Monday, July 6, 2009


Praise God for a wonderful baby shower where the parents are showered with the gifts and prayer of love on last Saturday from 9.30 am to 12.30 noon.
We started with a big breakkie of porridge, pancake, cheese plate and sausages; and get the guests to pull and cut a yarn to the size they believe would fit perfectly around the Mother-To-Be's center of her pregnant tummy. After the breakkie, we compare the results to the Mommy-To-Be's actual tummy and Neekee's team won for being the closest!
We then had Grace, Su Reen & Joel from each team to demonstrate the process of taking shower for a 'baby-dog', which Su Reen did it beautifully. It was a great short 'child development class' as we discussed about the do's and don'ts about showering for a baby.
We next played 'How Well Do You Know Parents-to-be'. We had each team guessed what features (i.e. smile, eyes, intelligence, etc.) the parents wants most on the baby from either the mum or the dad. The results were quite out of expectation but something to look forward to!
The last activity was a quiz of some common baby knowledge. We ended the baby shower with prayers in agreement and the reading of many loving messages written by the brothers and sisters for the parents to be on paper cutout hearts in giving them advice and words of encouragement.
Please pray together that Sharon's baby will be delivered safely in the best health conditions for the baby boy and the mum. May God's wisdom and strength be upon the parents-to-be as they begin to raise a child. May we as a family become a support and encouragement to the new parents-to-be in every little ways that we can!

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