Monday, January 12, 2009


Isaih 43:18-19 says, 'Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland'.

I am deeply encouraged by Joan as she shared about the promises God has given to our NG family as a whole in the year of 2009 - there will be personal growth and new victory in specific areas; there will be growth in ministry and enlargement; there will also be growth in leadership and increase in influence.

However all of these requires not only the blessings from God, but also the dedication to the Word of God and faithfulness in following His way. For the new year, let us let go of the past but welcome the new! Through this semester's CDS, let our mindset be renewed with the wisdom from the Word and counsels of God. Let us be fervent in extending our giftings to lead and be led from different leaders and teachings. Let our Christian living become fruitful as we walk in the will of God. Believe that God desires you to learn from the Christian Development School He has so kindly prepared for you in our church!

This semester, we greatly present to you the following CDS classes. You are welcomed to approach Leann for registration:

1. Foundations of Christian Living B
This subject is designed for new believers who desire to build a strong biblical foundation in their daily living. The students will learn biblical principles of how to deal with basic issues that Christians normally face, like Holy Spirit Baptism, sex, prayer, etc. An interactive class that encourages students' participation.

This world is full of lies and unrighteousness. As a young or even a revision-needed Christian, why not take this opportunity to grapple with the truths of Scripture and learn the application of godly principles in our daily lives.

2. Cell Leadership A
We want to build strong biblical churches and this requires effective leadership. This subject provides comprehensive understanding and principles of how to become effective leaders of God. Learn the biblical basis and dynamics involved in caring for and building believers through small groups. The subject will cover many aspects of practical ministry involved in leading a care group. Essential training for those aspiring to lead small groups.

It's time to rise up and learn how to lead a group that achieves the purposes that God has put in us. This CDS offers you all that you need!

3. Leadership Summit Series 2005 - most supported by NG 3 members!
Students will have the opportunity to learn through a video series from a variety of international leaders. The Willow Creek's annual Leadership Summit provides an opportunity for leaders and aspiring leaders to gain leadership skills, perspectives and insights that will help equip Christians for leadership in the church and the marketplace.

In order to improve, grow and develop further, as a group or a church - we need good leaders to arise and lead. If God has put such a burden in your heart, why not start equipping yourself through this class? A true understanding of competence, the skills for the tasks required, is foundational to trust in your leadership.
This class is the most supported one by NG 3 members. You are greatly encouraged to learn and grow together with us.

4. Knowing God’s Will
A unique yet biblical approach in understanding about God's will and His purposes for our lives. Learn how to discover God's will in major areas of our life. An essential subject for those who are serious about doing God's will.

In order to live a purposeful life, we need to know the will of God. Join this class to be inspired for God's glorious will in you! Be reminded for the abundant life He has prepared for you to discover! Be motivated to grow to grasp hold of His will and live to realise His plans in you.

5. Intermediate Counseling (Open to UG and above ONLY)
How to provide counsel in a way that is helpful and effective? Learn the basic principles in this module.