leadership.
Kingdom purpose (not church purpose) - Personally, I’m convinced that the gracious and mighty hand of God is on CHC. This church has a unique calling as a trail blazer in breaking new grounds to lead and inspire others in Asia and beyond towards fulfilling the Great Commission in the 21st century.
Let’s build up His true House
I consider it a privilege to be able to share and play a part of this history-making project that glorifies God in a way that represents how progressive the Church of Jesus ought to be.
The world has always attempted to undermine and inhibit the influence (His power and love) of the Church in the secular. But it is my earnest prayer and desire to see this change. And I believe CHC will be one of key catalysts or agents to bring about that change.
In conclusion, though we need not build God a house, it is with such building projects that build our lives up (the true house) as we do our part as Christ-followers to arise, build and establish His kingdom purposes on earth.

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