Monday, April 6, 2009


Dear Brothers/Sisters of my NG3 family,

I just want to say a huge thank you to all of you for many reasons...

For all your prayers, encouragement, smses, phone calls, etc... especially during my house hunting phase over last couple months. Stephanie, Nee Kee, Alex and Sharon came along with me on couple occasions during my house hunting Saturdays and offered advices, be an extra pair of eyes for me and offered prayers. All very much truly appreciated. The VIP access pass still stands (you know what I mean... hah). The sheer loudness of the cheer I received on Sunday when the owner accepted my offer was astounding. Thanks to all!

Some of you have been praying for my parents, for breakthroughs and for God's intervention to soften their hearts. All of you are part of the reason how they are affected and convinced that God's family is great. All of you are my family here and I pray that God will use you and I actively as an example how He has affected my life and built my character up so as to be a living testimony for Him especially in relation to sharing His Word with my parents. There have been breakthroughs in my conversation with them. Every breakthrough is a huge encouragement for me and I look forward to many more.

To NG3.3 for being so understanding and forgiving. I know each one of you are as busy if not more than I, yet all of you have been so accommodating to me and has helped tremendously with Amazing I-Race, discussions, walk the ground, etc. Which shamefully, I have not been able to participate as much as I could/should. Nee Kee especially, for taking on a lot more for Steph and I as both of us are facing similar deadlines at work where finance budget deadlines are just round the corner.

I would also like to testify to God's faithfulness. During my house hunting experience, I was drifting away... from asking for God's favour to acting out my own will and taking on everything upon myself. I thank God for having all of you around me... all of you spoke to me at some point or another... many times are stark reminders for me to turn to God and not take on the burden on my own. I was reminded that I should have faith and be persistent, trust God and commit my decision to Him. God has shown me favour and has granted me a contract. I am committing the rest of the paperwork/process to him... finance, conveyancing, inspections, etc. I trust He will see me through the whole process and I ask for your continuing prayers.

I pray that my new property will be a blessing to more people. I commit my purchase to God and to serve Him and His people in any aspect to come. I pray that my purchase will be timely to help some of you as well, be it to move to the south, or to be a temporary arrangement to live together after making a life commitment... whatever the case, I'll be glad to serve.

I'm at work at the moment but I felt prompted to write this now. This has been written in a hurry... so please pardon my English and any incoherent part in this email. God bless and have a great week ahead!


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