Monday, May 31, 2010


Last Saturday a group of us went out to serve the community in the most practical way possible, cleaning up the garden of a family in St Lucia. Despite the early morning, despite the sacrifice of a few hours over the weekend, despite the rain and even soggy gloves, we were very much refreshed by the ‘exercise’ and were overjoyed by the appreciation showed by the owner. We had the opportunity to invite her to the church and were showered by some curry leave plants and chilli. It was a really great time. Great job to everyone who was there!
If you didn’t make it, you definitely missed out on the opportunity to give back and bless our community.
We need to get beyond sitting in the church and fulfilling only our own needs, but start demonstrating the love of God through our actions by giving a little, serving a little, and sacrificing a little. After all, Jesus gave a lot, and the absolute least we can do is a little. Not because you have to nor because you are asked to - but because we are being Christ’s ambassador on the earth. We must stop merely thinking or talking but start acting.
Many THANKS to NeeKee, Suh Chyi, Eelee, Grace, Leann and Joel for their
time and sacrificing their Saturday morning to bless the community!
Let’s do something like that again some time soon!
To check out the highlights of the day, click here:


Early bird price $110 (Normal registration $125)
2 Workshops to choose from (refer to website)
20 lucky draw Prizes for the first 60 full-time registrants (50 already registered - do not miss out this grand opportunity!)
Seize the chance to draw near to God & be inspired by other Kimgdom-minded working adults!
Speak to Stephanie/Neekee/Leann for more information/registration issue.


Praise God for a smooth delivery of a beautiful daughter, Ava Lily Cain, on the 28th of May 2010 - the same day as iPad is made available in Australia.
With God's blessings, we pray that this bundle of joy will bless the family of Cain with tremendous warmth and love. Please [pray] for God's sustenance to be upon Jojo in finding speedy recovery and lessening of pain on her wound; and Peter be empowered with strength and high adaptability for his new role as a daddy.

A message from the new dad:
Thankyou to so many of you who sent sms' and tried to ring Jojo or myself today. I'm sure you can appreciate how packed the day was, how many new things there were to learn and how fast time seemed to go by. Well i have returned home from the hospital to get some sleep and now have my first opportunity to respond to you all.

It is with much joy that we can announce the arrival of our daughter, Ava Lily Cain at 7:38am this morning. She weighed in at 3.63kg. Both Ava and Jojo are in great health, each trying to get sleep, though so far, by God's blessing, it is Ava who has been doing the most sleeping. She slept for about 5 or 6 hours today. And barely cried at all.

Thanks for your prayers and your support.

A new journey beings today.



What a wonderful day it was last Saturday celebrating with our dear brother, Daniel Loo, and beloved sister, Michelle Yee Yee Chan.
We celebrated the end of their singlehood lives, the wonderful friendships they have and the beckoning of a new seasn for them over a bucks day/night out - Guitar Exhibition show in the morning & dinner at Runcorn Tavern; and the hens night out - dinner at Hanwoori in Mary St, City. Both of the bucks and hens buddies met up for a dessert at Sunnybank Marketsquare.
The highlights of the night can be found at:

Monday, May 24, 2010


Touching Heaven Touching Deep
corporate prayer meeting
from 7.00pm-8.45pm
at Princess Theatre.


Please note the change of venue for Life Group this Friday - to Grace's house @ 64 Nardie St, 8 Mile Plains. Dinner starts at 6.45pm.

"YES WE CARE 2010"

You can check out last year's clip to find out what it is about!
Check out the photos of our participation in year 2007 for the Yes We Care event:

Meeting this Saturday (29/6/10)
@ 7.30 am for prayer and breakfast

@ Kenmore Baptist Church,
57A Ken­more Road Ken­more QLD 4069

What to Bring

Basically you just bring yourself! The following list of items maybe useful.

Attire: For your own comfort and protection, ensure that you are dressed appropriately for the activities that you will be involved in. The following are recommended:
  • Protective clothing as appropriate
  • Closed-in and non-slip shoes
  • Long pants
  • Sunscreen and hat for outdoor work
  • Drinking water


Baby Cain will be born this Friday. Please keep Jojo, Peter & the baby in prayer for safe delivery, speedy recovery, strength and health for the family and the new-born baby.
The Cain family has kindly requested no visitation to the hospital until they arrive home on 4th of June.


Why Serve?
1. We serve as it fulfil our purpose in God. -Eph 2:10
2. We serve as it obeys God's Command. - 1 Peter 4:10
3. We serve as it is godly stewardship. - 1 Peter 4:10
4. We serve as it reflects God's heart. - Mark 10:43-45
May we invite you to join us in the exciting journey of serving one another in God's church and in the broader community.
2010 Ministry Fair @ UQ Union Complex, Heath Room @ 1300-1500
- a day where the dynamics of Hope Church Brisbane can be disaplyed by an array of ministry exhibits. There will be people available to talk to you and walk you through the different ministries. So do give yourself ample of time to walk around!
A helpful website for your to discover and better understand your spiritual gift is:


Build Unidus Fund Raising – Entertainment book.
Books are with Peter Cain (for now). $65.

WAC 2010

Mark down on your calendar something you don't want to miss this year...

Making a Difference...
Ps Jeff Chong (Hope Singapore)...
Glen Hohenburg
Dr David Hunt
3rd to 4th of July (Weekend)
Bardon Conference Centre
Registration is now open
Early Bird price - $110 (Full time, include meals)...

Monday, May 17, 2010


Yes! We Care 2009 was a great success with hundreds of home helped by volunteers across the greater Brisbane region from many churches getting involved in giving needy people a hand in backyard clean ups, weeding, window cleaning etc.
I took part in it in year 2007. What touched my heart the most was when I saw the appreciation in the eyes of the aged people for the help they received from us. It only required a few hours of my time and not too much of sweat but imagined it could be a few days of hard work and inconvenience to the aged or burdened family.
I remembered when we gathered in the church before departure for the cleaning job, I saw some older people were part of the event too. It encouraged me so much to see that people whom are at an older age and a weaker body would avail themselves to bless others in the community, how much more should I as a person at a younger age and a complete body go forth and contribute to the community when I am given the chance to?
You can check out last year's clip to find out what it is about!
Check out the photos of our participation in year 2007 for the Yes We Care event:
This year 2010
- another occasion is set for Christians across the city to demonstrate in a practical and united way, the love of God to people who need a helping hand in some way. We clean, wash windows, remove rubbish to the tip, repair fences, screen doors etc etc.
Day’s Programme
· Teams meet and sign on
· Do work assignments (usuallyone or two assignments perteam)
· Meet at the Zone MeetingPoints at 1:00pm for a barbecue lunch

This is such a great opportunity to get involved. No major skills required but a willing heart. DO make good use of your weekend in doing something meaningful - making Brisbane a better place and ultimately expanding the Kingdom.
Life group will carry on as usual if we do not have more than half of NG 3 joining this event.
If you like to register or need transport, please contact Joel.

Need more reasons to go? Here a list of them....

Matthew 25:40-43
40"The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.' 41"Then he will say to those on his left, 'Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. 42For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, 43I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.'


The right use of money is of the utmost importance to the Christian, yet it is a subject given too little attention. Wealth has often been regarded by poets and philosophers as a source of evil and yet the fault lies, not with money, but with those who use it.
Indeed, money should be regarded as a gift of God for the benefits that it brings in ordering the affairs of civilisation and the opportunities it offers for doing good. In the hands of God’s children, money is food for the hungry, clothing for the naked and shelter for the stranger. With money we can care for the widow and the fatherless, defend the oppressed, meet the need of those who are sick or in pain. It is therefore most urgent that God’s people know how to make use of their money for his glory.
John Wesley began to limit his expenses so that he would have more money to give to the poor. He records that one year his income was 30 pounds and his living expenses were 28 pounds, so he had 2 pounds to give away. The next year his income doubled, but he still managed to live on 28 pounds, so he had 32 pounds to give to the poor. In the third year, his income jumped to 90 pounds. Instead of letting his expenses rise with his income, he kept them to 28 pounds and gave away 62 pounds. In the fourth year, he received 120 pounds. As before, his expenses were 28 pounds, so his giving rose to 92 pounds. One year his income was a little over 1400 pounds. He lived on 30 pounds and gave away nearly 1400 pounds.
Wesley believed that with increasing income,

what should rise is not the Christian’s standard of living but the standard of giving.

In Hope Church Brisbane, you are given the opportunity to be a part of this meaningful cause in building God's House for the purpose of reaching out to more unsaveds and building up a strong community of Christ for God's work to be done more efficiently and effectively. It's not so much about the money, but about the people and your relationship with God.
I urge you - to use whatever God has loaned to you to do good to your fellow Christians and to all people. Give all that you have, as well as all that you are, to him who did not even withhold his own Son for your sake.

To pledge an amount for God's House is to be sure of God's promises to those who give and certain of how He will provide and help us throughout the process even when we do not see.
If you have committed the pledging matter in prayer and have by faith decided an amount to give in this phase of Arising & Build Unidus 'Now It's Happening!' (ends at 30th Apr 2011
), please email to

2 Corinthians 9:6-11

6Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. 7Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 8And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. 9As it is written:
"He has scattered abroad his gifts to the poor;
his righteousness endures forever."
10Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness. 11You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.

Sources: John Wesley on the Use of Money, Bob Kaylor
John Wesley on Money, Peter Ko


Mark down on your calendar something you don't want to miss this year...
INFLUENCE - Making a Difference...

Ps Jeff Chong (Hope Singapore)...Glen Hohenburg...Dr David Hunt...

3rd to 4th of July (Weekend)...
Bardon Conference Centre...

Registration is now open...

Early Bird price - $110 (Full time, include meals)...

Monday, May 10, 2010


Our Unidus Pledge weekend is on the 14th-16th of May.
Our church will be welcoming the new Arise & Build Unidus 2010 “Now It’s Happening” phase! Do pray and seek God for an amount to give which will please Him.
For those who are new to the church, please click here for more information.
As we march into a new phase, we need more faith and perseverence in us to give to God and His people!
Let this movie clip reminds you the reason for being a part of God's plan in Hope Church Brisbane.
Below is an article written by Andrew Ong from City Harvest Church as he arouse and built his church in Singapore. May it enlightens or reminds you the reasons to arise and build God's church in this very moment!
Reasons WHY I Am Arising and Building
It is not uncommon to hear churches rally their congregations to “build God a house” during any church building fund campaign.
However, this reason or thrust is flawed. Because God does not need a house.
Being new-covenanted Christians with the gift of the Holy Spirit , we’re the house or temple where the presence of God dwells.
Hence, it is clear that God does not need a physical structure to dwell among His people like how He did during the old testament era.
So why do I choose to support the church building project-”Arise & Build” of City Harvest Church (CHC)?
My reasons for supporting the “Arise & Build”
Though I’m a member of CHC, I’m aware that as a Christ-follower I am not obliged to give to the “Arise & Build” church building fund.

Nonetheless, it is with the same conviction as a Christ-follower in which I’m equally aware that I’m obliged to appropriately invest my finances in where it matters to Him as His steward to fulfill His kingdom purposes.

That said, here are my personal reasons that convinced me in supporting CHC and this campaign:

Good stewardship - I read that CHC pays about S$4-6 million every month for rent at the Expo to hold its services. Hence, it is only appropriate CHC ought to own a place for a more sustainable way of operation. Imagine what could be done with that money saved?
Mere practicality - This is an obvious reason. There is hardly any free space in Singapore where you can gather a massive numbers of people. So a building is necessity and not a luxury.

Trustworthy leadership - I might not have being a member with CHC for a long time, but I’ve personally observed and discovered that key leaders in CHC have demonstrated credibility and competence with their leadership.
Kingdom purpose (not church purpose) - Personally, I’m convinced that the gracious and mighty hand of God is on CHC. This church has a unique calling as a trail blazer in breaking new grounds to lead and inspire others in Asia and beyond towards fulfilling the Great Commission in the 21st century.
Let’s build up His true House
I consider it a privilege to be able to share and play a part of this history-making project that glorifies God in a way that represents how progressive the Church of Jesus ought to be.
The world has always attempted to undermine and inhibit the influence (His power and love) of the Church in the secular. But it is my earnest prayer and desire to see this change. And I believe CHC will be one of key catalysts or agents to bring about that change.
In conclusion, though we need not build God a house, it is with such building projects that build our lives up (the true house) as we do our part as Christ-followers to arise, build and establish His kingdom purposes on earth.


'Yes We Care is an initiative of the BrizNet group of churches with the purpose of demonstrating the love of Jesus Christ in a practical way to the people of Brisbane
To facilitate this, Brisbane's Biggest Neighbourhood Blitz is held annually in May or June. It is a day when the church (one church, many locations) in the Greater Brisbane region, in cooperation with the Brisbane City Council and other authorities, put organised teams into homes of needy people.'
(exerpt from

Our church Hope Brisbane will be participating in YES! WE CARE this year!

We NG3 are getting into this event to bless the community too. Joel Sim is the champion for this event. And we're looking for as many of you as we can to join together to bless the less fortunate people in Brisbane.

Date: 29th May 2010 (Saturday)
Time: 8:00am -12:00pm, followed by a BBQ

We need to finalise the number of participants on this Friday!

Please express your interest to Joel prior to 14th of May (this Friday) either through email, phone or in person.



Blessed Birthday to our dear sisters Stephanie & Su Reen!

Today is about celebrating you and asking God to continue to bless you in a life that is well lived and well loved. Be in expectation of what God has ahead for you, for all of your years work together in God's marvelous plan for your lives.

Psalm 16:11
You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.


Last Saturday, the expectant mum, Jojo, was showered with well wishes and gifts by a bunch of ladies that help ease her mind prior to the delivery and be equipped with tools and neccesities for the baby.
Click here for the highlights of the day!
Jojo's words to all:

I really want to thank all the ladies for showing Peter & I such generosity at my Baby Shower.

I was really touched by all the ladies that turned up. Some ladies came all the way from the city like Florence, Ee Lee & Cathy, while Maria drove all the way from Richland to Eight Mile Plains even though she was nauseous from morning sickness. Just the night before, i thought maybe no one is coming because i heard 3 girls can't make it....but it turned out there were so many, many of you that came.

Sharon & Grace, thank you for organising such a delicious morning tea, a huge and abundant hamper, fun games and chairing the whole event so, so well. I really felt blessed and now more ready than ever for the baby with all the useful stuff you girls gave me. God has truly given me such loving and generous friends - I can't believe how blessed I am at times. Thank you all so much...



Let us continue keeping the new parents-to-be Peter & Jojo and the baby in prayer for smooth delivery and covering upon the family.


We had a pleasant fellowship and celebration time over a delicious 'yum-cha' breakfast for the birthdays of Su Giin & Joel.
More pictures can be viewed on our NG 3 online album.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Do pray for our sisters Leann & Julie who will be taking their CPA exams this week. Leann's exam is tomorrow while Julie's on the 7th May. May God give them fruit for their labour and His peace & wisdom to guide them.

Since we've all set aside Friday for gathering together with God & His people, why not do the same this Friday's NG Worship Night??
Come to be refreshed in His presence, see your prayers answered,

find your breakthrough in God & know He's where His people seek His face

Be there for a passionate & intimate night of worship with the Lord.
It's a night to worship, exalt & praise God through music. It's a night to encounter His presence, to be set free from darkness and to see yourself awaken to the purposes He has called you to.
Full address: St Matthews Anglican Church,
889 Logan Road Holland Park
Time: 7:30-9:30pm (followed by refreshments)
Date: 7th May 2010
UNIDUS - Now it's Happening!!
Our next phase of pledge starts next week 16th of May. For those that have been faithfully pledging we thank you for your contribution and we believe you have seen how God has blessed you back in many ways for your generosity.
For this new phase, we challenge the new NG3 members or those who've never pledged to seek God for an amount to pledge. For you are part of this family and this will soon be the place where you can be part of to bless the community. Don't hessitate to ask those around you why they have pledged for the past many years.
For those who have been pledging, please keep up the good work and example, seeking God too for an amount that will please Him.


Date: 8th May

Time: 10am

Venue: Grace's place (64 Nardie St, Eight Mile Plains)

Let's invite any mum you know to church this Sunday - your mum, your colleague or your friend so that they'll be blessed this Sunday. Also remember to wish our sisters Sharon & Ruth a happy Mother's Day as it'll be their 1st Mother's day.