Monday, May 31, 2010


Last Saturday a group of us went out to serve the community in the most practical way possible, cleaning up the garden of a family in St Lucia. Despite the early morning, despite the sacrifice of a few hours over the weekend, despite the rain and even soggy gloves, we were very much refreshed by the ‘exercise’ and were overjoyed by the appreciation showed by the owner. We had the opportunity to invite her to the church and were showered by some curry leave plants and chilli. It was a really great time. Great job to everyone who was there!
If you didn’t make it, you definitely missed out on the opportunity to give back and bless our community.
We need to get beyond sitting in the church and fulfilling only our own needs, but start demonstrating the love of God through our actions by giving a little, serving a little, and sacrificing a little. After all, Jesus gave a lot, and the absolute least we can do is a little. Not because you have to nor because you are asked to - but because we are being Christ’s ambassador on the earth. We must stop merely thinking or talking but start acting.
Many THANKS to NeeKee, Suh Chyi, Eelee, Grace, Leann and Joel for their
time and sacrificing their Saturday morning to bless the community!
Let’s do something like that again some time soon!
To check out the highlights of the day, click here:

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