Monday, January 12, 2009


Man’s chief end is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever

Why come to WAG 2009?
Are you enjoying your life with God? Are you enjoying your station in life? How can I thrive and not just survive in my workplace?
Come to Working Adult Getaway 2009 and find out more about how we can enjoy a more fulfilling life and bring glory and praise to God wherever He has placed us.
It’s also an opportunity for working adults in the church to network, have fun and share our insights and experiences with one another.

Don’t miss this life changing experience for 2009!

Conference Details
Date: 13th (evening) - 15th February 2009
Venue: Bardon Conference Venue, Bardon
Guest Speaker: Pastor Jeffrey Chong from Hope Singapore
Other speakers: TBC
Please note: We will be holding a church service on the Sunday at the WAG venue
Any queries email to:

Tickets are on sale now!! Places are limited.
Registration is open to all working adults from Afternoon, Morning and Ablaze services. Please register and pay for your tickets at the registration table at each church service - started last Sunday (11th January).

Early Bird Price - $190.00 (Until 25th January). Normal Price - $210.00.

Price Includes:
- 2 nights accommodation
- Full use of venue recreation facilities
o Swimming Pool and Spa
o Gymnasium
o Bushwalking Opportunities
- All you can eat buffet meals for every meal:
o Friday Dinner
o Saturday Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
o Sunday Breakfast and Lunch
- Special Valentine’s Day themed dinner event
- 3 Life Changing Teaching sessions
- 2 Workshops (Including 1 elective based workshop)
- Outdoor Synergy Games
- All lesson notes and materials.

Workshop – Elective Topics
1. Enjoy Single-hood While You Can
Everyone has to be single for some part of our lives. However, many adults may feel uncomfortable or incomplete during this season of single-hood due to loneliness or pressures from the society.
It does not have to be that way! Find out how we can enjoy the season of being single in our lives in this workshop.

2. Workplace Outreach
How can we reach out to our working colleagues and business partners in the market place? In this workshop you can exchange and share ideas/insights on how to share Christ effectively in the market place.

3. Enjoying People in Your Life
One of the keys to enjoying life is enjoying the people around you – people that you work with, people in your family, the person you are married to etc. What does it take to enjoy people in your lives? How can you develop people skills and handle conflicts? Do we just tolerate them or accept them in our lives? Find out in this workshop.

4. Stress Buster – How to stay positive and maintain joy in our lives despite our challenges
Is work stress burning you out? Are you a worrier? Is the current economic crisis wearing you out? Is it possible to be continually joyful? Don’t just endure life but enjoy it by knowing how to manage stress in our lives.

5. Enjoy Serving God as a Family (for married couples and families)
There are so many things to juggle as a family – financial matters, relationships, changing nappies etc. Yet, you desire what Joshua declared in the bible “As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” What are the keys to serving God together as a family? Come and find out in this workshop.

6. Synergy Forum (recommended for leaders)
Come and exchange/share ideas in this synergy forum on how we can work together to grow working adult life groups in the 21st century. We can leverage our effectiveness for the Kingdom through sharing and working together.