Monday, June 1, 2009


There is only one word to describe the Worship Night that we had last Wednesday from 7pm to 9pm at Peter & Jojo's house - Emmanuel! God is with us! And He was truly there with us and for us! Every single soul and heart in the room was swept away by the strong presence of the Lord and there is no better place to be than in the warm and intimate house of God. Hear what our brothers and sisters who were there on the Worship Night had to say:
Wow…I’m so excited to join Worship Night for the first time. How I can say…I’m sure everyone has sorrow in their heart, struggles at work and for me, I tend to try to solve the problem by my own thought. But today God has spoken to me that His wisdom is higher than anything else. All the worship songs and words from chairperson and obey His plan in my life. The Worship Night truly helps me to come closer to God.
I like the informality – it was very relaxing. I like the background music from Joel which helps us to focus on God. Thank you, Joel. Thank everyone for praying together and share their prayer items.It reminded me how important to be in God’s temple with His family who truly care about you.
Suh Chyi:
Great to set aside time to come into His presence. Even the time preparing my heart on my way there was wonderful. Fully refreshed in His presence. No agenda Worship Night, simple, easy and overwhelming. God’s peace…it’s just wonderful.
Praise God! What an awesome time of immersing in God’s presence. God spoke to all of us. I believe every single one of us here encountered God tonight. There were so many words of wisdom, words of encouragement…it just goes and on…His words in Isaiah Chapter 55 especially touched my heart. I feel so refreshed even after this special moment as we share about our experience tonight. We all agreed that God has been there with us and we all said that ‘we must do this more often’.
God’s presence was very strong that my knees and hands were wobbling uncontrollably. Felt Him really filling me with joy and peace. Praise God that my word of wisdom really encouraged a sister.
It was an awesome night of just being in God’s presence and just earnestly seeking Him. To have no agenda other than seeking Him. I just love spending devotion time together. When we show up with faith, God shows up. He especially encouraged me to speak the words of encouragement from the following Scriptures: 2 Chronicle 20: 20-21; Psalm 42: 8; 1 Samuel 21: 4-5.
At prayer meeting on Tuesday, I was really convicted when we are encouraged to ‘get to know God better’. How interesting! How powerful! So as came to our Worship Night with the sole motive being to ‘get to know Him better’, I really felt that God was excited! No one was stressing over ministry, or program, or this or that. Instead the whole room was filled with people simply seeking Him, listening to Him. Nothing more. And God was there! The people in NG 3 are going through many different things right now. And some are quite dry and feel far from God. It was refreshing and invigorating to fill up on His presence again. Let’s do this again.
God’s presence was so real that even as I played the guitar I was able to worship God freely. This is truly how a life group should be! It’s great to do this more often!
Since the prayer meeting on Tuesday, I was convicted to getting to know God better rather than serving Him more. Hence there is some kind of condemnation in my heart. During the Worship Night, Jojo shared a word of encouragement to me that really lightened up my heart to know that God does not desire me to feel condemned but He loves my heart chooses to draw near to Him and He pleases with my work for Him. As we prayed for one another, I felt safe and intimate to raise a personal prayer item that is burdening my heart. I believe it is God’s heartbeat for us to gather together without any agenda but purely to seek His face. It is also a good avenue where His people can practice the words of wisdom for one another to encourage the hearts and faith in Christ.