Monday, August 10, 2009


Are you too busy to attend the Corporate Prayer? Have you been too tired to get to the destination..not to mention to pray? Have you been focussing your time and effort on something else that takes away your time for God?
Genuine faith is not about doing. It's about believing God. It's a relationship between us and God that begins by faith, is lived by faith, and ends in faith. Everything else - such as good works - flows from the source of this relationship. Genuine faith is not a long list of performances we do to impress others. It's about maintaining our relationship with God. This is the secret to the Christian life. Perhaps you've been trying to do all the work yourself. If you and I will daily stay connected to our source, then the natural outcome will be a simple life of genuine faith.
If you have not done so, there is an avenue perfect for you today! Join us tonight for a time of reaching out to God and hearing from your Lord!

Time_7pm to 9pm
Venue_Princess Theatre 8 Annerley Road, Wolloongabba

Dear Lord, I humbly lay all my works, efforts, and life before You today. I long to pursue You. Draw me closer to You, Lord. Teach me to live by simple, genuine faith in You alone. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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