Monday, July 26, 2010


Personal I-week this Friday!

Do take hold of this Friday to be involved in your own social community - meet up with your unchurched friends, colleagues or family members - to deepen your friendships with them and at the same time introduce them to Christ.


This Sunday Cathy will be sharing her testimony during church service.
Please come along to support and encourage our dear sister!
Please keep Cathy in your prayer for courage and anointing that her testimony will bless and encourage many.

Psalm 105:1-5, "Hallelujah! Thank God! Pray to him by name! Tell everyone you meet what he has done! Sing him songs, belt out hymns, translate his wonders into music! Honor his holy name with Hallelujahs, you who seek God. Live a happy life! Keep your eyes open for God, watch for his works; be alert for signs of his presence. Remember the world of wonders he has made, his miracles, and the verdicts he's rendered." (MSG)


GOD is DOING an amazing work in the city of Brisbane!!!
Last Monday evening during the NG Outreach session at King George Square, 4 funky young guys and girls approached Tim and Anita to ask for prayer and want to follow Jesus! Praise God that night they gave their lives to Christ!
The Monday before that, Simon led an Iranian law student to make a definite choice in putting her faith in Jesus - and her family will is not mind about it! Praise our Mighty God!
God is SERIOUS in His redemption plan in Brisbane! Come and be a part of this!
Every Monday, from 5.30pm to 7.30pm, at King George Square.
Contact Leann for more details.
You don't need to be skillful - you just need to come with faith and prayer! You'll be shown what to do as you partner with an experienced brother or sister.

It is every Christian's responsibility to share the Gospel around...



From Our Hearts, July/August 2010

Now Is The Time!

We believe God is bringing us into another exciting era of proclaiming his Good News to the world around us! It is the time to shine for Jesus and to influence the people around us with His love. As we have commenced with a fortnight of prayer and fasting since the 13th July 2010, we have witnessed some incredible workings of God through various life groups.

One university group embarked on a time of prayer and healing. They just trusted in Christ’s power to save and to heal. 5 people came out for prayer for healing on one recent occasion, and Praise God, three people were instantaneously healed! When our brothers and sisters went out to share the Gospel in King George Square, they were met with some form of spiritual opposition, yet they continued to lift up the Name of Jesus’. Praise God, someone gave one’s life to Christ as a result of their persistent faith in Christ to proclaim God’s love! I am sure the heavenlies were rejoicing greatly over that salvation.

About two days back, our daughter, Deborah shared of Christ’s love to her good friend at school. Deb was taught at Kids For Christ the day before on the importance of sharing God’s message and how to go about it. She decided to utilise what she had learnt by faith in Christ. Her friend proceeded to ask Deb how one can come to Jesus and be a Christian. Deborah and her other Christian friend, Portia, then led this friend of theirs to Christ! Praise God! Isn’t that amazing? Friends, can we be like these little kids who have simple faith in Christ and share from our hearts what Jesus means to us?

We’d like to take this opportunity to thank all the faithful children’s workers in Hope Church, Brisbane. Your weekly sharing and impartation of life has certainly bore fruit in the lives of the young children in our church! Keep up the good work!

This is indeed a time to seek God to empower us to be His ambassadors. We have been called to present the Good News of Jesus Christ in all seasons. We believe this is an opportune time! Now is the time to be that salt and light that He has called us to be. Let the light of Jesus shine through our lives for His glory!

The month of August is Freedom Month. Christ has come to set us free! He came to seek and save the lost. May we encourage you to pray and seek God for families and friends who are pre-believers. Pray that they’ll come to receive God’s abundant love and grace for their lives! This is indeed a time to shine; a time to bring the Kingdom of God wherever we are! Let’s be Jesus’ ministers of reconciliation. He has commissioned us for such a time and season and for this very reason. Jesus desires us to rise up in Him and take hold of His mandate to proclaim His love and message of reconciliation to all. Church, let’s all rise up to this call! (Matthew 9:35-38)

God Bless!

From our hearts, praying for you and with you,
Ps Wilson and Lai Lim

Monday, July 19, 2010


We have embarked on our Prayer & Fasting Fortnight!

God has called His church to rise up in prayer! Therefore let us be fervent in following His heart as we seek Him together as a church.
Pray alongside your fellow brothers and sisters and share the testimonies and breakthroughs that are to come when we seek God's face and heart!
Do take time to pray for your relationship with God, and pray for someone to return to God or come to know God.


Let's come together to bless and celebrate the birthday of our wonderful brothers and sisters whom have been a great source of encouragement with their life testimonies & lovely friendships; and their fervent serving in the House of God.






Birthday BBQ Lunch for July babes @ Samba Park Underwood @ 1030am, this Saturday, 24th of July 2010.

Please RSVP by reply email by this Thursday, 22nd of July, for food preparation purpose.

Costs will be shared among the attendees.


We will have out NG3 Sunday Fellowship lunch
at the ‘FISH & CHIPS’ shop at Hawkin Drive
this Sunday – 25/07/2010.


The New Testament prayer meeting reveals the master plan of Jesus. The last thing Jesus did on earth was to build that prayer meeting, and it is the only thing He left behind on planet Earth when He ascended to heaven.
Everything by Prayer, Fred Hartley, page 13
Attending corporate prayer has been one of the most rewarding and refreshing experiences I had with God and what keeps my faith and passion strong in Christ. Corporate prayer is a place where the children of God gather together, with one pure desire – to seek God and experience Him in a personal way. It is not a place for leaders only; not a place for mature Christians only; it’s also not a place only for those whom can recite fluent and beautiful sentence.
Throughout my attendance to our church prayer meeting, I experienced the touch of God in a personal and deep way; I heard words of wisdom that matches right to my condition which encouraged and strengthened me; I drew closer to God and feel confident about His intimate love and grace for me; my self-centredness is being replaced by God- centredness. At times even when the tiredness from work consumed me, as I chose to step in to the prayer meeting, God replaced my outward fatigue with inner strength and refreshment which caused the tiredness to be gone and left me with deeper joy and greater assurance of His mighty hands that are on me.
Last Tuesday we had a great corporate prayer meeting. We prayed against the giants in our walk, like faith giant, witnessing giant, ministry giant, etc. After praying, there’s healing altar call by Peter Truong our evangelist. Many went out for healing prayer and a few people shared the healing that they received on that night. During worship time God gave me a picture of an emerging hill, with an emerging sun next to it, then comes a stream of river flowing from the hill. God then impressed in my heart that He is the One who can lead me to new ground, who can enable new change n new things to come. My role is to seek Him and commit all my ministry n burdens to Him. He will make them happen for me. The joy of God just came upon me. I suppose that it takes faith to believe for new thing/change to happen in our lives. But it’s also when we choose to believe that God is able then we’ll reap the fruits and our walk with God will become more joyful and satisfying.
With my little testimony, I pray that you will see corporate prayer meeting in a new perspectives – as a place of a green pasture and quiet waters where we can enjoy more of God, a path of righteousness and restoration of God’s will upon you and I; and a place of re-establishing our first love for Christ. Please join us in the corporate prayer meeting on Tuesday every fortnight. Let’s be serious about our faith in Christ and go deeper in our walk with God!

Praying Together with You,