Monday, May 25, 2009


What if redirecting a person's forever really is as simple as walking across a room?
In Just Walk Across the Room , Bill Hybels introduces the next era in personal evangelism with a natural, relational approach that follows Jesus' own example. When Christ "walked" clear across the cosmos 2,000 years ago, he had no formulas and no script just an offer of redemption to people like us, many of whom were neck-deep in pain of their own making.
Astounding things happen when you follow the model set by Jesus. Emphasizing the leading of the Holy Spirit, Hybels invites you to step out of your "Circle of Comfort" and into encounters with people who long for someone to take an interest in them-men and women with stories to tell and hearts that yearn to experience God's love reaching out to them through your smile, your encouragement, your transparency, your friendship.
Find out how you can make the difference of an eternity for someone standing near you. You may be only a conversation away from having unparalleled impact on someone's life - if you will Just Walk Across the Room.
Visit the following link for the frequently asked questions and some promotional materials:

We are only 1 week away from the launching of this exciting Award Winning series "Just Walk Across the Room" in NG 3 at the beginning of June!

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