Monday, February 23, 2009


One of my most favourite programs of WAG 2009 enJOY is - the Valentines' Day Special Event. Here I'm gonna tell you how we spent the romantic day...
During the day we had valentines' special delivery - anyone can order from a list of items with a message written to be delivered to someone during the dinner. Many people participated and it was such a warm-and-fuzzy night with special gifts received and words of affirmation received from friends or loved ones.

At night we were arranged to be in a function room (praise God for the unexpected arrangement from Bardon!) for the Valentines' Dinner. The room is decorated with balloons under dim light and tables that are decorated with candles and heart-shaped lollies, which greatly enhanced the romantic atmosphere. A valentine card is given to each person on the table with words of encouragement written by the brothers and sisters on the same table.

After an hour of buffet dinner, we played a game called 'Valentines Partnering' by putting a name (Cinderella, prince charming, etc) at each others' back, to find out who yourself are then look for your partner. Interactions with different ones were encouraged and the room is filled with laughter and fun. Little did people know that the game is aimed to teach us that as singles, we need to find out who we are as a person before we commit ourselves in finding a God-given soul-mate, whilst as married couple, we always need to spend time communicating with our partner in getting to know him/her continuously.

The next game was called 'Love Charades' participated by 2 persons from each group. With the funny expression of the participants and their very meaningful presentation of the charade items, I am sure this game has reminded us the important elements of a healthy relationship and to appreciate every person in our lives whom has been sharing the love to us.
The final game is named 'Romantic Poetry Presentation' volunteered by married couples. Chen Chee, Peter, Charlie (from AS) and Ben Seah presented to their wife a very romantic poem in a dramatic way. Guess who's the winner? Peter and Jojo that is! They are presented with certificates of the 'Most Romantic Man' and the 'Most Romantic Woman' in the WAG. What a romantic couple! The Valentines' Special wrapped up with debriefing of the meaning of the games.
It is rare that I can spend this lovely day with a great bunch of wonderful people doing all those meaningful activities. I will always remember such a Valentines' Day as that...

by Leann Loo

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