Tuesday, August 25, 2009


What do I like about “In His steps” Getaway?

Electives, team games, encouragement bowl & the fireplace

Lesson sessions & group presentation

Teams games, group presentation & food

Everything (the place, food, teaching, games, timing, presentation)

Venue, games, density of program was

Team building games & good choice of food


Venue( excellent for making noise, cosy & not too far)

Bakkuteh, indomie & kebab

Venue (cosy), ideal for fellowship

Bakkuteh, food & games

Single bed for myself

Games, team bulding, brain storming
(suhchyi-not the role playing part, sugiin-likes the role playing part)

Venue is good, relaxing, don’t need to worry about noise level

Teaching part was fabulous, electives were good (Peter & Grace)

Program flow not too packed, enough time for interacting

Privacy, secluded venue, fresh clean air

Venue is conducive, games, good food, electives

Teaching, games, cosy house, food, message bowl

What don’t I like about “In His Steps” Getaway

Not enough outdoor activity

Not long enough (duration)

Not enough teaching

Too rushed when we have to leave

Need outdoor activities like hiking, or outdoor games

Limited program

Limited toilet (but ok to survive)


Not enough outdoor space, parks

Not enough outdoor activity & too rushed when we have to leave

Not enough recreation time

Outdoor place not big enough, no place to walk around during free time

Rushed & short duration. Not enough outdoor area to walk around

Not enough outdoor activity, not long enough & too rushed when leaving

Not much outdoor activity in the mountain. We went to the mountains, so I was wishing we could feel more of the natural outdoors

Suggestions for next year’s Getaway

Beach house

Have our own service on Sunday

Find a weekend with Monday as public holiday, so we can have longer getaway

More teaching & not to have to rush back on Sunday (ie, go to Gold Coast service or afternoon service)

Farmstay or same venue as this year

Have our own service & find a weekend with Monday as public holiday

Beach or lakeside venue. Farmstay would be even better

Beach/sea resort. Have our own service or have it on long weekend

Have more electives, don’t rush back on Sunday

More economic price, maximise venue (natural environment)

Find a place where we can bring our dogs
Touching Heaven, Touching Deep
Date: Tuesday 25th August...thats tonight!
Time: 7:00pm till 8:45pm

Place: Princess Theatre, Woolloongabba

See you there!

Mark your calendar for a 'fun, fitness and food' event ~
Amazing I-Race on the
12th of September 2009 (Saturday)!

Sponsor a Child in Jesus' Name! Change a life forever! Share your love!

We still need more of you to get involved to sponsor.
At the moment we've only collected enough for 2 years of the child's life.

Monday, August 17, 2009


This weekend (21-23/8), a group of 20 of us will be embarking on a journey to Springbrook National Park for an exciting and uniting getaway! We want it not only be a fun one but one that we can witness God's tangible pressence and abundant provision.
Please join us in PRAYING for the following items:

1) Excellent weather: not too hot and not too cold weather, no rains throughout the time;
2) Good bonding time with one-another, especially new visitors;
3) God's peace and joy upon us, even while we doing the last minutes organising/preparation jobs for this getaway;
4) It will truly be a time where everyone can sense God's presence, even seeing His mighty hands move in our life (we can see miracles even during our getaway!);
5) People to unite their hearts with Christ and this family.


Mark your calendar for a 'fun, fitness and food' event ~
Amazing I-Race on the
12th of September 2009 (Saturday)!
Start inviting your friends for a great time together! We ensure that you will sweat, feel refreshed and enjoy great company of our very own group of friends, new friends and brothers & sisters from NG 2.....
Stay tuned for more details...



1After Jesus had finished instructing his twelve disciples, he went on from there to teach and preach in the towns of Galilee.
2When John heard in prison what Christ was doing, he sent his disciples
3to ask him, "Are you the one who was to come, or should we expect someone else?"
4Jesus replied, "Go back and report to John what you hear and see:
5The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cured, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is preached to the poor.

- Matthew 11:1-5

Jesus, when asked for proof that He is the King of Kings, that He is the promised Savior, responds by listing the miracles He has performed.

The last item Jesus lists in His response to John’s messengers is the one that seems, for me anyway, to stick out the most — “the poor have the gospel preached to them.”

What? Why lump this in with the other things? Surely the poor hearing the gospel can’t be equated with giving sight to the blind or life to the dead?

But Jesus responds to this important question by listing the ways that He has fulfilled the prophecies written about Him.

The Old Testament tells us that the Savior will bring sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf.

The Old Testament tells us that the Messiah will raise the dead and help the lame walk. And it tells us that the Messiah will bring salvation to the poor.

Folks, don’t overlook this important line in Jesus’ answer. It’s not there by mistake. It’s not there as an afterthought.

This is Jesus’ way of telling us that it is divine to bring the gospel to the poor. And it’s the one miracle that we can perform today.

If you think about it, bringing the gospel to the poor IS bringing life to the dead, sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf. This is the miracle that changes lives for eternity!
Written by Tim Glenn_Recite from Compassion


Monday, August 10, 2009


Are you too busy to attend the Corporate Prayer? Have you been too tired to get to the destination..not to mention to pray? Have you been focussing your time and effort on something else that takes away your time for God?
Genuine faith is not about doing. It's about believing God. It's a relationship between us and God that begins by faith, is lived by faith, and ends in faith. Everything else - such as good works - flows from the source of this relationship. Genuine faith is not a long list of performances we do to impress others. It's about maintaining our relationship with God. This is the secret to the Christian life. Perhaps you've been trying to do all the work yourself. If you and I will daily stay connected to our source, then the natural outcome will be a simple life of genuine faith.
If you have not done so, there is an avenue perfect for you today! Join us tonight for a time of reaching out to God and hearing from your Lord!

Time_7pm to 9pm
Venue_Princess Theatre 8 Annerley Road, Wolloongabba

Dear Lord, I humbly lay all my works, efforts, and life before You today. I long to pursue You. Draw me closer to You, Lord. Teach me to live by simple, genuine faith in You alone. In Jesus' Name, Amen.


Remember as you have been inspired in your heart 2 Fridays ago, do not let the fire die down without putting your convictions into action.
We now know the call, hence we can no longer close an eye to it and keep on living as we were ignorant before.
While we had the priviledge to call upon the Name of Jesus for miracles last Sunday in a comfortable church setting...there are needy children out there calling for MIRACLES too in their lives everyday...YOU have what it takes...and more than enough...as we have Jesus our Provider in life!
Please let Joel know through email or by submitting the form THIS FRIDAY on the decision you yourself, or as a couple has decided to make towards helping injusice around us.
If through email, please write:eg. Peter & Jojo Cain, 1 year, payment annually. (Please entitled your email :NG3 Compassion Initiative)
We would appreciate your response by this Friday, 14/8/09.

2 Corinthians 8:7, "But just as you excel in everything - in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in your love for us - see that you also excel in this grace of giving."



Thank God for the 2 new visitors, Annie & Markus, in our midst last Sunday. Praise God for the seeds of Gospel that are buried in their hearts. Thanks to everyone who showed them the love of God as they commented that the NG 3 friends whom they met are very friendly. They enjoyed every conversations made and the church service in which the speaker is vibrant and brought out good message. Everything was new to them but they liked it and love to participate in any future events.

This weekend, do celebrate the resurrecting power of God with us through a passionate speaker Peter Truong and a special drama performance! Be sure to bring along a friend! Sometimes it can be as easy as sending an email out or casually telling your friends/colleagues that there is a miracle Sunday service in the church this week with special performance and maybe they'll like to come along....God is the One working in the hearts of His people and we are the messenger!

The same power that raised Christ from the grave lives and dwells in every believer. Whatever needs resurrected in your life, release it to God and trust Him to do exceedingly above and beyond what you could ever ask or think!


God longs for us to journey in our faith together as a community. Hebrews
10:25 says to not forsake gathering together with other believers and
encouraging each other. When we come together, our faith is encouraged and
strength is gained. Come fellowship with your life group family from 21st to 23rd of August (weekend) as we
study God's life–changing Word, follow His steps and enjoy strengthening each others' faith and the bondings together!

LAST CALL: Approach Grace by this Friday for the registration! You do not want to miss out...

Monday, August 3, 2009


Thought I gave. But I received. - Tim Glenn
Now poverty isn’t just a word. - Becky Tshamler
Random pick doesn’t seem random anymore. - Chris Giovagnoni
Black smiling eyes. World beyond myself. - Amber Van Schooneveld
They focus up. I’m distracted down. - Meredith Dunn
My child shows me Him. - Brianne Mullins
Abundant life for kids in poverty. - David Dahlin

Thank God for an inspiring message from Melody & Sues from The Compassion Australia which brought not only an eye-opener to the serious poverty in the world but also the heartbeat of God to save the poor and uplift justice - to be the voice of the voiceless!

This week as we reflect upon what we have heard and learnt last Friday, check out the situations of the needy through the website and pray to God for His revelation in your life in this area - let's pray for hearts to be open for God's use and empowerment - and let His plan be executed in us but not our selfish ambitions.

If you have made up your mind, do bring back the form as above to LG for further progress. Should you require more time for consideration, feel free to do so.

“There will always be poor people in the land. Therefore, I command you to be openhanded toward your brothers and toward the poor and needy in your land.” –Deuteronomy 15:11 (NIV)


Our NG3 2009 Getaway is coming up!
Continuing in the tradition of our successful 2007 and 2008 getaways......its time to be refreshed!
Come and meet with our life transforming God
Get to know each other better
Plus we will have praise and worship, games, cooking and fellowship all within our mountaintop cabins!
Tickets are continuing to sell... If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Peter & Joel. Registration cost can be electronically transferred to Grace whose bank details are listed on the email.


Please note that the church service location for this week is changed to Steele Building.

Is there anything we need to know in order to see miracles happen in our lives? We hear about miracles happening all the time. Why have they not yet happened in our lives? Is someone around us just seeking that miracle?

Our God is a God of miracles. We can depend on Him, but without a relationship with Him, we may better wait in the corner of our house for something to happen. If your friends are after a miracle that can change their lives for eternal, would you extend an invitation to him or her to join us in this Sunday service? Let's our hearts not be hardened but be courageous in extending that invitation naturally - to point them to Jesus - and win a lost soul for Him.

Please arrive on time at 9.10am for a pre-service corporate prayer; or 10am for the morning service. Let us honour our God by our punctuality & heart to seek and worship Him!



When in my spiritual life have I felt I was really on fire for God? If that fire died down, what happened? When my passion is not ignited, how does it affect my attitudes and relationships with God and others?
"I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm--neither hot nor cold--I am about to spit you out of my mouth. Revelation 3:15-16 (NIV)
This verse tells us that God had the very same problem with the church in Laodicea. Because they were neither hot nor cold, but had turned a disappointing temperature of lukewarm, he was ready to be rid of them. Jesus words are simple and clear.
"I wish you were either one or the other!" In biblical times cold water was good. It was refreshing. And hot water was good. It could be healing, as in a steaming hot bath. There was, however, little need for lukewarm.
May we see today's verse as a challenge. Knowing God has no need for lukewarm, may we seek to be those who offer refreshment and healing to a dying world. May our thoughts and actions not earn us the label of indifferent or ho-hum. After all, the God of the universe is on the sidelines watching us in the great game of life. May we please Him with our heart's desires and our deeds done only in order to glorify Him!
Cry out to God to teach us to be intentional in our spiritual life and not complacent. May our words, thoughts, deeds and actions please Him and not be considered lukewarm.
What spiritual disciplines can help me avoid becoming lukewarm? Prayer? Scripture memory? Concentrated Bible study? A personal retreat to be alone with God? Plan now to make time for some of these disciplines in your everyday life. See if a friend would like to journey with you in this venture.

I Peter 4:11, "If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen." (NIV)