Monday, August 17, 2009


This weekend (21-23/8), a group of 20 of us will be embarking on a journey to Springbrook National Park for an exciting and uniting getaway! We want it not only be a fun one but one that we can witness God's tangible pressence and abundant provision.
Please join us in PRAYING for the following items:

1) Excellent weather: not too hot and not too cold weather, no rains throughout the time;
2) Good bonding time with one-another, especially new visitors;
3) God's peace and joy upon us, even while we doing the last minutes organising/preparation jobs for this getaway;
4) It will truly be a time where everyone can sense God's presence, even seeing His mighty hands move in our life (we can see miracles even during our getaway!);
5) People to unite their hearts with Christ and this family.

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