Monday, January 26, 2009


Date_Time_31st January 2009 (Saturday)_12 noon
Venue_66 Nursery Avenue, Runcorn
Features_Chinese-New-Year-themed Lunch, Chinese New Year Trivia, Caroling, Games
Dress code_RED top/pants/skirt!
This week is the last week you can approach your friend/colleague with an invitation for this relaxing event where new friendships can be established as we spread the love of God. Let's be courageous to invite friends and be open on the day to speak to new visitors as we reunite and feast together as an extended family in this meaningful festival season.
Your dear prayers for the following points are greatly needed to advance God's House:
1. Pray for open and soft hearts of the visitors
2. Pray for great time of "fun and fellowship"
To make our Chinese New Year celebration even more authentic, your cooperation in bringing a plate of Chinese-New-Year-dish as below is greatly appreciated:
Allister - Chicken
Don & Grace - Chinese sausage
Hannah - Snacks & Desserts & Water tumbler
Jaevis - Plastic cutleries
Joel - Noodle
Julie - Vegie
Leann - Sang Chow Bow
Ming - Cordial and Ice
Peter & Jojo – Duck
Ronald - Vegetable
Sara - Sunkist
Sharon and Alex - BBQ/Roast Pork
Stephanie and Nee Kee - Deep fried tofu/meat/fish ball
Wei Hoong - Pork
Leann, Hannah and Grace - Rice


Like to get a copy of the activities photos but don't know who to get from? Wanted high resolution photos in a good quality photo viewer to show your friends but don't know how?

Neekee has kindly created a NewGen3 online photo album for the photos taken during the events, celebrations, life group and more. Click on the link below and you can enjoy the good pictures taken during the few big events in 2008. Expect more in the year to come~~~


Conference Details - Working Adult Getaway 2009
Man's chief end is to glorify God and enJOY Him forever

Date: 13th (evening - including dinner!) - 15th February 2009 (Friday to Sunday)
Venue: Bardon Conference Venue, Bardon
Guest Speaker: Pastor Jeffrey Chong from Hope Singapore

Any queries email to:
....if you have not yet registered and still are not sure what WAG 2009 can bring to you...please refer to the FAQ below...and allow God to speak into your heart...
Frequently Asked Questions

What does the registration cost cover?
- 2 nights accommodation
- Full use of venue recreation facilities
o Swimming Pool, Spa, Gymnasium
- All you can eat buffet meals for every meal:
o Friday Dinner; Saturday Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner; Sunday Breakfast and Lunch
- Special Valentine’s Day themed dinner event
- 3 Life Changing Teaching sessions
- 2 Workshops (Including 1 elective based workshop)
- Outdoor Synergy Games
- All lesson notes and materials.

What is so interesting about WAG?
WAG is a great opportunity to meet and network with working people from across services. With forums and workshops, it will be invaluable, for Christians with similar experiences, to share and learn from each other. Hot topics will centre on questions pertaining to faith at the workplaces and ministry/work/life balance. Not only that, this will also be an avenue to learn from Ps Jeff and what they are doing in Hope Singapore, where their 800 working adults conduct similar working adult events. In fact WAG will not just be an event, it will be an experience.

Why can’t we just go for one day?
The spirit of Working Adults Getaway is to spend a full couple of days away from our normal lives – to getaway! This gives us the opportunity to establish fruitful connections and even friendships with church members outside our regular circle. We are also able to forge stronger union and friendships with the people we do know. Such free-range interaction is something unique to WAG – one day is just not enough!

I went last year, how is it different this year?
This year we have team games and activities, a Valentines Day special event, more workshop options, buffet meals for every meal, and a relaxing green leafy venue – all with the convenience of being right here in Brisbane. That means no long drive this year.

How do I register?
Option 1: Through your Unit Leaders (recommended)
Option 2: At the registration table after your church service.
Option 3: If neither of these suits you please contact:
Neekee Tai – Morning Service
Or write to

What are the sleeping arrangements like?
We will be sleeping three to a room in hotel style accommodation - 80% of rooms will have all single beds. When you register, please nominate whom you would like to share a room with.


Every year, Hope Oceania gathers together at this annual event to lay another block in the foundation we have in Jesus Christ. In 2009, the theme will be “EMPOWER – By My Spirit”. We will be gleaning from God’s Word through key international pastors - Ps PN and Ps Simon as they share with us about the Holy Spirit and His role in empowering us. The church of Jesus Christ today is craving for more miracles, signs and wonders and supernatural works of the Holy Spirit. How we long for revival to breakout in Oceania; people flocking to our churches and living the new life in Jesus. Without the Holy Spirit, our ministries will be in vain. So come and be empowered as we team together to fulfil the Great Commission in Oceania and all over the world.

If you need to know about what the past OCs brought into the lives of many, please do not hesitate to speak to the leaders and/or any member whom has been to any of them. As you set aside time to dwell in the spirit of the Lord and be discipled by the church leaders, your 2009 will be filled with even more godly inspiration and empowerment.


10th - 13th April 2009 2:00pm
More details can be found in

Guest Speakers_Ps Simon Eng & Ps Wilson Lim

Philip Island Adventure Resort Melbourne, Victoria

Registration cost_
$210 pp (Early bird price will end on 1st March)
Cost includes 3 nights accomodation, all meals, teaching materials.
Experience of the power of the Holy Spirit & God's presence, teachings & inspirations from anointed speakers, fellowship with members from other Hope family churches - Priceless...

Monday, January 19, 2009


..feeling tired of working life? finding it hard to be refreshed or inspired through 9 to 5 working days? need a balance between work, life and ministry but do not know how? always wanted to listen to an overseas speaker but never had a chance? wanted to celebrate Valentines' Day in a special way but have no creative idea?
If you say yes to any of the questions above - this WAG is deemed to be tailored made for you! We guarentee that you will truly enJOY the Valentines Day Dinner Event, Elective Workshops, Themed Treasure Hunt, 4 Inspirational Teachings, Powerful Praise and Worship Sessions, Team Building Games, Fellowship and Networking through 6 Buffet Meals!!
Conference Details
Date: 13th (evening - including dinner!) - 15th February 2009 (Friday to Sunday)
Venue: Bardon Conference Venue, Bardon
Guest Speaker: Pastor Jeffrey Chong from Hope Singapore
Any queries email to:
Early Bird Price* ($190) ends this Saturday, 25/1/09!! DO NOT MISS OUT!! *Normal Price $210


Australian Day Special Service – Please arrive @ N22, Theatre 1, Griffith University, Nathan campus @ 4.30pm for 5.00pm start.
Please invite your friends to join us for a relaxing time of light sausage sizzler dinner, Australian trivia and many more special programs.
Continue keeping this event in your prayer as we believe that we will see 6 new visitors in our midst. If you need a bit of nudge, do read the following food for thought for some inspiration.
Food for Thought
Is a person a fisherman if year after year he never catches fish? Is a person a true disciple of Jesus Christ if he never wins a soul for Christ? Jesus never suggests that the world should come to the church but he commands the church to go into the world to witness. Jesus has given us the example - he goes to the people, he never waits for the people to come to Him.


A good opportunity to invite friends of any nationality to celebrate a traditional festival together...a good time to enjoy a special Chinese New Year themed social dinner...a good way to understand Chinese culture corporately...a fun time to share laughter and warmth through special programs arranged...everyone is welcomed!

Date_Time_31st January 2009 (Saturday)_12 noon
Venue_66 Nursery Avenue, Runcorn
Features_Chinese-New-Year-themed Lunch, Chinese New Year Trivia, Caroling, Games


I want to thank everyone for organising a very memorable dinner for us January babies on the 15th Jan 2009 at Hanwoori Korean Restaurant.
Looking back, I remember being trully refreshed and touched during the whole evening and even afterwards as i went home with Peter. I'm sure the others feel the same too eh?

The posters with caricature of me, Sharon, Don and Grace were trully amusing and will be a great token to keep in years to come.
The warmth, laughter and joy in the room still rings in my ears...
The encouraging words spoken as we went round the table was a balm to my soul, for to me encouragment always goes a long way and spurs me on.

The night ended with a beautiful cake and many cheery pictures, that'll bring good memories and will be great to show our grandchildren one day...grin.

It is a wonderful thing to be part of a family like this...I shall always be grateful.

Praise God for digital camera and our dear camera man Neekee! Please click on the following link to check out the photos. Enjoy the funny, warm and fuzzy pictures that bring you wonderful memories of laughter and fellowship. Stay tuned for our next Birthday celebration and make sure you do not miss out!


A big Welcome to Daisy, Jessene and Stan in our midst - let us take the initiative to get to know them and make them feel at home. Praise God for new friendships to be established!

Monday, January 12, 2009


Please note the change of venue due to the closure of 7-8 restaurant until 16/1/09:

Venue: Hanwoori Korean Restaurant
Address: 70 Mary St, Brisbane City
Time: 15/1/09 (Thursday), 6.30pm - 8.30pm
Preparation: Please bring along a gift or words of blessing for the birthday babes - Don, Jojo, Grace & Sharon


In celebration of Chinese New Year, you are urged to invite friends of any nationality to join us for the following impactful event:
Objectives: An avenue to invite friends for a social dinner and to understand Chinese culture in a fun corporate way
Date/Time: 31st January 2009 (Saturday), 12 noon
Venue: 66 Nursery Avenue, Runcorn
Features: Chinese-New-Year-themed lunch, Chinese New Year quiz, caroling, games


Man’s chief end is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever

Why come to WAG 2009?
Are you enjoying your life with God? Are you enjoying your station in life? How can I thrive and not just survive in my workplace?
Come to Working Adult Getaway 2009 and find out more about how we can enjoy a more fulfilling life and bring glory and praise to God wherever He has placed us.
It’s also an opportunity for working adults in the church to network, have fun and share our insights and experiences with one another.

Don’t miss this life changing experience for 2009!

Conference Details
Date: 13th (evening) - 15th February 2009
Venue: Bardon Conference Venue, Bardon
Guest Speaker: Pastor Jeffrey Chong from Hope Singapore
Other speakers: TBC
Please note: We will be holding a church service on the Sunday at the WAG venue
Any queries email to:

Tickets are on sale now!! Places are limited.
Registration is open to all working adults from Afternoon, Morning and Ablaze services. Please register and pay for your tickets at the registration table at each church service - started last Sunday (11th January).

Early Bird Price - $190.00 (Until 25th January). Normal Price - $210.00.

Price Includes:
- 2 nights accommodation
- Full use of venue recreation facilities
o Swimming Pool and Spa
o Gymnasium
o Bushwalking Opportunities
- All you can eat buffet meals for every meal:
o Friday Dinner
o Saturday Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
o Sunday Breakfast and Lunch
- Special Valentine’s Day themed dinner event
- 3 Life Changing Teaching sessions
- 2 Workshops (Including 1 elective based workshop)
- Outdoor Synergy Games
- All lesson notes and materials.

Workshop – Elective Topics
1. Enjoy Single-hood While You Can
Everyone has to be single for some part of our lives. However, many adults may feel uncomfortable or incomplete during this season of single-hood due to loneliness or pressures from the society.
It does not have to be that way! Find out how we can enjoy the season of being single in our lives in this workshop.

2. Workplace Outreach
How can we reach out to our working colleagues and business partners in the market place? In this workshop you can exchange and share ideas/insights on how to share Christ effectively in the market place.

3. Enjoying People in Your Life
One of the keys to enjoying life is enjoying the people around you – people that you work with, people in your family, the person you are married to etc. What does it take to enjoy people in your lives? How can you develop people skills and handle conflicts? Do we just tolerate them or accept them in our lives? Find out in this workshop.

4. Stress Buster – How to stay positive and maintain joy in our lives despite our challenges
Is work stress burning you out? Are you a worrier? Is the current economic crisis wearing you out? Is it possible to be continually joyful? Don’t just endure life but enjoy it by knowing how to manage stress in our lives.

5. Enjoy Serving God as a Family (for married couples and families)
There are so many things to juggle as a family – financial matters, relationships, changing nappies etc. Yet, you desire what Joshua declared in the bible “As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” What are the keys to serving God together as a family? Come and find out in this workshop.

6. Synergy Forum (recommended for leaders)
Come and exchange/share ideas in this synergy forum on how we can work together to grow working adult life groups in the 21st century. We can leverage our effectiveness for the Kingdom through sharing and working together.


Thanks to everyone who provided feedback for the 2008 UG. We praise God for the goodness it has brought to our members and look forward to bringing a more God-led and blessed 2009 UG as we commit our plan to the Lord.

1. What was good about this getaway?
i. free time for free-flow fellowship and self-created activities - love the program especially the team name, team yell and team presentation part the most + beach games + sunrise
ii. brand new experience in camping - relaxed
iii. food of course! great experience in cooking and cleaning together
iv. A Carefree environment not constraint by time to allow all of us to interact and get to know each other better.
v. Good activities and program organised. Especially the beach session.
vi. Beach action: swimming was great
vii. I liked the fact that each of the teaching topics are connected and flowed on from one another.
viii. Very memorable to go through a degree of “ordeal” together.
ix. Away from Work!!
x. The team activity, bonding session and people working together.
xi. Fellowship and know more of one another
xii. The closeness and friendship of everybody
xiii. The sun, the sea and the fellowship - Surprise that some many people have tents and camping equipments.

2. What were two things you learnt during the getaway?
i. the true colour/characteristics of some members in NG 3
ii. leadership - personally inspired by the facts that each person has a God-given leadership capability lying within us, and a few important characters that I should seek to build up, such as attitude and guarding of what goes into my mind/heart in daily lives
iii. to be still and take a break - for God and for friendship-building with the members
iv. Talents and creative flair of people in Life group
v. Water is important and air-con or fan is necessary during summer.
vi. I got to get to know 2 people a lot more, Alex & Sharon
vii. Fellowship, appreciate the time for being together and Leadership
viii. That “roughing” it out can make people come closer together.
ix. To appreciate everything God has given me (air-con, nice house, hot shower) and to work with different ones
x. Learn to survive and fellowship, working together, living in harmony
xi. Many creative people in our midst and leadership qualities in everyone

3. Suggestions for improvement?
i. more team building games - can have a brief session everyday - that's when we discover each others' true colour and can truly strengthen the bonding
ii. initiate discussion time after teaching - can be light questions such as your view for the teaching imparted, how you would encourage the building up of leadership spirit in you, is there any circumstances that you found you are forced/urged to lead but don't know how, what did you do, etc. - more for reflection and open sharing to each other in a small group
iii. more constructive and step-by-step marketing would be good - such as early release of campsite pictures, session topics, flow of program, camping expectations (God's strong presence, unity among people) – I think for this camping, the beach games, sunrise and team presentation are actually very good selling points/attractions
iv. Team games to foster team work or some confidence building exercises.
v. Different time for camping. Not summer. Too hot. Bigger tent to put more people together. More communication and fellowship can be organised. Cabin should be attached with a toilet. Better for female. Need to consider sweat-loss. Too hot or too cold. Children next year.
vi. Less free time - Structured free time ie; same like in 2007 getaway
vii. Better program list and maybe extra activity
viii. Cooler season. Less insects. Stay in apartment.
ix. Have a bit more program that facilitates fellowship/ meaningful talk
x. Weather wasn’t very good, can have is during better weather conditions
xi. Having more games

4. Suggestions for next years getaway (venue, theme etc)?
i. Would love camping again - preferably somewhere new and more beautiful with more facilities available that we can incorporate with our program as a group rather than voluntarily - preferably in winter/spring/autumn but not summer! Would be great to have campfire too!
ii. Any Island that stays away from the city and near to the nature would be great fun - Hope Island, etc
iii. Mountain/Seaside retreat
iv. It can be same place but better if upgrades. Better conditions.
v. Mountain Retreat sounds good but I feel beach setting is more fun to a large group
vi. Mountains if it’s on a farm or somewhere where we learn new skills and try new things.
vii. Hill top experience.
viii. Apartment
ix. Next to the beach - encourage more people to attend
x. Mountain top camping.

i. Theme - humility/servanthood (can do something like feet-washing ceremony imitating Jesus' acts of service to His disciples)
ii. Rise up, step up, speak up
iii. Running with the wind (wind glider)


Isaih 43:18-19 says, 'Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland'.

I am deeply encouraged by Joan as she shared about the promises God has given to our NG family as a whole in the year of 2009 - there will be personal growth and new victory in specific areas; there will be growth in ministry and enlargement; there will also be growth in leadership and increase in influence.

However all of these requires not only the blessings from God, but also the dedication to the Word of God and faithfulness in following His way. For the new year, let us let go of the past but welcome the new! Through this semester's CDS, let our mindset be renewed with the wisdom from the Word and counsels of God. Let us be fervent in extending our giftings to lead and be led from different leaders and teachings. Let our Christian living become fruitful as we walk in the will of God. Believe that God desires you to learn from the Christian Development School He has so kindly prepared for you in our church!

This semester, we greatly present to you the following CDS classes. You are welcomed to approach Leann for registration:

1. Foundations of Christian Living B
This subject is designed for new believers who desire to build a strong biblical foundation in their daily living. The students will learn biblical principles of how to deal with basic issues that Christians normally face, like Holy Spirit Baptism, sex, prayer, etc. An interactive class that encourages students' participation.

This world is full of lies and unrighteousness. As a young or even a revision-needed Christian, why not take this opportunity to grapple with the truths of Scripture and learn the application of godly principles in our daily lives.

2. Cell Leadership A
We want to build strong biblical churches and this requires effective leadership. This subject provides comprehensive understanding and principles of how to become effective leaders of God. Learn the biblical basis and dynamics involved in caring for and building believers through small groups. The subject will cover many aspects of practical ministry involved in leading a care group. Essential training for those aspiring to lead small groups.

It's time to rise up and learn how to lead a group that achieves the purposes that God has put in us. This CDS offers you all that you need!

3. Leadership Summit Series 2005 - most supported by NG 3 members!
Students will have the opportunity to learn through a video series from a variety of international leaders. The Willow Creek's annual Leadership Summit provides an opportunity for leaders and aspiring leaders to gain leadership skills, perspectives and insights that will help equip Christians for leadership in the church and the marketplace.

In order to improve, grow and develop further, as a group or a church - we need good leaders to arise and lead. If God has put such a burden in your heart, why not start equipping yourself through this class? A true understanding of competence, the skills for the tasks required, is foundational to trust in your leadership.
This class is the most supported one by NG 3 members. You are greatly encouraged to learn and grow together with us.

4. Knowing God’s Will
A unique yet biblical approach in understanding about God's will and His purposes for our lives. Learn how to discover God's will in major areas of our life. An essential subject for those who are serious about doing God's will.

In order to live a purposeful life, we need to know the will of God. Join this class to be inspired for God's glorious will in you! Be reminded for the abundant life He has prepared for you to discover! Be motivated to grow to grasp hold of His will and live to realise His plans in you.

5. Intermediate Counseling (Open to UG and above ONLY)
How to provide counsel in a way that is helpful and effective? Learn the basic principles in this module.

Monday, January 5, 2009

WAG 2009

Date: 13th - 15th Feb 2009 (Fri-Sun)
Guest Speaker: Pastor Jeffrey Chong from Hope Church Singapore
Location: Bardon Conference Venue, Bardon
Fees: $190 early bird
..what you can expect from this WAG...#1
Ps Jeff leads the Pastoral Division in Hope Church Singapore and is directly overseeing close to 800 people in the Adults ministry. He is a gifted preacher with a great sense of humour!
Come and seek and enjoy the presence of God. Learn how to be an effective working adult wherever God has placed you in!


Dear All January Birthday Babes

The Lord celebrates you! He rejoices over your talents, gifts and abilities because He chose them just for you. He delights in who you are because He is the designer of you. On this special month, always remember the Lord loves you, He celebrates and He is so glad you are His!

As NG 3 family, we join the Lord in celebrating you and praying that you will have a memorable wonderful birthday celebration together with us on the 15th January 2008 (Thursday), 6.30pm @ 7-8, Robertson.

The Lord your God is with you, He is mighty to save, He will take great delight in you. He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing.
~ Zephaniah 3:17


Please note that there is a change of Sunday Service venue from next week, 11/1/09 onwards up to 1/3/08. Should you travel by Car via Coronation Drive, please refer to below:
  1. Head southeast on Coronation Dr toward Lang Pde
  2. Continue on Benson St
  3. Slight left at Brisbane St
  4. Continue on Gailey Rd
  5. Turn left at Sir Fred Schonell Dr
  6. At roundabout, take 3rd exit onto Coleridge St
  7. Turn left at Carmody Rd
  8. At roundabout, take the 1st exit into Chancellors Pl

Car parks can be found behind UQ main bus stop, or alternatively in front of Building 81 (Otto Hirschfield Building). Please do not hesitate to contact any of the NG 3 people should you require a ride to church.


Lost Item: Light Blue pail & dark blue bin of NG 3

Target: NG 3 members

Action Required:

(1) Check your house, car and room;
(2) Confirm you do not have it; or let Jojo know the last time you saw them;
(3) If you do have it with you, it's ok, please kindly bring along to LG or Church asap. Thanks!


Thanks to Joan and Jojo for sharing what the Lord has put upon their hearts to see in NG 3 for the new year. We pray that as the new year begins, the hearts of NG 3 will draw even closer to God and to His Words with Right inner life & Dedication to God (quality of quiet time + awareness of God in daily life) as our emphasis. Allow His joy to fill our days, His peace to guide our hearts and His love to be in our lives as we wait in anticipation to see all God will do! Let us continue to keep a thankful heart for the plans God has for you and I in this new year.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11 NIV


Praise God for His grace and presence throughout our NG 3 Unit Getaway. We praise God for the friendships built, the passion urged and the unity formed.

A total of 15 of us gathered on last Monday morning to embark on an adventurous trip to Noosa Head Northshore to spend a few summer days in a traditional Australian way - camping. The trip started off with a quick bite at McDonalds at Caboolture before an hour of travelling that was filled with laughter and chatting. Upon arrival, we had a time of sharing and briefing by Jojo, followed by a time of exciting discussions among the 3 groups to come up with a team name, team yell and a group presentation which is due on the following night. After some rest, all the guys united together to set up 4 tents; while the ladies enjoyed cooking lunch together with rice, vegie and canned meat. It was amazing to see how quickly the tents plus a shaded meeting area were successfully set up by the gentlemen and also how soon the food was gone!

At night we had BBQ near the campsite, followed by a Praise & Worship session at the beach. Praise God that His presence was with us and hearts were encouraged to rise up in faith in our walk with God and passion for His Kingdom. The Lord continue to minister to us through Neekee as he shared about 'what is a true leader' and how our attitude, inspirations, passion, vision, conviction and purposes play a part in it. God has immediately challenged us to apply what we've learnt into practice as we were approached by a family whose car was stuck on the sandy beach. The guys showed their helpfulness by digging into the sand while the girls busy keeping each others at sight in unity for safety reason. With a forecasted weather of shower at night, we thank God for answering our prayers with good weather that allowed all our programs for the day to be undertaken successfully. A late shower only happened at rest time which cooled down the hot temperature. It was also an interesting experience for the few guys who stayed in the 2 tents that had water-leaking problem.

On the next morning, despite the cloudy sky, we headed off to the beach with faith to see the sunrise. Praise God for reminding us about His faithfulness, not only through the golden sunrise but also through the big fat rainbow on the sky. After a prayer and rededication to God as well as a fruitful P&W time, we headed back for a sumptuous bacon and egg breakfast. Thanks to Peter for sharing about the leadership spirit to us which helped each of us to see the God-given leadership potential within us from a new perspective. Thanks be to Joel for leading us for an exciting game session at the beach that encouraged team spirit and creativity. Thanks to Jaevis too for allowing all of us a fun time of sand-building on his body on the beach. One of the most luxurious things we can hardly get from the city is 'free time'. During the camping, many of us had a wonderful time of building up and getting to know each other as we talked and shared outside the cabin, in the swimming pool, during a long walk to the ocean, and even in the ocean.

After dinner, we were greatly entertained by each other as each group presented their team name, team yell and presentations! It was indeed the highlight of the camp where talents and the spirit of unity were found. The night ended with a time of 'free worship' led by any person as we sat in a circle. It was spontaneous yet meaningful as we found people bear the same worship song in mind that touches their heart deeply which also reminded us the different aspects of God's amazing love.

On the last day, we had the most delicious breakfast - Indo instant noodle, which amazingly everyone enjoyed the most. After cleaned up, we met God through a wonderful Praise & Worship time where hearts learnt to be still and find complete rest in God. Jojo encouraged many to discover the true self in us and the importance to guard our hearts as she shared about the spirit of leadership. A camping is never completed without testimonies. Some praise God for a time of ministering by God and others where heart was motivated to be passionate for Christ. Some thank God for friendships and opportunities to discover the inner self of each other. Some learn to appreciate the resources God has given to His people on the earth and the city. Some thank God for the teaching about leadership and the love and warmth that is experienced. A grateful thanks to Samuel & Ruth for showing hospitality generously as they invited everyone to their home for dinner after camping thoughtfully.

Special thanks to Sara, Ming and Jaevis for contributing their faithfulness to the UG by leading the different groups and the cabin. Thanks to the anointed speakers for their sacrificial preparation and sharing which blessed us greatly. A big thank you to the organising committee who made this summer special and to all that who attended the camp, your presence made the trip even more memorable. We also want to thank the intercessors in our midst for keeping us in your prayers and thoughts.

Please click on the flowing link to check out photos. Enjoy your good looking pictures and may they bring you wonderful memories of laughter and fellowship. If you would like higher resolution photos, please do not hesitate to contact Leann

A reminder to those who have not submitted their UG feedback form, please kindly pass it to Allister this week in LG/church, or via email:

What was good about this getaway?
What were two things you learnt during the getaway?
Suggestions for improvement?
Suggestions for next years getaway (venue, theme etc)?