Monday, June 1, 2009


6 months have gone and 6 more months to go,

As we look forward to the rest of 2009, let us continue to pray and press on together for there are even more and greater things that God has in store for us as NG3.

.... but one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God his called me heavenwards in Christ Jesus. – Philippians 3:13-14

Loving God … Loving People … Loving Life
Dearest all,
I have quite a bit to share today....but please do read on so that we can all be on the same heartbeat of things.
I believe NG3 has a leadership team that truly cares and loves the people in NG3. And i believe you all are people with such great potential, in the prime of your lives, gifted, giving so much time and energy to bless God and His people all the time. I know you all love the Lord and want to see His power manifested even more in the next half of this year. As a team, we can and must FIRE UP our relationship with God. We can and must pray continually and live a life guided by the Holy Spirit!! God will surely move when all in NG3 are excited for Him, pressing into His presence every minute of our day.
As we come close to the middle of 2009, I have come to realize that many of us have changed - due to either economic, family or relational circumstances. This, i know, is the natural dynamic of the 20-30 somethings as they simultaneously push on towards maturity in their lives as well as enjoy their youth. So, as much as you all are changing, NG3 leadership team too is looking for ways to change to suit the group, to help us all grow together in God as a FAMILY. There'll be a few things we'll be looking at.
Firstly, we'll be looking into ways to free up more time for you to spend with your colleagues and friends - for sharing your stories and building deeper relationships with them. This we feel is important as Christians. We must continue to be in the world yet not be of the world..this is so that our desire for family and friends to come to have a relationship with Jesus Christ, will continue to GROW.
Secondly, we'll be proposing ways and providing avenues for people to grow in looking out - towards blessing the community around them. Our brother Joel has a BIG heart for this and he will be championing this area. The bible tells us that we should 'feed the poor' and 'give to the needy' (Prov 14:31, Duet 15:11, Acts 4:34). However, whether we are a young christian or an old one, we can often be very inward looking - looking at our own needs and wants. These initiatives are to help us firstly see the importance and experience the fulfilment of blessing those less fortunate and secondly to cause those outside the church to see the church as God's arm which reaches out to those in need. If you work in the corporate world you'll know that people are usually keen to help out in all kinds of charity. Why shouldn't the people of God be leaders in this?
So as we prepare all of these improvements, I ask that you be vigilant in your worship and prayer life. Ask to be led by the Holy Spirit daily! That prayer really works! Then I'm sure you'll see God move more and more in your personal life - which will then overflow into NG3 gatherings too. Finally, i would love to hear your ideas on how we can make NG3 more relevant to you and your family. For the lifegroup and the church is YOU and your opinions are important.
God loves you all...
With much love,

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