Monday, January 19, 2009


Australian Day Special Service – Please arrive @ N22, Theatre 1, Griffith University, Nathan campus @ 4.30pm for 5.00pm start.
Please invite your friends to join us for a relaxing time of light sausage sizzler dinner, Australian trivia and many more special programs.
Continue keeping this event in your prayer as we believe that we will see 6 new visitors in our midst. If you need a bit of nudge, do read the following food for thought for some inspiration.
Food for Thought
Is a person a fisherman if year after year he never catches fish? Is a person a true disciple of Jesus Christ if he never wins a soul for Christ? Jesus never suggests that the world should come to the church but he commands the church to go into the world to witness. Jesus has given us the example - he goes to the people, he never waits for the people to come to Him.

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