Monday, May 18, 2009


As we come to this important phase of the church's 'Arise & Build Unidus' project, understanding the call of the church and the faith and action required from it will help us to realise how we can be a part of making this dream a reality. Since year 2001, the Unidus journey has been ongoing up to this current phase of seeing the development approval come to pass.

As believers we need to manifest the promises of God into existence, to bring out what is written in the Word of God, what is written in our visions and dreams, into our reality. How then do we turn the Word into flesh? For every biblical manifestation, it always takes an unusual response. This can be illustrated with Mary’s willingness to let her reputation suffer in order to bring Jesus Christ into the world. Nothing will happen when we do what we usually do. It takes an unusual response to bring manifestation of promises into our reality.
Our God is one of abundance and prosperity and it is an atrocity for us to live in poverty and lack when we believe in a great God. For the promises of God to manifest in our lives, let us follow in the footsteps of Mary and choose to do the unusual — even if it requires a change in our lifestyle. Let us come together as a church to arise and build the house of God.
When you do things for God or for the betterment of His people, you automatically attract opposition. You can see examples of this throughout the Bible. Taking the story of Nehemiah and his rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem as example. But continue to keep your focus, and know that the Lord will take care of His people and His work! Arise and build, and in the end, you’ll be amazed by how He has done everything supernaturally through you.
To find out more about the facilities, requirements, costs and stages of the Unidus project, please visit the Unidus Highlights and Frequently Asked Questions.

So I answered them and said to them, "The God of heaven will give us success; therefore we His servants will ARISE AND BUILD , but you have no portion, right or memorial in Jerusalem." - Nehemiah 2:20 (ASV)

"Now set your heart and your soul to seek the Lord your God. Therefore ARISE AND BUILD the sanctuary of the Lord God, to bring the ark of the covenant of the Lord and the holy articles of God into the house that is to be built for the anme of the Lord." - 1 Chronicles 22:19 (NKJV)

1 comment:

New Generation 3 said...

Found this interesting link of what people normally think of church building project. Love how #Josh responded to the blogger's claim that donating money to the poor is more useful than building church - read and be inspired: