Monday, August 10, 2009


Thank God for the 2 new visitors, Annie & Markus, in our midst last Sunday. Praise God for the seeds of Gospel that are buried in their hearts. Thanks to everyone who showed them the love of God as they commented that the NG 3 friends whom they met are very friendly. They enjoyed every conversations made and the church service in which the speaker is vibrant and brought out good message. Everything was new to them but they liked it and love to participate in any future events.

This weekend, do celebrate the resurrecting power of God with us through a passionate speaker Peter Truong and a special drama performance! Be sure to bring along a friend! Sometimes it can be as easy as sending an email out or casually telling your friends/colleagues that there is a miracle Sunday service in the church this week with special performance and maybe they'll like to come along....God is the One working in the hearts of His people and we are the messenger!

The same power that raised Christ from the grave lives and dwells in every believer. Whatever needs resurrected in your life, release it to God and trust Him to do exceedingly above and beyond what you could ever ask or think!

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