Monday, June 29, 2009


THIS SATURDAY.......4th July 2009
Theme: Operation BE (baby ENG)
Venue: 66 Nursery Avenue
Time: 9.30am-11.30am
Everyone bring a breakkie dish please!
Gift suggestions: baby bath/shampoo, baby night lights...
Email will be sent out by Suh Chyi regarding the allocated dishes.

Please continue keeping Sharon & Alex in prayers for health, strength and peace as they are expecting the birth of their baby. May the wisdom of God be with them and His joy be their strength.


As a NG family that promotes loving God, loving people and loving life, this is NOW a good chance for us to practise sharing the love of Christ and building up one another through our actions and speech through preparing for the arrival of Baby Eng (aka. BE) together.
Neekee has kindly prepared us a template for a voluntary roster to prepare meals for the parents-to-be and deliver to themf or a day or two during the 4 weeks time.
What we can do is to respond to the template sent by Grace by filling in as much slots as you can afford for the cooking and the delivery on the, then email it back to her. For those who have not received the email template, please approach or email Grace.

We love because he first loved us. If anyone says, "I love God," yet hates his brother, he is a liar. For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen. And he has given us this command: Whoever loves God must also love his brother.
- 1 John 4:19-21 (NIV) -


You may really have the heart to invite your friends or colleagues to the event as part of a follow-up to a friend whom you met through 'just walking across the room', do not know how?...and is concerned about the possible questions they may ask....

Here the Masquerade committee has thought of how we can approach their questions:
"What is this for?"

Oh! this is a social event that the working people in my church organises every year for networking and a bit of fun. Last year we had a nice Cooktail Christmas Party on the top floor of a hotel overlooking the river! (Optional to say for people who have attended: 'And the year before, we had a Robin Hood Dress Up BBQ in Sherwood Park!') Do come along, it will be so much fun and you get to network with people in other professions.

"This is not like a 'church', evangelistic event, is it?"

Nah... (Don't look suspicious..) This is just a social network party, nothing religious. And everybody can come along, that's why i am inviting you and my friends.

What do you guys think? If you girls/guys think of a good idea, do not be hesitate to share and teach our members how to counter these common questions.

Let the event not be ones that is filled with the Christians only, but together, let us make it an impactful and divine appointment where hearts can be touched by the love of God that is portraited in our midst.

Please approach Leann Loo for ticket of $35 each (early bird before 12/7/09)



Macauley Rivera, one of my dearest friends in Bible college, had a passion for the Savior. His heart’s desire was to graduate, marry his fiancĂ©e Sharon, return to the inner city of Washington, DC, and plant a church to reach his friends and family for Christ.
That dream ended, however, when Mac and Sharon were tragically killed in an accident, leaving the student body stunned at the loss.
At Mac’s memorial service, the challenge was issued: “Mac is gone. Who will serve in his place?” As evidence of the impact of Mac’s example, more than 200 students stood to take up the mantle of Christ’s fallen servant.
The response of those students echoes the commitment of Isaiah. In a time of fear and insecurity, the prophet was summoned into the throne room of God, where he heard Him say, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?” Isaiah responded, “Here am I! Send me” (Isa. 6:8).
God still calls men and women to be His ambassadors today. He challenges us to serve Him—sometimes close to home, sometimes in distant lands.
The question for us is, How will we respond to His call? May God give us the courage to say, “Here am I! Send me.”
Take the task He gives you gladly;
Let His work your pleasure be;
Answer quickly when He calleth,
“Here am I, send me, send me.”
— March
Whom God calls, He qualifies; whom He qualifies, He sends.
Sharing from Jojo:
Praise God for an inspiring conference. Peter and I were really inspired by the sharing and the preaching - especially by the fact that if Jesus is the focus of anything we do, we'll certainly be fruitful. And a phrase that Pastor Denis shared left us all thinking - "What on earth are you doing, for heaven's sake?" We both came home with ideas and thoughts on how we can grow ourselves as well as NG3. For the rest that went, do let us know if you too have been inspired with new ideas to grow in God.
For whose who did not attend, let us ask ourselves the same questions and allow the Holy Spirit to ignite our hearts with the same passion that we once have for our Lord and His people. Let no recession of our spiritual life takes place.
Let's pray that:
  • God to increase in us as we decrease;
  • God to help us surrender our 'idols' in our lives;
  • God to help us rise up even more to lead and serve the unit.

Monday, June 22, 2009


It's time for all of us as a unit to shake God's hands even as we come together for the corporate prayer to call upon His Name - not only for our own spiritual growth or our needs but for the salvations that we desire to see in our midst even as we go through this JWATR campaign. The Lord delights in this unity as it removes any barriers between among people and any selfish individual motives, keeping the focus on the Lord.
Jeremiah 23:29 says, 'Is my Word not like fire,' declares the Lord, 'and like a hammer that breaks rock in pieces?' God's Word, spoken by us in and through our prayers, is powerful and effective, so effective it can move mountains, heal the sick, transform hearts, and change lives.
We do not only need our leaders to be there - but we need YOU to join us together in actions and in love!
Join us for a refreshing time where God's face is near and His life-changing power lies in us!


This Friday instead of having Life Group, we will all gather at UQ for the "Exponential: Multiplying Christ-like People' Church Conference. As we go through another big church event, let us not be weary and forget about its importance, but to revise once again the purpose of the organisation of such an event by the church....
Do we really believe Church Conference is good for us?? Do we really believe it'll be good for the many people in NG3?
Why Church Conference?

  • God's word will be fed into us in a strong dosage
  • We'll be inspired to do His will as His word will be at work within us
  • Encourage culture of spending time for godly development

Why Exponential theme is important for our group?

  • It'll inspire new members to grow up wanting to care for others
  • It'll help new shepherds be better equiped in heart and mind
  • It'll lighten us leaders the job to encourage the heart of discipleship

What can we do?

  • Ask God to help you see the importance of being at his Chruch Conference
  • Rise up to the challenge. Ask your sheep/members/friend to join as it's for their own good & yours too
  • Sign them up on normal registration without food with Sara at this LG


Ps. Simon Eng, our President officially declared that we have now changed our name to Hope International Ministries. This marks a clear change from our heritage into a new phase of our ministry. Prophetic words challenged our church to let go of the past and rise up in faith to the call of God upon our family of churches.
The church will provide more details about these changes in the coming months. For those who are interested to keep in touch with developments, the sharing and teaching articles from HIM, just go to


As we exercise developing friendships and discovering the stories of a new friend, your neighbour, colleagues, or long-lost friends whom you have not met for a long time due to busyness in life.......
THIS is a good opprtunity where you can invite them for a fun night where friendships can be developed, words of encouragement/light can be shared, and the purpose of God can be executed on the night for a divine purpose....
Besides a delicious 2-course meal and fantastic fellowship time......and a terribly attractive 'Best Dressed Award'......
EXTRAS: Drama performance by some of NG 3 members (be there to support, would you?), multimedia show, trivia games, special performance, and door prizes......

Please approach Leann Loo for ticket of $35 each (early bird before 12/7/09)

Monday, June 15, 2009


31.5.09 -28.06.09

31.5.09 - Exponential SERVANTHOOD
7.06.09 - Exponential DISCIPLERS
14.06.09 - Exponential MISSIONS

and Dont miss out ...

Speakers: Ps. Denis Lu, Ps. Wilson Lim,Ps. Lai Ling Lim & Ps. Lance Wolter
Venue: Physiology Building, UQ St Lucia CampusPrices: $22 (Early-bird); $27 (Normal)


Week 3: The Power of Story
What does it mean to talk like a walk-across-the-room person? Do walk-across-the-room people communicate differently than others? When sharing something as significant as God’s redemptive story, what are the “right” words to use? Is there a right way to tell your personal faith story?
Based on the chapters 6-8 of Just Walk Across the Room, Week 3 answers these essential questions and more!


25 . 07 . 09


6.00pm - 9.30pm
390Simpsons Rd, Bardon QLD 4065
.... an event not to be missed!!
Please approach Leann Loo for ticket of $35 each (early bird before 12/7/09)


by Ps Kong Hee
Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.
- 2 Corinthians 3:17 -

The Spirit-filled walk is neither characterized by license nor legalism, but liberty. Our freedom in Christ is one of the greatest gifts we have received from our spiritual union with God. Because the Spirit of the Lord is in you, you are free to choose to live a responsible and moral life.

Freedom comes from the Holy Spirit. He never usurps the will or the personality of the believer. He never compels the believer to do anything against his own will or choice. So in order to receive Him, we must voluntarily yield to Him and accept His control. He will never force us to do anything against our own will. Some believers make this mistake when seeking the baptism in the Holy Spirit- they erroneously imagine that the Holy Spirit will force them to speak with other tongues. They think they will lose control of their will.

However in Acts 2:4, we understand that the disciples “began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance.” If the disciples never voluntarily began to speak, the Holy Spirit would not have given them the utterance. So when we speak in tongues, there must be cooperation on our part with the Holy Spirit. If a believer becomes passive and thinks that the Holy Spirit is going to make it happen with or without his cooperation, he will be disappointed. The believer cannot do it without the Holy Spirit; and the Holy Spirit will not do it without the believer!

2 Corinthians 3:17 says the Holy Spirit is indeed “Lord”-as fully as God the Father and God the Son. But He, like the Father and the Son, waits for the believer to acknowledge His lordship. The Holy Spirit will lead and direct the believer to the extent he voluntarily submit to Him. So what does it mean to submit to the lordship of the Spirit? It is the continual yielding to the Spirit’s control in every area of our personality and every department of our life.

The Bible tells us that Jesus did not receive the Holy Spirit by measure (John 3:34). Therefore, the measure is not in God’s giving; the measure is in our receiving. We can have as much of the Holy Spirit as we are willing to yield to Him as Lord over our lives.

Monday, June 8, 2009


It is important to pray alone at home to develop a personal relationship with God. However, God also wants us to pray together in a group on a corporate (group) basis. Joining a prayer meeting allows us to pray together as the Body of Christ with the common goal of learning from each other, supporting each other and building up the Church that God intended us to do.
Join us for a refreshing and united time of calling upon His Name!
Date: 9th June 2009 (This Tuesday)
Time: 7pm to 9pm
Venue: Princess Theatre 8 Annerley Road, Wolloongabba


Please note that there is a change in Sunday service location for the next 3 weeks (until end of June).

Service - Physiology Building 63 Lecture Theatre

Mother's Room - Physiology Building 63-358
KFC - Richards Building 8-388 & Parnell Building 7-302

Physiology Building is located close to the main bus station and the post office at UQ, and Richards & Parnell Buildings are next to the Great Court.

How to get there?

By Car Via Coronation Drive

1. Head southeast on Coronation Dr toward Lang Pde
2. Continue on Benson St
3. Slight left at Brisbane St
4. Continue on Gailey Road
5. Turn left at Sir Fred Schonell Dr
6. At roundabout, take 3rd exit onto Coleridge St
7. Turn Left at Carmody Rd
8. At roundabout, take the 1st exit into Chancellors Pl

Car parks can be found behind UQ Main Bus stop, or in front of Building 81 (Otto Hirschfeld Building).


26th - 28th June Church Conference: MULTIPLYING CHRIST-LIKE PEOPLE
Speakers: Ps. Denis Lu, Ps. Wilson Lim, Ps. Lai Ling Lim & Ps. Lance Wolter
Venue: Physiology Building, UQ St Lucia Campus
Prices: $22 (Early-bird); $27 (Normal)
Early bird registration ends next Sunday, 14th June
Exponential captures the idea of multiplying ourselves with an increasingly exponential effect! God commanded us to multiply and if we faithfully do so at every generation, it will lead to an exponential effect. Jesus commanded us to make disciples and if everyone of us faithfully get involved in making disciples, the number of disciples in our midst will increase greatly! Our impact will not only be felt locally, but eventually globally. Can a housewife make such an impact? Can a business person touch the world? Can a student change the world? It begins with us faithfully multiplying God’s DNA in us. Hope Brisbane is what it is today because we decided to faithfully do just that!
God longs for us to journey in our faith together as a community. Hebrews 10:25 says to not forsake gathering together with other believers and encouraging each other. When we come together, our faith is encouraged and strength is gained. Do set aside the weekend with your church family on the 26th June as we study God's life – changing Word together!


You are invited to the following celebration for a landmark event in Wei Hoong's life as he found himself a new house. Let's grace the occasion with a house-warming gift and your presence to bless our brother a very pleasant and prosperous stay in his new home. On top of such joyous occassion, we are celebrating Wei Hoong's birthday! Bring along your best wishes or gift as we appreciate the goodness of God in his life.

Wei Hoong's House Warming and Birthday Celebration
When: Saturday 13th June 2009 @ 7 pm
Where: 5/11 Penny Street, Algester, QLD 4115

Everyone please bring a dish.

RSVP latest by 11th June 2009 (Thursday) with Wei Hoong


Masquerade Party? Sometimes you've got to put a mask on to expose yourself. Join us for a masquerade ball of buffet dinner, drama and dance performance, games, award and prizes.
Take up the challenge, invite your friends to the masquerade party of their lives. Enjoy the mystery!
Please approach Leann Loo for ticket of $35 each (early bird before 12/7/09)


Since starting the Just Walk Across The Room, I believe we would be more convinced than ever, that a walk across the room can change everything… Jesus took a walk across the room many years ago, a very large ‘room’ of space and time, to come and meet us here on earth. His walk changed everything, He reached out, and invited us to a relationship with Him.
He walked across the universe for mankind.
My friend walked across the train to me.
I have decided to walk across the room.
As we continue the campaign, please read chapter 3, 4 and 5 of the 'Just Walk Across The Room' book. Continue praying for the commitment to stay attuned to His Spirit and reach out to people in your sphere of influence with genuinity.


Hi All

We are selling entertainment books again. This is NG's annual fundraising campaign, where all profits from the sale of each book will be given towards the UNIDUS community centre. (Each book costs $60.00 with $12.00 going to Unidus)
You all did very well last two years and I am confident that as you approach your friends and colleagues to buy a copy, God's favour will be upon us once again...because we do this for the expansion of His kingdom!
Our faith goal for 2009 is to sell 30 books....we have started late, but there are still sales to be made! This is something that we can all get involved in - you don't have to be an exceptional salesperson. But I believe that God will honour your efforts as you step out of your comfort zone to do this for His kingdom.
I can pass books to you at any time, just give me an sms, email, or call beforehand...

P.S.For those new to the NG3...
The Entertainment™ Book is a restaurant and activity guide that provides special 25 to 50% off and 2-for-1 offers from many of the best restaurants, hotels and attractions throughout Australia and New Zealand.

Monday, June 1, 2009


6 months have gone and 6 more months to go,

As we look forward to the rest of 2009, let us continue to pray and press on together for there are even more and greater things that God has in store for us as NG3.

.... but one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God his called me heavenwards in Christ Jesus. – Philippians 3:13-14

Loving God … Loving People … Loving Life
Dearest all,
I have quite a bit to share today....but please do read on so that we can all be on the same heartbeat of things.
I believe NG3 has a leadership team that truly cares and loves the people in NG3. And i believe you all are people with such great potential, in the prime of your lives, gifted, giving so much time and energy to bless God and His people all the time. I know you all love the Lord and want to see His power manifested even more in the next half of this year. As a team, we can and must FIRE UP our relationship with God. We can and must pray continually and live a life guided by the Holy Spirit!! God will surely move when all in NG3 are excited for Him, pressing into His presence every minute of our day.
As we come close to the middle of 2009, I have come to realize that many of us have changed - due to either economic, family or relational circumstances. This, i know, is the natural dynamic of the 20-30 somethings as they simultaneously push on towards maturity in their lives as well as enjoy their youth. So, as much as you all are changing, NG3 leadership team too is looking for ways to change to suit the group, to help us all grow together in God as a FAMILY. There'll be a few things we'll be looking at.
Firstly, we'll be looking into ways to free up more time for you to spend with your colleagues and friends - for sharing your stories and building deeper relationships with them. This we feel is important as Christians. We must continue to be in the world yet not be of the world..this is so that our desire for family and friends to come to have a relationship with Jesus Christ, will continue to GROW.
Secondly, we'll be proposing ways and providing avenues for people to grow in looking out - towards blessing the community around them. Our brother Joel has a BIG heart for this and he will be championing this area. The bible tells us that we should 'feed the poor' and 'give to the needy' (Prov 14:31, Duet 15:11, Acts 4:34). However, whether we are a young christian or an old one, we can often be very inward looking - looking at our own needs and wants. These initiatives are to help us firstly see the importance and experience the fulfilment of blessing those less fortunate and secondly to cause those outside the church to see the church as God's arm which reaches out to those in need. If you work in the corporate world you'll know that people are usually keen to help out in all kinds of charity. Why shouldn't the people of God be leaders in this?
So as we prepare all of these improvements, I ask that you be vigilant in your worship and prayer life. Ask to be led by the Holy Spirit daily! That prayer really works! Then I'm sure you'll see God move more and more in your personal life - which will then overflow into NG3 gatherings too. Finally, i would love to hear your ideas on how we can make NG3 more relevant to you and your family. For the lifegroup and the church is YOU and your opinions are important.
God loves you all...
With much love,


MINISTRY FAIR this Sunday 1.30 pm after lunch - ALL are encouraged to visit.

Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves me. - John 12:26

SHEPHERD'S APPRECIATION this Sunday - Thank God for Shepherds! Feel free to bless or encourage your shepherd. Remembering how he/she has poured out to your life sacrificially...

He tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those that have young. Isaiah 40:11


This exciting 'Just Walk Across The Room' series is starting this friday at life group! It will be held for 4 Fridays - the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Friday of June and 1st friday of July.
All is urged to read the first two chapters of the "Just walk across the room" book by this Friday to ensure you get the bets out of this lives-changing series!
Please PRINT OUT a copy of the Study Guide for your own perusal by this Friday, by clicking the following link:
Group Division

Group A: Grace, Leann, Allister, Alex, Sharon, Jaevis, Jessene
Group B: Peter, Hannah, Carina, Ming, Julie, Daniel
Group C: Neekee, Suh Chyi, Sara, Jojo, Wei Hoong, Jenny, Don
Group D: Stephanie, Joel, Ronald, Nicole, Eyo, Jaclyn
Never heard about what the JWATR campaign is? Refer to the following postings for details:


Praise God for the beautiful sunshine,
Praise God for the 15 people who came,
Praise God especially for the 5 new visitors,
We pray that they will join us in the House of God again.

Check out the actions that day....


There is only one word to describe the Worship Night that we had last Wednesday from 7pm to 9pm at Peter & Jojo's house - Emmanuel! God is with us! And He was truly there with us and for us! Every single soul and heart in the room was swept away by the strong presence of the Lord and there is no better place to be than in the warm and intimate house of God. Hear what our brothers and sisters who were there on the Worship Night had to say:
Wow…I’m so excited to join Worship Night for the first time. How I can say…I’m sure everyone has sorrow in their heart, struggles at work and for me, I tend to try to solve the problem by my own thought. But today God has spoken to me that His wisdom is higher than anything else. All the worship songs and words from chairperson and obey His plan in my life. The Worship Night truly helps me to come closer to God.
I like the informality – it was very relaxing. I like the background music from Joel which helps us to focus on God. Thank you, Joel. Thank everyone for praying together and share their prayer items.It reminded me how important to be in God’s temple with His family who truly care about you.
Suh Chyi:
Great to set aside time to come into His presence. Even the time preparing my heart on my way there was wonderful. Fully refreshed in His presence. No agenda Worship Night, simple, easy and overwhelming. God’s peace…it’s just wonderful.
Praise God! What an awesome time of immersing in God’s presence. God spoke to all of us. I believe every single one of us here encountered God tonight. There were so many words of wisdom, words of encouragement…it just goes and on…His words in Isaiah Chapter 55 especially touched my heart. I feel so refreshed even after this special moment as we share about our experience tonight. We all agreed that God has been there with us and we all said that ‘we must do this more often’.
God’s presence was very strong that my knees and hands were wobbling uncontrollably. Felt Him really filling me with joy and peace. Praise God that my word of wisdom really encouraged a sister.
It was an awesome night of just being in God’s presence and just earnestly seeking Him. To have no agenda other than seeking Him. I just love spending devotion time together. When we show up with faith, God shows up. He especially encouraged me to speak the words of encouragement from the following Scriptures: 2 Chronicle 20: 20-21; Psalm 42: 8; 1 Samuel 21: 4-5.
At prayer meeting on Tuesday, I was really convicted when we are encouraged to ‘get to know God better’. How interesting! How powerful! So as came to our Worship Night with the sole motive being to ‘get to know Him better’, I really felt that God was excited! No one was stressing over ministry, or program, or this or that. Instead the whole room was filled with people simply seeking Him, listening to Him. Nothing more. And God was there! The people in NG 3 are going through many different things right now. And some are quite dry and feel far from God. It was refreshing and invigorating to fill up on His presence again. Let’s do this again.
God’s presence was so real that even as I played the guitar I was able to worship God freely. This is truly how a life group should be! It’s great to do this more often!
Since the prayer meeting on Tuesday, I was convicted to getting to know God better rather than serving Him more. Hence there is some kind of condemnation in my heart. During the Worship Night, Jojo shared a word of encouragement to me that really lightened up my heart to know that God does not desire me to feel condemned but He loves my heart chooses to draw near to Him and He pleases with my work for Him. As we prayed for one another, I felt safe and intimate to raise a personal prayer item that is burdening my heart. I believe it is God’s heartbeat for us to gather together without any agenda but purely to seek His face. It is also a good avenue where His people can practice the words of wisdom for one another to encourage the hearts and faith in Christ.


Dear Brothers and Sisters,

The weekend (29-30 May) is one that is memorable in the history of the people of GOD. Jews will be celebrating what is termed "Shavuot" or feast of weeks, which is celebrated seven weeks after the passover. This is commanded in Exodus 34:22 and further details explained in Deuteronomy 16:9-12. Shavuot commemorates the giving of the ten commandments at Mount Sinai.

The Apostles, who were Greek-speaking called it "Pentecost" or the "fiftieth" day. This is the day when the Spirit was given in accordance to the promise:

16And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever— 17the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you. John 14:16-17

This is what we celebrate in Pentecost; The assurance that the Seal of salvation is in us, and that we have the gift of eternal life.

For if the Jews celebrate the giving of the Law, with such zeal, how much more we ought to celebrate the imparting of the Spirit with great joy? This weekend, as we enjoy the company of friends or as we go about your business or study, remember that assurance with joy.

It is my prayer that the Jews will come to knowledge of the Messiah our LORD Jesus Christ, and then their celebration of Shavuot will be complete. For I believe the day will come when they will return to Him, whom they rejected, not by human intervention but according to His promise:

10 "And I will pour out on the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem a spirit of grace and supplication. They will look on me, the one they have pierced, and they will mourn for him as one mourns for an only child, and grieve bitterly for him as one grieves for a firstborn son. Zechariah 12:10

Give Him Praise for what He has done, and about to do. My Heart shall exalt El-Shaddai.

by ROnald ELunai