Monday, January 5, 2009


Praise God for His grace and presence throughout our NG 3 Unit Getaway. We praise God for the friendships built, the passion urged and the unity formed.

A total of 15 of us gathered on last Monday morning to embark on an adventurous trip to Noosa Head Northshore to spend a few summer days in a traditional Australian way - camping. The trip started off with a quick bite at McDonalds at Caboolture before an hour of travelling that was filled with laughter and chatting. Upon arrival, we had a time of sharing and briefing by Jojo, followed by a time of exciting discussions among the 3 groups to come up with a team name, team yell and a group presentation which is due on the following night. After some rest, all the guys united together to set up 4 tents; while the ladies enjoyed cooking lunch together with rice, vegie and canned meat. It was amazing to see how quickly the tents plus a shaded meeting area were successfully set up by the gentlemen and also how soon the food was gone!

At night we had BBQ near the campsite, followed by a Praise & Worship session at the beach. Praise God that His presence was with us and hearts were encouraged to rise up in faith in our walk with God and passion for His Kingdom. The Lord continue to minister to us through Neekee as he shared about 'what is a true leader' and how our attitude, inspirations, passion, vision, conviction and purposes play a part in it. God has immediately challenged us to apply what we've learnt into practice as we were approached by a family whose car was stuck on the sandy beach. The guys showed their helpfulness by digging into the sand while the girls busy keeping each others at sight in unity for safety reason. With a forecasted weather of shower at night, we thank God for answering our prayers with good weather that allowed all our programs for the day to be undertaken successfully. A late shower only happened at rest time which cooled down the hot temperature. It was also an interesting experience for the few guys who stayed in the 2 tents that had water-leaking problem.

On the next morning, despite the cloudy sky, we headed off to the beach with faith to see the sunrise. Praise God for reminding us about His faithfulness, not only through the golden sunrise but also through the big fat rainbow on the sky. After a prayer and rededication to God as well as a fruitful P&W time, we headed back for a sumptuous bacon and egg breakfast. Thanks to Peter for sharing about the leadership spirit to us which helped each of us to see the God-given leadership potential within us from a new perspective. Thanks be to Joel for leading us for an exciting game session at the beach that encouraged team spirit and creativity. Thanks to Jaevis too for allowing all of us a fun time of sand-building on his body on the beach. One of the most luxurious things we can hardly get from the city is 'free time'. During the camping, many of us had a wonderful time of building up and getting to know each other as we talked and shared outside the cabin, in the swimming pool, during a long walk to the ocean, and even in the ocean.

After dinner, we were greatly entertained by each other as each group presented their team name, team yell and presentations! It was indeed the highlight of the camp where talents and the spirit of unity were found. The night ended with a time of 'free worship' led by any person as we sat in a circle. It was spontaneous yet meaningful as we found people bear the same worship song in mind that touches their heart deeply which also reminded us the different aspects of God's amazing love.

On the last day, we had the most delicious breakfast - Indo instant noodle, which amazingly everyone enjoyed the most. After cleaned up, we met God through a wonderful Praise & Worship time where hearts learnt to be still and find complete rest in God. Jojo encouraged many to discover the true self in us and the importance to guard our hearts as she shared about the spirit of leadership. A camping is never completed without testimonies. Some praise God for a time of ministering by God and others where heart was motivated to be passionate for Christ. Some thank God for friendships and opportunities to discover the inner self of each other. Some learn to appreciate the resources God has given to His people on the earth and the city. Some thank God for the teaching about leadership and the love and warmth that is experienced. A grateful thanks to Samuel & Ruth for showing hospitality generously as they invited everyone to their home for dinner after camping thoughtfully.

Special thanks to Sara, Ming and Jaevis for contributing their faithfulness to the UG by leading the different groups and the cabin. Thanks to the anointed speakers for their sacrificial preparation and sharing which blessed us greatly. A big thank you to the organising committee who made this summer special and to all that who attended the camp, your presence made the trip even more memorable. We also want to thank the intercessors in our midst for keeping us in your prayers and thoughts.

Please click on the flowing link to check out photos. Enjoy your good looking pictures and may they bring you wonderful memories of laughter and fellowship. If you would like higher resolution photos, please do not hesitate to contact Leann

A reminder to those who have not submitted their UG feedback form, please kindly pass it to Allister this week in LG/church, or via email:

What was good about this getaway?
What were two things you learnt during the getaway?
Suggestions for improvement?
Suggestions for next years getaway (venue, theme etc)?

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