Monday, June 22, 2009


It's time for all of us as a unit to shake God's hands even as we come together for the corporate prayer to call upon His Name - not only for our own spiritual growth or our needs but for the salvations that we desire to see in our midst even as we go through this JWATR campaign. The Lord delights in this unity as it removes any barriers between among people and any selfish individual motives, keeping the focus on the Lord.
Jeremiah 23:29 says, 'Is my Word not like fire,' declares the Lord, 'and like a hammer that breaks rock in pieces?' God's Word, spoken by us in and through our prayers, is powerful and effective, so effective it can move mountains, heal the sick, transform hearts, and change lives.
We do not only need our leaders to be there - but we need YOU to join us together in actions and in love!
Join us for a refreshing time where God's face is near and His life-changing power lies in us!

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