Monday, May 10, 2010


Last Saturday, the expectant mum, Jojo, was showered with well wishes and gifts by a bunch of ladies that help ease her mind prior to the delivery and be equipped with tools and neccesities for the baby.
Click here for the highlights of the day!
Jojo's words to all:

I really want to thank all the ladies for showing Peter & I such generosity at my Baby Shower.

I was really touched by all the ladies that turned up. Some ladies came all the way from the city like Florence, Ee Lee & Cathy, while Maria drove all the way from Richland to Eight Mile Plains even though she was nauseous from morning sickness. Just the night before, i thought maybe no one is coming because i heard 3 girls can't make it....but it turned out there were so many, many of you that came.

Sharon & Grace, thank you for organising such a delicious morning tea, a huge and abundant hamper, fun games and chairing the whole event so, so well. I really felt blessed and now more ready than ever for the baby with all the useful stuff you girls gave me. God has truly given me such loving and generous friends - I can't believe how blessed I am at times. Thank you all so much...



Let us continue keeping the new parents-to-be Peter & Jojo and the baby in prayer for smooth delivery and covering upon the family.

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