Monday, July 6, 2009


Sick of inviting your friends for a dinner or movie only? Have friends or colleagues whom are into fun and interesting theme parties? Love to build up a common topic or network circle with your friends or colleagues outside work? Wish to introduce your friends to our NG family?
This 25th of July (Saturday), invite them to our fruitfully-programmed Masquerade party with formal outfit, buffet dinner + dessert, drama and dance performance! Most importantly we have numerous attractive door prizes to be won and the most generous ever of ‘Best Dress Award’!
DO walk across the room or make a call or email out an invitation - as the 1st small step before a far-from-God-person can experience the genuine and humbling love of God!
Tickets are NOW ON SALE! Contact Leann before 17/7/09 (Friday) for an early-bird price of $35.

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