Monday, April 27, 2009


And said, ‘Cornelius, your prayer has been heard, and your alms are remembered in the sight of God.’ Acts 10:31

Acts 10 is a very significant chapter because it is in this chapter that the Gentile Church was born. With the preaching of the gospel to Cornelius’ household, world evangelism and world missions were launched. While there had been many Gentiles who were kind to the gospel, Cornelius did something that drew God’s attention directly to him. There is no doubt he was a man who loved God. And in his love for God, he caught hold of the principle that Jehovah is a giver, not a taker.

As he prayed and prayed, and gave more and more, all of a sudden the Lord gathered up all his prayers and giving, blended them together, and turned them into a powerful memorial prayer that activated His hand into quick action. A memorial is a reminder-a tool to preserve remembrance. While God never forgets, He asks to be reminded. Isaiah 43:26 says, "Put Me in remembrance; let us contend together; state your case, that you may be acquitted." When you mix your prayer with giving, you "promote" that prayer into a special memorial that will move God to act on your behalf.

When barren Hannah mixed her intercession with a vow to give, the Lord immediately remembered her and she conceived that same night (1 Sam. 1:19). When Jephthah mixed his prayer with a vow to give, immediately God moved mightily and delivered Israel from the Ammonites (Judg. 11:32). When the widow of Zarephath decided to mix her prayer with giving, she "promoted" her prayer into a special memorial before God. Almost instantly, God took her out of abject poverty into His financial abundance (1 Kin. 17:9-16). What kind of giving memorializes a prayer? In Mark 14:8, a woman "did what she could" in her sacrificial giving to Jesus. She offered her best and most precious to the Lord. Jesus took notice of her and her deeds were memorialized for all time (14:9). What was the key? She gave her best to God!

Be a prayer warrior. But know that it is the prayer of faith that moves mountains. So start mixing your intercession with your faithful tithing and generous giving. Your giving will turn your faith loose and intensify the supplications you are bringing before the Lord.


We will have our Unidus Pledge on the 15th-17th weekend.
Let's look to God as we believe for Unidus!

Now this I say, he who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each one must do just as he has purposed in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that always having all sufficiency in everything, you may have an abundance for every good deed...
2 Corinthians 9:6-8 (NASB)


How Much Is Enough By John Gagliardi

The Bible tells us that God gives us the power to get wealth (Deut. 8:18) and that if we sow generously, we will reap generously (2 Cor. 9:6). Indeed, it further tells us that as we give (sow), the harvest we reap will be "good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over" (Luke 6:38).

As Christians, we are heirs (Gal. 3:29) to the promises God gave to our father in the faith, Abraham, that He would bless us so that we can be a blessing (Gen. 12:2). So there is nothing wrong with giving and expecting to receive in return, as long as our intention is to continue to give.

As we activate God's biblical economic principles, we find the old saying to be totally true: We can never out-give God. He is a giving God, and His very nature is to give. So when God lives in us through His Holy Spirit, our nature also becomes a giving and generous nature.

As Roy C. Stedman says in a recent article entitled "Giving Generously," "True giving must be expectant giving... there is nothing wrong with recognizing that you will be benefited by your giving, because the Word everywhere tells us that. If you give so that you might have more to give, you are right in line with God's program."

But when it comes to money, many people still have a lingering guilt about wealth and prosperity, in spite of the preponderance of scriptures to the contrary. Many of us have grown up in a church tradition where poverty is somehow identified with holiness, and wealth is seen as worldly and evil.

Which often leads on to a very common question--How much is enough? Should we have just enough to cover our basic needs, or should we, like Oliver in the famous Dickens' novel, "Oliver Twist," ask for "More please?"

El-Shaddai—God Is More Than Enough

The answer is that God invites us to ask Him for exactly that—MORE PLEASE! He is a God of super-abundance and "more-than-enough." He is El Shaddai—the All-Sufficient God, and it was by that name that God introduced Himself to Abraham (Abram): "And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the LORD (Jehovah) appeared to Abram, and said unto him, I am the Almighty God (El-Shaddai); walk before me, and be thou perfect. And I will make my covenant between me and thee, and will multiply thee exceedingly" (Gen.17:1-2).

God's first command to mankind after He created them was to "be fruitful and multiply" (Gen. 1:28). God's essence is multiplication and fruitfulness—not poverty and scarcity. He wants us to ask for more, so we can bear fruit and be a blessing to others. How can we obey God's commands to be fruitful and "be a blessing" if we only have just enough to scrape by frugally to cover our own most basic needs?

God spells it out very clearly in Paul's Second Letter to the Corinthians: "He who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully... and God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work... while you are enriched in everything for all liberality, which causes thanksgiving to God" (2 Cor. 9:6-10).

The Message Bible puts it even more bluntly: "God can pour on the blessings in astonishing ways so that you're ready for anything and everything, more than just ready to do what needs to be done. As one psalmist puts it, ‘He throws caution to the winds, giving to the needy in reckless abandon...' This most generous God... gives you something you can then give away, which grows into full-formed lives, robust in God, wealthy in every way, so that you can be generous in every way, producing with us great praise to God... You show your gratitude through your generous offerings to your needy brothers and sisters, and…everyone."

There is no escaping what God is telling us in these Scriptures—He does not want us to have "just enough," but to have "more than enough," so we can attend to our own needs, and then always have plenty left over to bless others and meet their needs.

Money Tests Your Character

How we handle money is a key test of our character—if we have a mean and selfish heart, then money will only multiply those traits, and lead to unhappiness and disillusionment. If we have a generous and giving heart, then money will enable us to bless many around us, and open us up to the "true riches" He has in store for us.

Pastor Ken Kelly in 2004 wrote an article, "How Much Money Is Enough" as part of a series on the Bible and money. The first thing he said was that money would never meet our needs for satisfaction, significance or security. Only God can do that.

He believes that God has chosen money as a key indicator of what is really inside us: "The way you handle your money here on earth will determine your rewards as a believer in heaven. Why did God choose money as the acid test for character? Because our lives are dominated by it. We spend most of our lives making it, thinking about it, spending it, investing it, wondering what we're going to do with it or without it.

"So God uses money as a test to see what we're really like on the inside. You cannot be a mature Christian without settling the issue of money in your life. Increased income brings increased responsibility. The more I have, the more God holds me accountable.

"If you want to become like God, you must become a giver. God is a generous giver. The more generous you become, the more like God you become... You cannot serve God and money. You must decide. And your giving demonstrates what's first place in your life... (Money) represents your heart. Wherever your wealth goes, that's where your heart goes.

" So our attitude to money and wealth is all-important to God: If we want to hoard it up and spend it on ourselves and our selfish wants, then God is not going to "open the windows of heaven" to us and pour down such a blessing that we wouldn't even have enough room to receive it (Mal. 3:10). James gives us a somber warning in this regard: "You ask and you do not receive, because you ask amiss, that you may spend it on your pleasures" (James 4:3).

God indeed gives us the power to produce wealth, but not so we can misuse it and spend it on profligate living and selfish pursuits, but rather so that we can use it to "confirm His Covenant"—the Covenant He made with Abraham (and with us as Abraham's heirs) in Genesis 12:2-3: I will bless you and make your name great;And you shall be a blessing.I will bless those who bless you,And I will curse him who curses you;And in you, all the families of the earth shall be blessed.

Monday, April 20, 2009


"Your adornment must not be merely external...but let it be the hidden person of the heart..." - I Peter 3:3-4

As Pastor Wilson has shared last Sunday, let us continue to grow not only in our outward appearance but also inwardly in our character and attitude.

Please join us with full expectancy this Sunday! Dr Sim from the Resurrection Life Ministries will be our guest speaker on this coming Sunday. Dr Sim carries a strong prophetic and apostolic calling which has enabled him to build up churches and many leaders. Come and allow God to speak to you this Sunday!
"Send forth your light and your truth, let them guide me; let them bring me to your holy mountain, to the place where you dwell." Psalm 43:3 (NIV)


A big thank you to all who came and celebrated this wonderful occasion together with Ruth and Samuel. We want to wish them all the best as they embark on this exciting journey to parenthood.
To see who's a better future dad, please visit the following links to the real-life video clips presented by NG 3:


NG3 Unit Getaway is coming up in August 2009. This year it'll be organized by Peter Cain who will do his best to make it the best ever getaway yet!

Due to popular request, we're looking for a mountaintop experience (somewhere in the hills or mountains) this year!

If any of you have been to any exciting or fun place, where it's not more then 2 hours drive from Brisbane and can accommodate around 25 people, please let Peter know. And if any of you are interested to join and help out with the getaway this year, do let us know too!

Peter's contact :


CDS Term 3 has commenced last Sunday and is still available for signing up this Sunday. Please enrol with NG3 NEW CDS Champion (Julie) this week if you are interested in attending any of the classes. Fee: $7 per module to administrative and material costs (Except Seekers class which is free).
Subjects offered this semester are:
This class is offered for anyone who'd like to know more about Christianity. With a casual and discussional setting, attendants are encouraged to ask questions and raise any queries about Christianity and its faith.
This subject is designed for new believers who desire to build a strong biblical foundation in their daily living. The students will learn biblical principles of how to deal with basic issues that Christians normally face, like Holy Spirit Baptism, sex, prayer, etc. An interactive class that encourages students' participation.
This world is full of lies and unrighteousness. As a young or even a revision-needed Christian, why not take this opportunity to grapple with the truths of Scripture and learn the application of godly principles in our daily lives.
A unique yet biblical approach in understanding about God's will and His purposes for our lives. Learn how to discover God's will in major areas of our life. An essential subject for those who are serious about doing God's will.
In order to live a purposeful life, we need to know the will of God. Join this class to be inspired for God's glorious will in you! Be reminded for the abundant life He has prepared for you to discover! Be motivated to grow to grasp hold of His will and live to realise His plans in you.
Learn biblical and practical principles involved in nurturing a new believer. Discover how we can help lay firm foundations in their faith in order that they may keep on growing in Christ.
From this CDS I learnt how to better follow up a new believer which I believe is a must-understanding for every Christian if growing the Kingdom of God is our desire. It does not only teach biblical knowledges but also provide practical examples about what to teach them and how to understand them better.
A thorough study of the Scriptures on the baptism of the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues with practical application of this gift in the church.

Acts 2:4 says that, 'All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other toungues.' The Holy Spirit will be given to those who obey the Lord. For those that have not been baptised by the Holy Spirit, please hold on to the what Acts, 5:32 says, "We are witnesses of these things, and so is the Holy Spirit, whom God has given to those who obey Him."

Be equipped with practical tools for personal evangelism. Learn how to share the Gospel in a concise yet biblical manner, how to use illustrations and to deal with common objections. A must for those who desire to be an effective witness for Christ.
We want to build strong biblical churches and this requires effective leadership. This subject provides comprehensive understanding and principles of how to become effective leaders of God.
It's time to rise up and learn how to lead a group that achieves the purposes that God has put in us. This CDS offers you all that you need!In order to improve, grow and develop further, as a group or a church - we need good leaders to arise and lead. If God has put such a burden in your heart, why not start equipping yourself through this class? A true understanding of competence, the skills for the tasks required, is foundational to trust in your leadership.
Has the question 'What on earth am I here for?' passed your mind? This subject is based on the best selling book "Purpose Driven Life' by Ps Rick Warren. The course components include a weekly video, small group discussions and book readings. All designed to help you seek out and discover the purpose you were created for in God.
Have you ever wondered why God created you? The Bible says that before the creation of the world, God has your purpose in mind. I believe that each of us is created to represent Him and His Word to the world. Why don't we find out about this together?
If you acknowledge the core values of Hope Brisbane Christian Church; if would love to call this church your home and commit in growing together with the brothers & sisters in church; if you have accepted Christ, been through water baptism and the holy spirit baptism - why don't you consider enrolling in the church membership class to advance your faith into a new level as you commit to a local church. Please express your interest to Neekee.

Monday, April 13, 2009


Baby Shower for RUTH & SAMUEL

Date : 15th April - Wednesday

Time : 7.00 PM

Venue : Allister's house - 36 Longford Crescent, Acacia Ridge

Do bring along a baby gift to shower the parents with blessings!

Dishes to bring:
Jaevis - A meat dish
Sara - Plastic cutleries, plates & cups
Ronald & Hannah - Drinks
Neekee & Step - D/Fried special
Joel & Leann - Fried noodle/rice
Grace - Cake
Peter & Jojo - Stir fried vege
Suh Chyi & Su Giin - Curry chicken
Allister & Wei Hoong - Rice & A meat dish
Alex & Sharon - A dish


Hello excited and godly brethens,

As Peter and I leave to Malaysia to visit our family & friends and hold our Chinese wedding, we shall continue to pray for all of you. I hope each one of you will continue to strive to hear God's voice and follow Him with all your heart as we approach the 5th month in 2009. Please pray for us too to be a good testimony as Christians. This is so that our family and friends will see God through us. I hope the holiday and change of atmosphere will refresh us and give us many more new ideas for NG3.

Neekee is going to oversee NG3 over this period. I know he's more then capable to do so. But i do encourage all of you to give him encouragement as well as feedback with things that are going on. It's not an easy role but i know you guys are all truly caring people and will make him love this role more then before.

Ok, see you all on Friday.



Greetings from Melbourne. I'm here with Alex, Sharon and Stephanie waiting for our flight back to Brisbane. I usually see Daniel during most of the sessions and it's great to be able to see a familiar face and talk about lifegroup, photography and stuff.
I think most of us would agree that we've had a great and awesome time at convention. On many occasions, the presence of the Holy Spirit is so strong and clearly felt. God spoke to many of us during convention as well as made confirmations to the directions we're heading in life.
I was sick and had to be bedridden on saturday night and slept 16 hours straight through. When I gathered enough strength to venture outdoors, the first sight and sound was the sweetest voices of people worshipping God everywhere I went. This was during the afternoon free time but I thought I've reached heaven and tears welled up in me. To have been sick, I was reminded of how frail we can be and how awesome God is. And I lose perspective when I get caught up with my own priorities instead of my Lord's perfect plans.
On a different note, the theme of Empower - Spirit filled Church is all so appropriate. We've learnt so many many things about the Holy spirit and that the Holy spirit has so many facets. I'm sure I speak for everyone that we're glad that we were able to set aside time and resources to be refreshed, restored and just sit under God's Words and Presence. Nothing can take that away from us. I was very encouraged and quite humbled to see Sharon five months pregnant still attending every single sessions and so fervant for God. Last but not least, for the closing ceremony, the kids shared the visions they had that will leave an impression in my mind for a long time to come. God reminded me in Matt 19:14 to let the little children come for the kingdom of heaven belongs to them.
This is the crossroad and turning point for many people and for me, the beginning of yet another exciting chapter of my life where God is the author and perfecter.


Thank God for a lovely birthday celebration for our brother Joel. A total of 14 brothers/sisters plus 1 boy gathered at the Sizzler at Toowong Village after church service last Sunday, 12/4/09, for a sumptuous lunch and birthday celebration. Big thanks to all the brothers and sisters who were in-charged of the cake, venue booking and birthday cards.
For more photos, please visit the following link:


The things that happen in our lives happen for specific reasons. How you react to these situations, people, and things will teach you very important lessons about yourself, other people and about life.
I have discovered that these things happen in our lives in cycles. An easy way to look at these cycles is to look at them as the seasons of the year. The seasons of winter, spring, summer and fall.
The seasons that occur in our life do not have start and end dates like the seasons of the month. The seasons that we go through in our lives can last for as little as a few months or they can for a few years. Each season is periods in our lives when specific things happen for important reasons. The exact place you are at in your spiritual maturity will determine two key things. The first thing is being able to identify that you are in a particular season. The second thing is how you are able to incorporate these seasons in to your life.
The season of winter is usually marked by adversities, difficulties, and challenges. The season of spring is a time for sowing. It is a time for planting new thoughts, ideas, new information, and positive life style choices. The season of summer is the time that we nurture, feed, and weed out all of the unnecessary elements of our new thoughts, ideas, information, and positive lifestyle choices. It is also the time that we start to benefit from our new frame of mind. The season of fall is the time of life when we continue to enjoy our harvest. It is also the time when we turn our soil over and fertilize it. This is when we cover it up so that it will be protected during the winter season. If this is done correctly then when winter is over you are left with fertile soil for the season of spring.
It is important to deal with that part of us that is spiritual on a regular basis. When we do this regularly we are able to recognize what seasons we are in at any given moment. Recognizing along with understanding is the key. It will mean the difference between us having a life punctuated by peace and joy or a life filled with regret and chaos.
What season are you in?

Monday, April 6, 2009


Due to the OceaniaConvention, there will be a combined service on Sunday morning @ 10am at UQSt Lucia, SteelBuilding Lecture Theatre 3-206.

Pastor Jeff Williams from Metro Central Community Church will be our special speaker. Do invite friends to join us on this meaningful day in celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ!
A gentle reminder to please arrive early on that day to avoid disappointment on parking space.


Baby Shower for RUTH & SAMUEL

Date : 15th April - Wednesday
Time : 7.00 PM
Venue : Allister's house - 36 Longford Crescent, Acacia Ridge
Do bring along a baby gift to shower the parents with blessings!

Please RSVP with JOJO by 11th April'09


An update by Pastor Wilson on changes in our movement can be found in our E-Inside Hope
For those who have not been receiving any emails from the 'Inside Hope' about our church news, please kindly let Jojo know.


Entertainment book 2009/2010 is BACK !!!

NG will be selling the entertainment book to raise funds for Build Unidus. Please support this great cause by purchasing a copy of the entertainment book with great discounts.

Please contact Peter Cain for more information.


Dear Brothers/Sisters of my NG3 family,

I just want to say a huge thank you to all of you for many reasons...

For all your prayers, encouragement, smses, phone calls, etc... especially during my house hunting phase over last couple months. Stephanie, Nee Kee, Alex and Sharon came along with me on couple occasions during my house hunting Saturdays and offered advices, be an extra pair of eyes for me and offered prayers. All very much truly appreciated. The VIP access pass still stands (you know what I mean... hah). The sheer loudness of the cheer I received on Sunday when the owner accepted my offer was astounding. Thanks to all!

Some of you have been praying for my parents, for breakthroughs and for God's intervention to soften their hearts. All of you are part of the reason how they are affected and convinced that God's family is great. All of you are my family here and I pray that God will use you and I actively as an example how He has affected my life and built my character up so as to be a living testimony for Him especially in relation to sharing His Word with my parents. There have been breakthroughs in my conversation with them. Every breakthrough is a huge encouragement for me and I look forward to many more.

To NG3.3 for being so understanding and forgiving. I know each one of you are as busy if not more than I, yet all of you have been so accommodating to me and has helped tremendously with Amazing I-Race, discussions, walk the ground, etc. Which shamefully, I have not been able to participate as much as I could/should. Nee Kee especially, for taking on a lot more for Steph and I as both of us are facing similar deadlines at work where finance budget deadlines are just round the corner.

I would also like to testify to God's faithfulness. During my house hunting experience, I was drifting away... from asking for God's favour to acting out my own will and taking on everything upon myself. I thank God for having all of you around me... all of you spoke to me at some point or another... many times are stark reminders for me to turn to God and not take on the burden on my own. I was reminded that I should have faith and be persistent, trust God and commit my decision to Him. God has shown me favour and has granted me a contract. I am committing the rest of the paperwork/process to him... finance, conveyancing, inspections, etc. I trust He will see me through the whole process and I ask for your continuing prayers.

I pray that my new property will be a blessing to more people. I commit my purchase to God and to serve Him and His people in any aspect to come. I pray that my purchase will be timely to help some of you as well, be it to move to the south, or to be a temporary arrangement to live together after making a life commitment... whatever the case, I'll be glad to serve.

I'm at work at the moment but I felt prompted to write this now. This has been written in a hurry... so please pardon my English and any incoherent part in this email. God bless and have a great week ahead!



A greeting and encouragement email from our brother, Ronald, who is currently having holiday in Malaysia with his wife, Hannah. What a pleasure to receive such an inspiring note from far! Thank you Ronald for his heart to encourage our people even when he is in a holiday! Pray for journey mercy and a pleasant break for Ronald.

Greetings from Malaysia...a beautiful country.

We trust y'all are doing great (We've tagged Julie's Baptism and Amazing I-race as the features of the week).

Here we're both having a great time with family...and I want to share something regarding my sister in law's son Zacharey.

This l'il fellow of four years is very passionate about a cartoon character known as BEN10. I even think that there is no hal hour that passes by without the mention of his hero BEN10. He has BEN10 watch bought two days ago while we were shopping. Whenever I surf the net, he insists that I go to the BEN10 website for games. He has all the gadgets of BEN10 that he can set his eyes upon. This fantasy world of BEN10 is more real to him than anything else, at this moment.

As I think about Zacharey, I ask myself: What am I passionate about with such intensity?

There is something about the passion that comes from children. That innocent and intense passion.
Infact we are admonished to behold the kingdom of the LORD with such passion and intensity that a child has...and I ask myself: Do I recieve GOD's kingdom with the same passion and consuming zeal like that of Zacharey for BEN10?

Of course L'il ZAcharey has a lot to learn in life and it is in great expectation and prayer I trust he shall have the zeal for things eternal as he grows...but what gripped me here is the "passion of a child", as opposed to the "object of the passion".

Ponder with me how great it is if we behold our object of passion, with a passion of a child.

As it is, I am challenged by the words of the LORD, when he said:
"Truly I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it at all." Luke 18:17

GOD bless you
from Ronald Elunai

Saturday, April 4, 2009

No Weapon Formed Shall Prosper

No Weapon Formed Shall Prosper
by Joel Osteen

Sometimes there are seasons in life when it seems like every time you turn around something is coming against you. In times like these, I always go back to one of my favorite scriptures, Isaiah 54:17, that reminds us that no weapon formed against us shall prosper. Notice it doesn't say that no weapon will be formed; it says that it won't prosper. In other words, we shouldn't be surprised when things come against us in this life. The Bible warns that we will have trials in life, but we can be encouraged because we have victory living on the inside of us–our faith in Jesus Christ!

People tell me all the time, "Oh Joel, you're always so positive." But I can't help it; I know we serve a positive God. I don't read anywhere in the Bible that we are supposed to go around talking doom and gloom or meditate on everything that's wrong in the world. Instead, we are to have an attitude of faith. We are to speak victory over our lives. Remember, your words have creative power. If you want to know what you're going to be like five years from now, just listen to what you're saying about your life today. You are prophesying your future. And when you declare God's Word over your life, you are creating a path for His promises to unfold. Don't use your words to describe your situation; use your words to change your situation!

On Friday, it was such an honor to be in Columbus, Ohio at the Value City Arena. We had a tremendous crowd in spite of the tornados and rough weather that week. I can just imagine some people impacted by the storm saying, "No weapon formed against me is going to prosper! I am going to worship the Lord tonight! I'm going to see my breakthrough!" The atmosphere was charged with expectancy, and best of all, about 80% of the people stood up to make a decision for Jesus Christ. We're so thankful to all the volunteers and supporters who made that evening possible.

Remember, when you partner with this ministry, you are a part of every life changed! I invite you to check back with us as often as you can for updates on how together we are making a difference all over the world.