Monday, June 29, 2009


You may really have the heart to invite your friends or colleagues to the event as part of a follow-up to a friend whom you met through 'just walking across the room', do not know how?...and is concerned about the possible questions they may ask....

Here the Masquerade committee has thought of how we can approach their questions:
"What is this for?"

Oh! this is a social event that the working people in my church organises every year for networking and a bit of fun. Last year we had a nice Cooktail Christmas Party on the top floor of a hotel overlooking the river! (Optional to say for people who have attended: 'And the year before, we had a Robin Hood Dress Up BBQ in Sherwood Park!') Do come along, it will be so much fun and you get to network with people in other professions.

"This is not like a 'church', evangelistic event, is it?"

Nah... (Don't look suspicious..) This is just a social network party, nothing religious. And everybody can come along, that's why i am inviting you and my friends.

What do you guys think? If you girls/guys think of a good idea, do not be hesitate to share and teach our members how to counter these common questions.

Let the event not be ones that is filled with the Christians only, but together, let us make it an impactful and divine appointment where hearts can be touched by the love of God that is portraited in our midst.

Please approach Leann Loo for ticket of $35 each (early bird before 12/7/09)

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