Monday, April 6, 2009


A greeting and encouragement email from our brother, Ronald, who is currently having holiday in Malaysia with his wife, Hannah. What a pleasure to receive such an inspiring note from far! Thank you Ronald for his heart to encourage our people even when he is in a holiday! Pray for journey mercy and a pleasant break for Ronald.

Greetings from Malaysia...a beautiful country.

We trust y'all are doing great (We've tagged Julie's Baptism and Amazing I-race as the features of the week).

Here we're both having a great time with family...and I want to share something regarding my sister in law's son Zacharey.

This l'il fellow of four years is very passionate about a cartoon character known as BEN10. I even think that there is no hal hour that passes by without the mention of his hero BEN10. He has BEN10 watch bought two days ago while we were shopping. Whenever I surf the net, he insists that I go to the BEN10 website for games. He has all the gadgets of BEN10 that he can set his eyes upon. This fantasy world of BEN10 is more real to him than anything else, at this moment.

As I think about Zacharey, I ask myself: What am I passionate about with such intensity?

There is something about the passion that comes from children. That innocent and intense passion.
Infact we are admonished to behold the kingdom of the LORD with such passion and intensity that a child has...and I ask myself: Do I recieve GOD's kingdom with the same passion and consuming zeal like that of Zacharey for BEN10?

Of course L'il ZAcharey has a lot to learn in life and it is in great expectation and prayer I trust he shall have the zeal for things eternal as he grows...but what gripped me here is the "passion of a child", as opposed to the "object of the passion".

Ponder with me how great it is if we behold our object of passion, with a passion of a child.

As it is, I am challenged by the words of the LORD, when he said:
"Truly I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it at all." Luke 18:17

GOD bless you
from Ronald Elunai

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