Monday, June 22, 2009


This Friday instead of having Life Group, we will all gather at UQ for the "Exponential: Multiplying Christ-like People' Church Conference. As we go through another big church event, let us not be weary and forget about its importance, but to revise once again the purpose of the organisation of such an event by the church....
Do we really believe Church Conference is good for us?? Do we really believe it'll be good for the many people in NG3?
Why Church Conference?

  • God's word will be fed into us in a strong dosage
  • We'll be inspired to do His will as His word will be at work within us
  • Encourage culture of spending time for godly development

Why Exponential theme is important for our group?

  • It'll inspire new members to grow up wanting to care for others
  • It'll help new shepherds be better equiped in heart and mind
  • It'll lighten us leaders the job to encourage the heart of discipleship

What can we do?

  • Ask God to help you see the importance of being at his Chruch Conference
  • Rise up to the challenge. Ask your sheep/members/friend to join as it's for their own good & yours too
  • Sign them up on normal registration without food with Sara at this LG