Monday, January 19, 2009


I want to thank everyone for organising a very memorable dinner for us January babies on the 15th Jan 2009 at Hanwoori Korean Restaurant.
Looking back, I remember being trully refreshed and touched during the whole evening and even afterwards as i went home with Peter. I'm sure the others feel the same too eh?

The posters with caricature of me, Sharon, Don and Grace were trully amusing and will be a great token to keep in years to come.
The warmth, laughter and joy in the room still rings in my ears...
The encouraging words spoken as we went round the table was a balm to my soul, for to me encouragment always goes a long way and spurs me on.

The night ended with a beautiful cake and many cheery pictures, that'll bring good memories and will be great to show our grandchildren one day...grin.

It is a wonderful thing to be part of a family like this...I shall always be grateful.

Praise God for digital camera and our dear camera man Neekee! Please click on the following link to check out the photos. Enjoy the funny, warm and fuzzy pictures that bring you wonderful memories of laughter and fellowship. Stay tuned for our next Birthday celebration and make sure you do not miss out!

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