Monday, February 2, 2009


Testimony by Jojo Tan

Good morning everyone. My name is Jojo. I'm from Malaysia but I've been living in Brisbane for the past 10 years now and I call this home. I'm married to Peter and I belong to a wonderful working adults group in this church called NewGeneration3.

Today I would like to share about how good it is to know a God that knows what's best for me. In 2004 I graduated with a Bachelor of Architecture from QUT. I then applied for work in a couple of architecture firms and was offered a job in 2 firms. I remember praying to God specifically saying:-

" God please help me know which offer I should take. Let it be a place where I can really grow as a person and be a blessing to my colleagues too".

The next day, one of the firms called and said they could not hire me now because one of their projects was not going to proceed. So I gladly took the job from the other firm. Hence I worked in that firm for the next 3.5 years. I was really happy working there as it has a great work environment and also great people to work with. Over that period of time, I truly saw God enabling me to grow as a person, in my skills and character, giving me opportunities to also share God's unconditional love to others and make many good friends. But in December 2008, just one month ago, things took a turn and I was made redundant together with 45 other staff.

I was saddened at the news but I was not angry nor upset with God. I could see that God can give and God can also take, just as Job in the Bible said and may God's name still be praised. Just as He provided me with this job, so He has allowed me to lose this job. Hence 4 months into marriage, I started my journey of being a housewife. At the same time I was concerned about repaying my mortgage. I believe that some of you in this room too may be facing the same thing in your life, just as some of the people in my life group are.

To tell the truth it isn't an easy time as there are moments of self pity, moments of frustration and moments of boredom too. Prayer and worship truly helped me in this time to maintain my joy and peace within.

It is truly a time where I find myself reflecting & re-evaluating the direction of my life. I can see that even as God takes away, He does it for a reason and He has a season for everything. It Ecclesiastes 3:1 it says

"1 There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven:"

Looking back, I remember that, at the end of 2008, I was getting frustrated with work and that I felt I wasn't growing in anyway. I felt guilty that my parents had paid for my 6 years of study, and now I wasn't even sure if I wanted to continue in architecture. I was afraid to quit or try a new career - it just seemed irresponsible.

But with my redundancy, I could see it was a chance for me to move on and seriously decide where I wanted to go. I could see God once again challenging me to trust Him to provide for me and to trust that He's going to bring me to the next stage of His plan for my life. I also see that, at times, God shakes things around us over a season in order to help us see that there are new things we need to grow in in our lives. During the past 1 and a half months, as I looked for new opportunities and careers to pursue, I have begun to feel excited again by where God will lead me. It was like when I had to trust Him many years ago for my permanent residency. I also began to see perseverance and courage emerging in me. Qualities that God had been quietly developing within me.

I praise God for the few interviews I've had since I lost my job. I am yet to know their outcomes. And through this time I truly thank God for a wonderfully understanding husband in Peter, my brother Don who's been a great support and to all my brothers and sisters in NG3 that have been praying and encouraging me along.

My job search continues with God and I eagerly look forward to the bigger and better person He's making me into as I do just that. And for all others that may be facing similar challenges, don't be downcast. Do be encouraged that God is going to bring you through this with a great purpose in mind. So trust Him and surround yourself with the friends and family that God has placed around you. God is my ROCK! Thank you.

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