Monday, February 23, 2009


WAG 2009 has been an exciting journey not only for me but I believe also for the 71 delegates whom have attended. Faced with the current economic situation, how could one possibly find any relevance to this year’s topic ‘enjoy’? If anything, people should be worrying, working harder and saving up. But, as Isaiah writes, “for my thoughts are not your thoughts neither are your ways my ways, declares the lord. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” Little did I know what God has installed!

The 3 day 2 nights getaway has been truly a great time of learning and experiencing God for me even more so during this hard times. Being part of the statistic of the ‘unemployed’, life has been going down hill. The thoughts of insignificance, rejection and inferiority occasionally creeps into my mind. Though these thoughts still linger, I’m better prepared and can now better handle these situations by the love, power and wisdom of God. WAG09 has taught me in many aspects through the sessions, workshops, and through the lifestyle and testimonies of other brothers and sisters in Christ.
In one of the workshop sessions, Balancing work, life and ministry, Pastor Wilson talked about 3 key concepts of a balance life, which are PURPOSE, MOTION and RHYTHM. And when this three are in tune, it leads to a sense of fulfillment – BEAUTY. Through this God reminded me of His wonderful purpose He has for me and that He places obstacles and challenges in our way not to stop us but to stretch us to become better and stronger. David would still have been a shepherd boy if not for Goliath. Paul would still have been Saul if not for the bright light. Just like in Romans 8:28, and we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to His purpose. It’s comforting to know that I have Someone greater than I who is in control of my situation.

Besides the mind-filling sessions and workshops, WAG this year had some really cool activities installed. There was the Synergy Quest: In search of the lost treasure, which my team would have won if not for some technical errors by…( you know who you are =D).. its ok, first prize is only a 4GB usb! but thumbs up for the organisers. Then there was the Valentines’ Day Special that you can read more about it below by Leann. All in all, it was more than I could ask for. Through this, we were able to know each other better and meet and make new friends across the different services in Hope Brisbane.

Finally, I’m really glad I was able to make it to WAG this year in spite of my current situation. Though the 3 days of ‘paradise’ is over and now it back to reality but enjoy I did in the midst of adversity!
by JoelSim

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