Monday, May 31, 2010


Praise God for a smooth delivery of a beautiful daughter, Ava Lily Cain, on the 28th of May 2010 - the same day as iPad is made available in Australia.
With God's blessings, we pray that this bundle of joy will bless the family of Cain with tremendous warmth and love. Please [pray] for God's sustenance to be upon Jojo in finding speedy recovery and lessening of pain on her wound; and Peter be empowered with strength and high adaptability for his new role as a daddy.

A message from the new dad:
Thankyou to so many of you who sent sms' and tried to ring Jojo or myself today. I'm sure you can appreciate how packed the day was, how many new things there were to learn and how fast time seemed to go by. Well i have returned home from the hospital to get some sleep and now have my first opportunity to respond to you all.

It is with much joy that we can announce the arrival of our daughter, Ava Lily Cain at 7:38am this morning. She weighed in at 3.63kg. Both Ava and Jojo are in great health, each trying to get sleep, though so far, by God's blessing, it is Ava who has been doing the most sleeping. She slept for about 5 or 6 hours today. And barely cried at all.

Thanks for your prayers and your support.

A new journey beings today.


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