Monday, January 12, 2009


Thanks to everyone who provided feedback for the 2008 UG. We praise God for the goodness it has brought to our members and look forward to bringing a more God-led and blessed 2009 UG as we commit our plan to the Lord.

1. What was good about this getaway?
i. free time for free-flow fellowship and self-created activities - love the program especially the team name, team yell and team presentation part the most + beach games + sunrise
ii. brand new experience in camping - relaxed
iii. food of course! great experience in cooking and cleaning together
iv. A Carefree environment not constraint by time to allow all of us to interact and get to know each other better.
v. Good activities and program organised. Especially the beach session.
vi. Beach action: swimming was great
vii. I liked the fact that each of the teaching topics are connected and flowed on from one another.
viii. Very memorable to go through a degree of “ordeal” together.
ix. Away from Work!!
x. The team activity, bonding session and people working together.
xi. Fellowship and know more of one another
xii. The closeness and friendship of everybody
xiii. The sun, the sea and the fellowship - Surprise that some many people have tents and camping equipments.

2. What were two things you learnt during the getaway?
i. the true colour/characteristics of some members in NG 3
ii. leadership - personally inspired by the facts that each person has a God-given leadership capability lying within us, and a few important characters that I should seek to build up, such as attitude and guarding of what goes into my mind/heart in daily lives
iii. to be still and take a break - for God and for friendship-building with the members
iv. Talents and creative flair of people in Life group
v. Water is important and air-con or fan is necessary during summer.
vi. I got to get to know 2 people a lot more, Alex & Sharon
vii. Fellowship, appreciate the time for being together and Leadership
viii. That “roughing” it out can make people come closer together.
ix. To appreciate everything God has given me (air-con, nice house, hot shower) and to work with different ones
x. Learn to survive and fellowship, working together, living in harmony
xi. Many creative people in our midst and leadership qualities in everyone

3. Suggestions for improvement?
i. more team building games - can have a brief session everyday - that's when we discover each others' true colour and can truly strengthen the bonding
ii. initiate discussion time after teaching - can be light questions such as your view for the teaching imparted, how you would encourage the building up of leadership spirit in you, is there any circumstances that you found you are forced/urged to lead but don't know how, what did you do, etc. - more for reflection and open sharing to each other in a small group
iii. more constructive and step-by-step marketing would be good - such as early release of campsite pictures, session topics, flow of program, camping expectations (God's strong presence, unity among people) – I think for this camping, the beach games, sunrise and team presentation are actually very good selling points/attractions
iv. Team games to foster team work or some confidence building exercises.
v. Different time for camping. Not summer. Too hot. Bigger tent to put more people together. More communication and fellowship can be organised. Cabin should be attached with a toilet. Better for female. Need to consider sweat-loss. Too hot or too cold. Children next year.
vi. Less free time - Structured free time ie; same like in 2007 getaway
vii. Better program list and maybe extra activity
viii. Cooler season. Less insects. Stay in apartment.
ix. Have a bit more program that facilitates fellowship/ meaningful talk
x. Weather wasn’t very good, can have is during better weather conditions
xi. Having more games

4. Suggestions for next years getaway (venue, theme etc)?
i. Would love camping again - preferably somewhere new and more beautiful with more facilities available that we can incorporate with our program as a group rather than voluntarily - preferably in winter/spring/autumn but not summer! Would be great to have campfire too!
ii. Any Island that stays away from the city and near to the nature would be great fun - Hope Island, etc
iii. Mountain/Seaside retreat
iv. It can be same place but better if upgrades. Better conditions.
v. Mountain Retreat sounds good but I feel beach setting is more fun to a large group
vi. Mountains if it’s on a farm or somewhere where we learn new skills and try new things.
vii. Hill top experience.
viii. Apartment
ix. Next to the beach - encourage more people to attend
x. Mountain top camping.

i. Theme - humility/servanthood (can do something like feet-washing ceremony imitating Jesus' acts of service to His disciples)
ii. Rise up, step up, speak up
iii. Running with the wind (wind glider)

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