Monday, July 13, 2009


Praise God for unto us a baby boy is born! With a weight of 2.96 kg and a height of 52.5 cm, Nathan Eng has emerged into this world on the 10th of July at 10.32 am.

We thank those who paid them a visit at the Royal Brisbane Hospital. With God's blessings, we pray that Nathan will fill Eng's world with joy, warmth and love. Sharon's body will find speedy recovery in God's hands and Alex be empowered with strength and high adaptability for his new role as a daddy.
For those who are wondering what they can do to help out the new parents, your generous help in taking up the cooking roster for a 2-meal-portion of food on the Wednesday and Friday would be greatly appreciated. Delievery of the food can be done either at Eng's place (Taringa) or Neekee's place (Underwood). Please approach Neekee for more details or volunteering.
Thanks for actioning our motto: Loving People, Loving Life in deeds! We are proud of each one of you!

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