Monday, April 13, 2009


Greetings from Melbourne. I'm here with Alex, Sharon and Stephanie waiting for our flight back to Brisbane. I usually see Daniel during most of the sessions and it's great to be able to see a familiar face and talk about lifegroup, photography and stuff.
I think most of us would agree that we've had a great and awesome time at convention. On many occasions, the presence of the Holy Spirit is so strong and clearly felt. God spoke to many of us during convention as well as made confirmations to the directions we're heading in life.
I was sick and had to be bedridden on saturday night and slept 16 hours straight through. When I gathered enough strength to venture outdoors, the first sight and sound was the sweetest voices of people worshipping God everywhere I went. This was during the afternoon free time but I thought I've reached heaven and tears welled up in me. To have been sick, I was reminded of how frail we can be and how awesome God is. And I lose perspective when I get caught up with my own priorities instead of my Lord's perfect plans.
On a different note, the theme of Empower - Spirit filled Church is all so appropriate. We've learnt so many many things about the Holy spirit and that the Holy spirit has so many facets. I'm sure I speak for everyone that we're glad that we were able to set aside time and resources to be refreshed, restored and just sit under God's Words and Presence. Nothing can take that away from us. I was very encouraged and quite humbled to see Sharon five months pregnant still attending every single sessions and so fervant for God. Last but not least, for the closing ceremony, the kids shared the visions they had that will leave an impression in my mind for a long time to come. God reminded me in Matt 19:14 to let the little children come for the kingdom of heaven belongs to them.
This is the crossroad and turning point for many people and for me, the beginning of yet another exciting chapter of my life where God is the author and perfecter.

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