Monday, August 3, 2009


Please note that the church service location for this week is changed to Steele Building.

Is there anything we need to know in order to see miracles happen in our lives? We hear about miracles happening all the time. Why have they not yet happened in our lives? Is someone around us just seeking that miracle?

Our God is a God of miracles. We can depend on Him, but without a relationship with Him, we may better wait in the corner of our house for something to happen. If your friends are after a miracle that can change their lives for eternal, would you extend an invitation to him or her to join us in this Sunday service? Let's our hearts not be hardened but be courageous in extending that invitation naturally - to point them to Jesus - and win a lost soul for Him.

Please arrive on time at 9.10am for a pre-service corporate prayer; or 10am for the morning service. Let us honour our God by our punctuality & heart to seek and worship Him!