Monday, February 2, 2009


Hi all,

Chinese New Year has never been a significant event on my life before, as I never realized it existed until I came to Australia. However, only on last Saturday I experience what it is to have a Chinese New Year celebration with my second family here in Brisbane.

I had a great time, and it was great to see and made many new friends. Though I was nervous and anxious as there are so many things I need to do, at the end of the day I enjoyed seeing the smile and listening to the laughter of everybody that day.

I Thank God for the 9 visitors in our midst, they are Daisy Yim, Michael Cain, Charlie and Jenny, Ted and Kristy, Shally and Victor, Jenny Wong and Sharon. let's pray that friendships will continue to be developed as they come back to visit us again.

I also want to thank those that came that day for they have given me such memories that will stick with me for the rest of my lives and I believe there are many memories that we can make together in this family.

Here’s a glimpse of what happen that day for those that were not there during the celebration:

The CNY lunch celebration started with a video clip that talks about the meaning of reunion meal, followed by the CNY dishes introduction by the chef before the sumptuous Lunch coupled with fellowshipping in the house. A fun CNY Trivia session was prepared and chaired by Hannah. The highlight of the day was a very creative Game Presentation by the 4 individual groups as they presented how the 4 items - pumpkin seed, red packets, sticky cake and oranges related to Chinese New Year. And the winner was the very talented group who presented the pumpkin seed imitating the story of ‘Cinderella’. A promotion clip about life group that was created by Don was played as Grace explained the joy we have as we as an extended family gather every week to share and do lives together. A CNY party is never complete without ending with a very funny caroling of a popular CNY song ‘Gong Xi Ni’ (Happy New Year Everyone) in English.

Hope you had a great and fun time as much as I do.

Click on the link below and you can enjoy the good pictures taken during this wonderful event.


God Bless,

by Grace Rompies

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