Monday, April 13, 2009


Hello excited and godly brethens,

As Peter and I leave to Malaysia to visit our family & friends and hold our Chinese wedding, we shall continue to pray for all of you. I hope each one of you will continue to strive to hear God's voice and follow Him with all your heart as we approach the 5th month in 2009. Please pray for us too to be a good testimony as Christians. This is so that our family and friends will see God through us. I hope the holiday and change of atmosphere will refresh us and give us many more new ideas for NG3.

Neekee is going to oversee NG3 over this period. I know he's more then capable to do so. But i do encourage all of you to give him encouragement as well as feedback with things that are going on. It's not an easy role but i know you guys are all truly caring people and will make him love this role more then before.

Ok, see you all on Friday.


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