Monday, July 20, 2009


Every day 26,000 children under the age of 5 die from preventable causes.

The twin tsunamis of the global food crisis and global economic crisis could be the church’s finest hour. While many non-believers will shrink back from fear and uncertainty, the people of God can use their unshakeable trust in God to reach out to the poor, broken, hurting and fearful with extravagant and heroic love.

We can choose to give generously, sacrificially and with joy, being refreshed by the privilege of serving instead of holding on to what we have with clenched fists.

In God’s economy, there is more than enough. That’s not to say the people of God are exempt from the realities of the pain of the financial crash and rising prices, or that we won’t have to cut costs and make personal sacrifices, but that we are not overwhelmed or crushed by the circumstances.

Together we are releasing children from poverty in Jesus’ name.

If you have time, do check out the blog of Compassion to understand more about their heartbeat and effort:

Compassion’s ministry to children is distinctly Christian. Their child development programs are unique in that they are: Christ-centred, Child-focused and Church-based.

By sponsoring a child through Compassion, we know that our giving is not in vain but invested in a way that pleases God - His people! More than that - an eternal gift to a child! Let's support Compassion's belief that it is not enough to simply feed the poor without introducing them to the source of life; Jesus Christ, knowing that when a life is internally changed by the love of Jesus, circumstances invariably start to change.

"One man gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty. A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed."
– Prov 11:24-25 NIV -


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi all,

This is a great opportunity to be a blessing and a good testimony to others too. Come lets dig deep and help a kid. It'll be rewarding.
