Monday, February 23, 2009


Following on from our successful Christmas BBQ and Chinese New Year Dinner Celebrations, you are invited to bring yourself and a friend or two to the upcoming TRIVIA NIGHT.

In the last few months we have seen a growing momentum of new visitors coming to visit us... and new friends being made.Lets keep the momentum going! Invite a friend along... the first step to their coming to know the Lord!!!

1 Timothy 2:4-7[God]...wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. 5For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, 6who gave himself as a ransom for all men—the testimony given in its proper time. 7And for this purpose [we are] appointed [His] herald...

We will be having a BBQ dinner before the games begin.
See you there!


CDS Term 2 will be commencing this Sunday, 01/03/09. Please enrol with NG3 CDS Champion (Leann) this week if you are interested in attending any of the classes. Fee: $7 per module to administrative and material costs (Except Seekers class which is free).

It's time to get excited about the things and the Word of God. Join a CDS this Sunday at Hope Brisbane Christian Church from 1.30pm - 2.45pm. We're a place filled with people who are excited about what God is teaching and the new things He is bringing to His followers. Come and learn about the amazing things He wants to do in and through our lives as we equip ourselves with His teaching. You can be a greater vessel of Christ if you avail yourself......

Subjects offered this semester are:

This subject is designed for new believers who desire to build a strong biblical foundation in their daily living. The students will learn biblical principles of how to deal with basic issues that Christians normally face. An interactive class that encourages students' participation.
This world is full of lies and unrighteousness. As a young or even a revision-needed Christian, why not take this opportunity to grapple with the truths of Scripture and learn the application of godly principles in our daily lives.

We want to build strong biblical churches and this requires effective leadership. This subject provides comprehensive understanding and principles of how to become effective leaders of God. It's time to rise up and learn how to lead a group that achieves the purposes that God has put in us. This CDS offers you all that you need!
In order to improve, grow and develop further, as a group or a church - we need good leaders to arise and lead. If God has put such a burden in your heart, why not start equipping yourself through this class? A true understanding of competence, the skills for the tasks required, is foundational to trust in your leadership.

Learn the biblical principles of faith and how we can tap intothe faith that God has provided us.

Learn basic theology covering areas such as God, Christ, Holy Spirit, Angels and demons. An essential course for those desiring to obtain an overview of the foundational Christian truths.

Learn the Scriptural basis for worship and its varied forms of personal and corporate expression. Discover also through practical sessions how we can better worship God. A must for every believer.
I have personally attended this CDS and found it does not only improve my understanding about the kind of P&W that pleases God but also enhance my daily devotional time with Him as I apply the teaching in my daily life and maintain a heart of praise & worship unto Him.

This class is offered for anyone who'd like to know more about Christianity. With a casual and discussional setting, attendants are encouraged to ask questions and raise any queries about Christianity and its faith.

Has the question 'What on earth am I here for?' passed your mind? This subject is based on the best selling book "Purpose Driven Life' by Ps Rick Warren. The course components include a weekly video, small group discussions and book readings. All designed to help you seek out and discover the purpose you were created for in God.
Have you ever wondered why God created you? The Bible says that before the creation of the world, God has your purpose in mind. I believe that each of us is created to represent Him and His Word to the world. Why don't we find out about this together?

Be equipped with practical tools for personal evangelism. Learn how to share the Gospel in a concise yet biblical manner, how to use illustrations and to deal with common objections. A must for those who desire to be an effective witness for Christ.

Prayer is a direct line to God. Discover biblical principles that will increase our appreciation of the power of prayer and practical insights that will increase our passion for prayer.

10. MEMBERSHIP 101 & 201
If you acknowledge the core values of Hope Brisbane Christian Church; if would love to call this church your home and commit in growing together with the brothers & sisters in church; if you have accepted Christ, been through water baptism and the holy spirit baptism - why don't you consider enrolling in the church membership class to advance your faith into a new level as you commit to a local church. Please express your interest to the Unit Leader, Jojo.

The heart of the discerning acquires knowledge; the ears of the wise seek it out. ~ Prov. 18:15


WAG 2009 has been an exciting journey not only for me but I believe also for the 71 delegates whom have attended. Faced with the current economic situation, how could one possibly find any relevance to this year’s topic ‘enjoy’? If anything, people should be worrying, working harder and saving up. But, as Isaiah writes, “for my thoughts are not your thoughts neither are your ways my ways, declares the lord. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” Little did I know what God has installed!

The 3 day 2 nights getaway has been truly a great time of learning and experiencing God for me even more so during this hard times. Being part of the statistic of the ‘unemployed’, life has been going down hill. The thoughts of insignificance, rejection and inferiority occasionally creeps into my mind. Though these thoughts still linger, I’m better prepared and can now better handle these situations by the love, power and wisdom of God. WAG09 has taught me in many aspects through the sessions, workshops, and through the lifestyle and testimonies of other brothers and sisters in Christ.
In one of the workshop sessions, Balancing work, life and ministry, Pastor Wilson talked about 3 key concepts of a balance life, which are PURPOSE, MOTION and RHYTHM. And when this three are in tune, it leads to a sense of fulfillment – BEAUTY. Through this God reminded me of His wonderful purpose He has for me and that He places obstacles and challenges in our way not to stop us but to stretch us to become better and stronger. David would still have been a shepherd boy if not for Goliath. Paul would still have been Saul if not for the bright light. Just like in Romans 8:28, and we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to His purpose. It’s comforting to know that I have Someone greater than I who is in control of my situation.

Besides the mind-filling sessions and workshops, WAG this year had some really cool activities installed. There was the Synergy Quest: In search of the lost treasure, which my team would have won if not for some technical errors by…( you know who you are =D).. its ok, first prize is only a 4GB usb! but thumbs up for the organisers. Then there was the Valentines’ Day Special that you can read more about it below by Leann. All in all, it was more than I could ask for. Through this, we were able to know each other better and meet and make new friends across the different services in Hope Brisbane.

Finally, I’m really glad I was able to make it to WAG this year in spite of my current situation. Though the 3 days of ‘paradise’ is over and now it back to reality but enjoy I did in the midst of adversity!
by JoelSim


One of my most favourite programs of WAG 2009 enJOY is - the Valentines' Day Special Event. Here I'm gonna tell you how we spent the romantic day...
During the day we had valentines' special delivery - anyone can order from a list of items with a message written to be delivered to someone during the dinner. Many people participated and it was such a warm-and-fuzzy night with special gifts received and words of affirmation received from friends or loved ones.

At night we were arranged to be in a function room (praise God for the unexpected arrangement from Bardon!) for the Valentines' Dinner. The room is decorated with balloons under dim light and tables that are decorated with candles and heart-shaped lollies, which greatly enhanced the romantic atmosphere. A valentine card is given to each person on the table with words of encouragement written by the brothers and sisters on the same table.

After an hour of buffet dinner, we played a game called 'Valentines Partnering' by putting a name (Cinderella, prince charming, etc) at each others' back, to find out who yourself are then look for your partner. Interactions with different ones were encouraged and the room is filled with laughter and fun. Little did people know that the game is aimed to teach us that as singles, we need to find out who we are as a person before we commit ourselves in finding a God-given soul-mate, whilst as married couple, we always need to spend time communicating with our partner in getting to know him/her continuously.

The next game was called 'Love Charades' participated by 2 persons from each group. With the funny expression of the participants and their very meaningful presentation of the charade items, I am sure this game has reminded us the important elements of a healthy relationship and to appreciate every person in our lives whom has been sharing the love to us.
The final game is named 'Romantic Poetry Presentation' volunteered by married couples. Chen Chee, Peter, Charlie (from AS) and Ben Seah presented to their wife a very romantic poem in a dramatic way. Guess who's the winner? Peter and Jojo that is! They are presented with certificates of the 'Most Romantic Man' and the 'Most Romantic Woman' in the WAG. What a romantic couple! The Valentines' Special wrapped up with debriefing of the meaning of the games.
It is rare that I can spend this lovely day with a great bunch of wonderful people doing all those meaningful activities. I will always remember such a Valentines' Day as that...

by Leann Loo


Year 2008 was like a roller coaster ride for me and Sharon. Many things have been planned as well as many things have failed. During this time, we’ve experienced the highest high and lowest low in both reality and spiritually in our life.

In the beginning of 2008, we planned to have our wedding ceremony done in Malaysia in 2009. And at the same time, we were also looking for new property in south side (as our life group habitation is there). We were so excited with all these plans but at the same time busyness with these things draw us away from depending on God. We were so self reliance and didn’t really pray to God on all these plans.

By mid 2008, we found a nice property in south side and decided to go ahead with it. After we got the contract, things started to get confused and uncertain to us. First, economy recession started to take place during that time, because of this, we got very worried and started to doubt whether our decision to get this property is right or wrong. Sharon and I started to pray about this and also consult few brothers and sisters regarding this. During this time, Sharon received a word “Wait and SEE”. This is really a big decision for us as we already paid property inspector. But finally we decided to stop proceeding the application and withdrew from it.

By then, I thought everything is over, but the exciting part has just come in. During October, we discovered that we are going to be parents. This was really shocking news for both of us at first as it was unplanned. But after we thought about what had happened in the past, things started to fit into the whole picture. So instead of worrying about property, we now focus on the baby. We would be in financial trouble if we were to get that new property which will cost us to pay 2 mortgages and also the medical expenses for Sharon and the baby.

By now, I would like to think everything has come to an end, but obviously God has much more to test and to train me. As of beginning of December, I was made redundant due to the economic crisis. It was really a hard time for me as we are expecting a baby soon, and we are in a tight budget. I told this bad news to some of my brothers and one of them actually asked me to pray specifically on what I wanted to do in the future. Every day I would be sitting in front of my desk and sending out as many resume as possible but none replied to me. I often pray to God asking why He had forsaken me, and allow me to go through all these hazards but the prayer often ended with no reply. Ending up, I joined my life group in unit getaway camp. Although I was having a great time during the getaway, I still have the concern of unemployment and how to deal with it when I get back to reality. Much stress and worry I had I kept to myself as I didn’t really want to increase Sharon’s worries and what she is already dealing with. After I come back from camp, I started to worry again and I got to the point where I only slept less than 6 hours per day. Just when I was about to give up the hope of getting job, miracles happened.

On one fine Thursday night, 8:30PM sharp, I received an email from a company which was totally unexpected regarding having interview with me on the following Monday. I’ve applied few positions in this company in the past and I didn’t even have a chance to be invited to interview. So I was really excited at first, but when I thought of how many turndowns I got from the past interviews, and due to the fact that there are more experienced delegates in the market, I started to have negative feelings about this interview. So without much hope and preparation, I went to that interview. I didn’t really get much response from the interview and just went back with negative thoughts and attitude.

On Tuesday early in the morning, I received an email from HR department about the rejection from this company. I was really sad and angry towards God. I keep asking Him why He has to give me the chance to get interview after months of torturing and stress but then took the job offering from me. After around an hour, I received another email from HR asking me for referee’s details, I was so shocked at that time and thinking, why they would want to know more about me if they didn’t plan to offer me this position. After double-checking the email I received in the morning, I realised that the rejection was referring to another position which I applied long time ago in this company. I was relieved and also sorry on what my disappointment had brought my attitude towards God.

Despite all my confusion and blurred-mind, I decided go to prayer meeting hoping to get some encouragement and words from God. During prayer meeting, out of my expectation, Jojo came to me and share with me the vision she saw. I was really shock at that time and couldn’t response to her but just listened and got her to pray for me. On Wednesday morning, I received another email asking me to attend a second interview. I was so happy but also worried on failure. I didn’t tell anyone about this second chance I got because I was so scared of failure again.

So, I went to the interview on Friday morning. Everything went smoothly and my team leader offered me this position on the spot. I was really happy and almost jumped up when he offered me, but thank God I didn’t. One of my life group members even came by my house that very day after work just to share the good news and joy. Because of this job offer, I now can testify that what I prayed specifically in the beginning has been provided to me. I know that this is none other than God’s plan and work.

I really thank God for all the things that He has given me and even this wonderful and stressful journey. I even thank God for all the people He had placed around me that always there for me, pray for me when I needed the most. Thinking back now, God has really brought me up through this journey and renewed my faith in Him. I’ve also learnt to have faith on God not only during good time, but also during bad time in my life. And God sure do knows our limits and how much we can take in our life.

For all my brothers and sisters who are in the same situation as me, I really encourage you all to be patient and do really pray a lot, you won’t know what type of journey God will bring you through and what He is going to do in your life, but only if you put your faith in Him, He will surely walk and share the burden with you.

Life = no life without God, but with God, Life = colourful life.

Jeremiah 29:11 (New International Version) For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Your brother in Christ,
Alex Eng

Monday, February 16, 2009


Haven’t seen each other for more than a week, I reckon you guys and girls must be missing each other so much that you can't wait to meet each other this Friday.

Let us all bring a dish and be a blessing to one another.

Nothing would be more tiresome than eating and drinking if God had not made them a pleasure as well as a necessity. ~Voltaire


Did you know when you bless others, you're blessing God directly? Matthew 25:40 says, "When you do it to the least of these, it's like you're doing unto me."
We're taking up the offering next week in order to give more time for people to prepare to give for families affected (most urgent needs such as food and shelter are met by government and other emergency services).
By all means, people should give individually to Red Cross if they choose.
All amount taken up will be split 50/50 between VIC and Ingham.


Ladies and Gentlemen, young and old, smart or not,
you are invited to join us in a night of food, fun and most importantly,
to put your brain to the test. Please keep this date free and do invite your friends along to
this ‘mind-blowing’ event and a time of fellowship.

More information to follow.


Morning Service: Registration forms will be made available at the entrance
of the lecture theatre.
Don’t miss out this wonderful opportunity to experience the awesome power of God.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Ladies and Gentlemen, young and old, smart or not,
you are invited to join us in a night of food, fun and most importantly,
to put your brain to the test.

Please keep this date free and do invite your friends along to
this ‘mind-blowing’ event.
More information to follow.

Greetings from Timor Leste!

Received a very warm welcome from the Timorese mozzies as soon as I stepped on local soil. Our landlord's family and the Flores family(the Filippino missionary family here) were all happy to see us back,and so were we! The dogs, Charcoal & Rocky are doing well and seem contented to be at home with us again. They are more affectionate, coming to us for cuddles (I love Cuddles & Snowy too!) after not seeing us for those couple of weeks. We give thanks that the Lord protected everything here – the house, car and pets. Our home hasn't flooded (even though it rained everyday), so it's a good sign.

I enjoyed myself thoroughly in Brisbane, a big part due to all of you who have been so warm and welcoming. It's like being at home! It's interesting how with you guys, I hardly felt that kind of awkwardness typical in new friendships, where small talk and long silences might be the norm. Instead, I felt accepted for who I was almost immediately. I loved the fellowship, worship, learning the word that I missed so much… I think the Lord really knows how it will sustain me here for the next few months!

It was great to finally meet the 'characters' in person after hearingall about your exploits over the last couple of months – Nee Kee & Peter are funnier than I thought; Joel's cooking IS really 5-stars tandard; Leann & Sharon are excellent at putting Jaevis in his place; Ming DOES talk quite a bit, especially when it comes to Chinese drama series; Grace's legendary cakes are totally yummy… you get the idea:) At least when Jae & I pray for the life group, I can put a face to the name!

Jaevis has grown so much with all your love and encouragement, and just because of that, I know that NG 3 is the right place to be – a family that one can call their own. You're a great lot!
Thank you for all your well wishes and prayers. It was such a short time that I didn't get to talk to each of you much... BUT I lookforward to getting to know you guys better soon! ;)

In His Love,


Ps/ Want to find out more about Timor? Check here and here, and here for photos!

(1) here :

(2) here :

(3) here :


Let’s continue to uphold all our brothers and sister in prayer especially during this hard times.
-Pray for 100% employment in NG3.


Thank God for Justin Lee who accepted Jesus as his Lord last Sunday. Do make him feel welcomed in the group.

Monday, February 2, 2009


Hi all,

Chinese New Year has never been a significant event on my life before, as I never realized it existed until I came to Australia. However, only on last Saturday I experience what it is to have a Chinese New Year celebration with my second family here in Brisbane.

I had a great time, and it was great to see and made many new friends. Though I was nervous and anxious as there are so many things I need to do, at the end of the day I enjoyed seeing the smile and listening to the laughter of everybody that day.

I Thank God for the 9 visitors in our midst, they are Daisy Yim, Michael Cain, Charlie and Jenny, Ted and Kristy, Shally and Victor, Jenny Wong and Sharon. let's pray that friendships will continue to be developed as they come back to visit us again.

I also want to thank those that came that day for they have given me such memories that will stick with me for the rest of my lives and I believe there are many memories that we can make together in this family.

Here’s a glimpse of what happen that day for those that were not there during the celebration:

The CNY lunch celebration started with a video clip that talks about the meaning of reunion meal, followed by the CNY dishes introduction by the chef before the sumptuous Lunch coupled with fellowshipping in the house. A fun CNY Trivia session was prepared and chaired by Hannah. The highlight of the day was a very creative Game Presentation by the 4 individual groups as they presented how the 4 items - pumpkin seed, red packets, sticky cake and oranges related to Chinese New Year. And the winner was the very talented group who presented the pumpkin seed imitating the story of ‘Cinderella’. A promotion clip about life group that was created by Don was played as Grace explained the joy we have as we as an extended family gather every week to share and do lives together. A CNY party is never complete without ending with a very funny caroling of a popular CNY song ‘Gong Xi Ni’ (Happy New Year Everyone) in English.

Hope you had a great and fun time as much as I do.

Click on the link below and you can enjoy the good pictures taken during this wonderful event.


God Bless,

by Grace Rompies


Testimony by Jojo Tan

Good morning everyone. My name is Jojo. I'm from Malaysia but I've been living in Brisbane for the past 10 years now and I call this home. I'm married to Peter and I belong to a wonderful working adults group in this church called NewGeneration3.

Today I would like to share about how good it is to know a God that knows what's best for me. In 2004 I graduated with a Bachelor of Architecture from QUT. I then applied for work in a couple of architecture firms and was offered a job in 2 firms. I remember praying to God specifically saying:-

" God please help me know which offer I should take. Let it be a place where I can really grow as a person and be a blessing to my colleagues too".

The next day, one of the firms called and said they could not hire me now because one of their projects was not going to proceed. So I gladly took the job from the other firm. Hence I worked in that firm for the next 3.5 years. I was really happy working there as it has a great work environment and also great people to work with. Over that period of time, I truly saw God enabling me to grow as a person, in my skills and character, giving me opportunities to also share God's unconditional love to others and make many good friends. But in December 2008, just one month ago, things took a turn and I was made redundant together with 45 other staff.

I was saddened at the news but I was not angry nor upset with God. I could see that God can give and God can also take, just as Job in the Bible said and may God's name still be praised. Just as He provided me with this job, so He has allowed me to lose this job. Hence 4 months into marriage, I started my journey of being a housewife. At the same time I was concerned about repaying my mortgage. I believe that some of you in this room too may be facing the same thing in your life, just as some of the people in my life group are.

To tell the truth it isn't an easy time as there are moments of self pity, moments of frustration and moments of boredom too. Prayer and worship truly helped me in this time to maintain my joy and peace within.

It is truly a time where I find myself reflecting & re-evaluating the direction of my life. I can see that even as God takes away, He does it for a reason and He has a season for everything. It Ecclesiastes 3:1 it says

"1 There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven:"

Looking back, I remember that, at the end of 2008, I was getting frustrated with work and that I felt I wasn't growing in anyway. I felt guilty that my parents had paid for my 6 years of study, and now I wasn't even sure if I wanted to continue in architecture. I was afraid to quit or try a new career - it just seemed irresponsible.

But with my redundancy, I could see it was a chance for me to move on and seriously decide where I wanted to go. I could see God once again challenging me to trust Him to provide for me and to trust that He's going to bring me to the next stage of His plan for my life. I also see that, at times, God shakes things around us over a season in order to help us see that there are new things we need to grow in in our lives. During the past 1 and a half months, as I looked for new opportunities and careers to pursue, I have begun to feel excited again by where God will lead me. It was like when I had to trust Him many years ago for my permanent residency. I also began to see perseverance and courage emerging in me. Qualities that God had been quietly developing within me.

I praise God for the few interviews I've had since I lost my job. I am yet to know their outcomes. And through this time I truly thank God for a wonderfully understanding husband in Peter, my brother Don who's been a great support and to all my brothers and sisters in NG3 that have been praying and encouraging me along.

My job search continues with God and I eagerly look forward to the bigger and better person He's making me into as I do just that. And for all others that may be facing similar challenges, don't be downcast. Do be encouraged that God is going to bring you through this with a great purpose in mind. So trust Him and surround yourself with the friends and family that God has placed around you. God is my ROCK! Thank you.