Monday, July 19, 2010


The New Testament prayer meeting reveals the master plan of Jesus. The last thing Jesus did on earth was to build that prayer meeting, and it is the only thing He left behind on planet Earth when He ascended to heaven.
Everything by Prayer, Fred Hartley, page 13
Attending corporate prayer has been one of the most rewarding and refreshing experiences I had with God and what keeps my faith and passion strong in Christ. Corporate prayer is a place where the children of God gather together, with one pure desire – to seek God and experience Him in a personal way. It is not a place for leaders only; not a place for mature Christians only; it’s also not a place only for those whom can recite fluent and beautiful sentence.
Throughout my attendance to our church prayer meeting, I experienced the touch of God in a personal and deep way; I heard words of wisdom that matches right to my condition which encouraged and strengthened me; I drew closer to God and feel confident about His intimate love and grace for me; my self-centredness is being replaced by God- centredness. At times even when the tiredness from work consumed me, as I chose to step in to the prayer meeting, God replaced my outward fatigue with inner strength and refreshment which caused the tiredness to be gone and left me with deeper joy and greater assurance of His mighty hands that are on me.
Last Tuesday we had a great corporate prayer meeting. We prayed against the giants in our walk, like faith giant, witnessing giant, ministry giant, etc. After praying, there’s healing altar call by Peter Truong our evangelist. Many went out for healing prayer and a few people shared the healing that they received on that night. During worship time God gave me a picture of an emerging hill, with an emerging sun next to it, then comes a stream of river flowing from the hill. God then impressed in my heart that He is the One who can lead me to new ground, who can enable new change n new things to come. My role is to seek Him and commit all my ministry n burdens to Him. He will make them happen for me. The joy of God just came upon me. I suppose that it takes faith to believe for new thing/change to happen in our lives. But it’s also when we choose to believe that God is able then we’ll reap the fruits and our walk with God will become more joyful and satisfying.
With my little testimony, I pray that you will see corporate prayer meeting in a new perspectives – as a place of a green pasture and quiet waters where we can enjoy more of God, a path of righteousness and restoration of God’s will upon you and I; and a place of re-establishing our first love for Christ. Please join us in the corporate prayer meeting on Tuesday every fortnight. Let’s be serious about our faith in Christ and go deeper in our walk with God!

Praying Together with You,

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